When I put mine up: never.
When I take it down: never.
I guess I could say that I would expect other people to put it up on the Friday after Thanksgiving and take it down the day after Christmas. But since escaping from my mother’s “yeah I’m pagan but let’s put up a Christmas tree because it’s tradition” talons, I frankly haven’t bothered to pay much attention.
You put up Christmas decorations the Sunday after Thanksgiving, or sometime that following week, and take them down sometime between 12/26 and 1/3, depending on travel schedule. Putting up Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving is well and truly over is a hanging offense, imo.
We put ours up the day after Thanksgiving, and generally take it down a few days after New Years. (Jan 6th)
Except…last year. We started the day after Christmas, because Annie and Luci wouldn’t stop stealing the ornaments. My mother thought ahead and bought all new, generic ornaments, KNOWING they’d play with the tree. However, it was worse than we anticpated, and I was tired of playing “Tree Guardian”, so my dad just said “fuck it.”
(And it’s not like you can squirt a cat that’s climbing in a Christmas tree – not with all the lights)
Why? Because that’s how everyone in our (mostly Catholic) family has done it forever - forever being for at least the past six/seven decades. Even those of us who aren’t Catholic still do it that way.
Up: Dec 1st or later (no earlier)
Down: When I feel like it. Depends on delayed Christmas parties, school work and laziness/procrastination. Ideally mid-January, and I tend to feel bad if it’s still up by Valentine’s day. We have a new cat this year - it might only last a day or two!
Now I only use a 3 footer, and my son puts it up early December, me -it would be mid December. I am thrilled to take everything down and wipe all remnants of xmas out of my house on Christmas day.
I have three Christmas trees that I put up each year. an 8’ in the kitchen, a 7’ in the dining room, and a 4’ in the living room. This year, I’ve got another one, but it’s just a ceramic, 1 1/2’ thing. It belonged to my mom, and when she passed away a couple months ago, it became mine. I think it will reside in the bathroom, until I can come up with somewhere better to put it.
I like to have at least one tree up by Thanksgiving. It just adds a little something to the festivities, I guess. Everything comes down the day after Christmas.
I want to hang the lights outside this weekend, since the weather will be perfect for it. The outside lights don’t come on until Thanksgiving night, in our area. We’ll see what I get accomplished. I don’t hold out much hope for getting anything done by Thanksgiving, though. I’m in ‘lazy’ mode.
The tree goes up no earlier than Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, which (to steal a line from Unca Cecil) for those of you who grew up thinking impure thoughts and eating hamburger on Fridays, is the same thing as two Sundays before Christmas Day. Because Advent is long this year, that makes it pretty early - December 12th - and we may decide to wait, out of respect for my husband’s sanity level. (He grew up with the tree going up on what Norwegians call “Little Christmas Eve”, December 23rd.)
The tree comes down absolutely no later than the Epiphany, January 6th.
Up: After 12/5, as that’s TheKid’s birthday and I don’t want Xmas to override “her” day. We usually put it up the following weekend.
Down: New Years Eve or Day
I don’t bother with the tree, but If I was so inclined, I’d put one up no earlier than the week before x-mas and have it down no later than two days after.