“The 25 Best Restaurants in Chicago” 2024

Wondering what local Chicagoans (or area malcontents) think of this recent NYT list, gift linked below?

Never heard of most of them. The four I’m familiar with are Hopleaf, Lula Cafe, Superdawg, and Tortas Frontera (not coincidentally, four of the cheapest ones on this list). I would recommend all of them highly, so I’d guess the rest of the list is probably good too.

I’ve been to 12 of them. And they were very good and (mostly) expensive with a few exceptions.

I am dubious though about Tortas Frontera at O’Hare International Airport being on the list. I have never been there but…really? I certainly will never, ever, ever go to the airport for a meal. If I am there to travel…maybe…but O’Hare food/drink/everything is colossally overpriced (I am understating it…it’s truly absurd). Hard to overstate just how screwed you are on prices where there. I cannot imagine such a place ever being worthwhile. But, again, I have not actually eaten there so maybe it is.

I go there almost every time I’m at O’Hare. It’s not as good as Bayless’ actual restaurants, but it’s definitely the best food I’ve ever had in an airport. Still, top 25 in the city is pushing it.

Husband will be at O’Hare later today, I guess I won’t point him to Tortas Frontera then.

Maybe you should! I mean, everything there is overpriced. Have him walk into a “Hudson’s News” shop and price a bag of Doritos (really…it is jaw dropping…last time I was there a kid wanted a bag of chips and his mom told him in no uncertain terms that she would never, ever pay that for a bag of chips so stop asking…it will not happen).

If you are willing to pay the airport premium Tortas Frontera might well be the best option there.

I found the airport Tortas Fronteras to be very reasonably priced for an airport. I think I paid around $12 for a torta last year, and I would have gladly paid about the same price downtown for one. It was the best airport food I’ve ever had, to be honest. For an airport, I expected it to be priced closer to $20+ dollars.

I’ve been to a few of the places on there (Al Bawadi, Avec, Johnnie’s, Hopleaf, Kim’s, Superdawg, The Duck Inn, Tortas Frontera, and the original Uncle John’s Barbecue [not the Homewood one mentioned there]) The only one I don’t agree with out of those is Superdawg. That’s an okay joint for the charm, but they put out a so-so dog, and crinkle-cut fries (instead of the hand-cut fries you’ll see at proper Chicago joints). It’s not even a natural casing hot dog which automatically disqualifies it for me for being anywhere near the top of a “best hot dogs in Chicago” list, much less a best restaurants in Chicago list.)

I used to eat at Lula Cafe quite often when I lived in Logan Square… checks calendar… holy cow, it’s been 20 years. Well, glad to see it’s still going strong. Their food was delicious.

(The other place I used to eat at in Logan Square a lot was El Cid. I think they’re still there too. The only Mexican place included on the list is also in Logan Square, but I’m pretty sure it’s wasn’t there when I was.)

I’ll be in Chicago in two weeks and none of these places are on my agenda.

A bag of Doritos in Canada is $2.79 at the Seven-Eleven for a smallish bag; $4.49 at some grocers for the medium one. I hate to think what the airport is charging.