Might as well start it now.
I’ve just placed £10 on Pete Buttigieg at 10/1.
Might as well start it now.
I’ve just placed £10 on Pete Buttigieg at 10/1.
I’ll repeat my offer to moderate a Karachi Auction in Thread Games. Let SDMB players set the book on 2020 outcomes (using pretend money).
I’ll have to look that up, but it sounds fun. Let’s keep this thread for real bets by people prepared to put their money where their mouths are.
I think betting on US elections is illegal for American Dopers (assuming you mean real money on real websites/casinos.) Can we participate with some fake currency?
This site says that it used to be mostly illegal but now is up to individual states.
Are federal elections really considered a sport?
More importantly, such continues to be illegal in the state of Illinois where the Straight Dope is based.
Bet quatloos. Bet for honor. I think we’d appreciate no cash wagers here on the Straight Dope Message Board concerning sports or the upcoming presidential election.
Curious: are prediction markets like PredictIt legal in Illinois? Having trouble finding a straight answer online.
That is…an open question.
But it’s long been policy here that things that are illegal in the USA and the state of Illinois make ownership nervous. Hence discussions of election outcomes via Predictit are fine. Actual betting here would not be.
Nonetheless, I’ve shared it on the mod loop. If there are any developments I’ll share it here. Until that time, keep the cash out of it.
Just a quick check: you’re happy with we non-Merkins discussing placed bets, right?
I’ve bet £500 on “Anybody except Trump” to win £379
Sort of. Ruling come through overnight. No cash wagers on the Straight Dope.
I’m going to interpret that as meaning you can discuss your own wagers outside the dope but you cannot bet cash with other Dopers regardless of the two party’s location.
I’m going to leave this thread open given the above ruling. But let’s try to keep within the guidelines, please.
I’ll take Trump and I’ll bet 500 quatloos.
Too bad we can’t bet real cash money.
Quatloos don’t exist and you didn’t bet any. If it’s illegal for you to gamble and/or you don’t have the inclination to do so then too bad for you but leave this thread for people who put real bets down with real money.
Okay, here’s my opposite of a humblebrag: I bought Buttegieg shares on Predictit at 5 cents when I first heard him give an interview, then sold them at 10-12 cents. He’s at 19 cents now. Shoulda hung on to them a bit longer. (I don’t think he’ll get the nom, but I correctly predicted he’d get a bunch of attention.)
Quatloos exist for us Trekkies. Okay then, 750 quatloos on Trump. I’ll be back when he wins.
The Karachi Auction thing made my head spin. Maybe we could do a game where everyone starts with like 1000 quatloos and can bet them on the Predictit line at any given time. So you could spread your bets around on longshots early in the process, or hold off betting until the outcomes are more predictable (but the payoffs accordingly lower).
Anyway, someone said in another thread that Predictit has close to 50-50 odds on Trump being re-elected. Given the chance, I would consider betting serious money on No.
Yeah yeah I know he is highly unpopular here.