The Alina Habba Pit thread

Continuing the discussion from What is Alina Habba's deep game?:

I think that Trump’s lawyer deserves her own thread. A mod note in the P&E thread dedicated to her suggested taking some of the discussion to the Pit, following a comment from @I_Love_Me_Vol.I about coming up with a mocking nickname for her.

I’ll also repeat what I had said over in the P&E thread about how she got to be Trump’s lawyer.

She targeted a Trump employee who had been a victim of sexual assault by her manager (not Trump himself) and pretended to be the employee’s friend, offering to take care of her. Then she got that person to sign away her ability to go after her attacker or Trump’s business. This was all in a scheme to impress Trump and it worked.

Here’s a very thorough and entertaining Legal Eagle video about it.

Anyway, feel free to comment about Habba here without having to worry about rules like decorum or keeping on topic (while still keeping in mind that even in the Pit misogyny isn’t likely to be well-received, and really just don’t do it at all anywhere people).

I can’t think of a worse nickname than “Trump lawyer”.

I will admit that staying away from gross misogyny is going to be a challenge, because so much of this story seems to cry out for some kind of slut-shaming.

But Alina Habba is stream of incompetence that runs deep and not at all silently, so I figure there’s still plenty to comment on.

No need to lower myself when to that level, because there is so much pit-worthy regardless of gender.

I meant to ask earlier, but this seems like a good place: anybody have a handy link to this interview?

I also agree that Habba represents a rich vein of malicious incompetence and there’s no need to resort to misogyny to pit her.

You can find it here: 'I can fake being smart': Trump lawyer Alina Habba says she'd rather be pretty - Raw Story


Am I the only one who noticed that she seems really bad at faking being smart?

I’d just call her “Lucky to be Pretty”, but that’s too clunky for a nickname.

“I drank too much and ate Taco Bell last night. I think I need to run to the bathroom. I’m about to have explosive Trump Lawyer.”

One of the comments under that Raw Story video is “She should start at least faking she’s smart.”

You can fake being smart for a short period of time. When it comes to a long con, especially when you’re in the public eye, it’s much more difficult to pull off faking smarts.

She’s also faking being pretty. Sure, her face is nice enough, but her soul is ugly as fuck.

I guess I can quote my comment in the original P&E thread on this issue:

Parking Barbie

or perhaps

Lawyer Spice (I stole that from an age-old thread where someone referred to Thomas Kinkaide as “Painter Spice.” Which still cracks me up).

Am I the only one who sees her name and thinks ‘Ali Baba’? Which is sad, since Ali Baba was a good guy.

I have thought of “Habba Baba”.

“Baba” is Russian for “grandmother”. (As in Baba Yaga.)

It can also be used as a general female pejorative in Russian depending on context.

I think most people are still waiting for any evidence of her faking it for even that short period of time. I wouldn’t even call her method to gain TFG’s attention to be smart, even of the evil variety. At best I’d call it opportunistic and incredibly short-sighted as it has blown up in her face.

Imagine being so stupid that you go on TV and confirm that you have to fake being smart.

It does have the same rhythm as “Ali Ababwa”…

Apropos of nothing, an aunt’s maiden name was Barbara Abar. Backwards, that’s ‘Rabaarabrab’.
