Okay – I’m here – I’m planning to watch – I’m not necessarily expecting to be entertained … all systems normal.
That was an ass-kicking.
Down 34%?
This will be the Best. Boardroom. Evah!
H O L Y C R A P !!!
THAT was a boardroom first allright.
Holy shit! I missed the first forty minutes. Damn, damn, damn. :eek:
Damn. That was a bloodbath worthy of the end of GODFATHER.
Yep, that was pretty shocking. And satisfying…seeing all four of them crowded into one cab was pretty damn sweet.
Best boardroom and best cab ride EVAH.
Best. Taxicab. EVER!
Though if only allowed one, I’d have gone with Jennifer, if only for the threatening “That’d be a big mistake, Mr. Trump”. This is not a man renowned for his humility and self effacing style.
Tune in next week when Donald fires all of the folks on MARTHA’S APPRENTICE.
Including Martha!
God that was satisfying!
I wish I still smoked, so I could lie back and light one up.
Mark wuz robbed.
… and they just sit there in the taxi, not talking or making eye contact.
Huh. Didn’t see that coming.
So, are all the rest of the contestants going to be back in the suite, just waiting and waiting and waiting for someone, anyone to return from the baordroom?!
Oh, yeah~~~poor cabbie, too. Talk about your hostile passengers.
So is it safe to say that Josh was a better snarky commentator than he was a manager, James had a bad idea, Jen really should have been fired last week, and Mark was over due from the car task? Totally aside from his absolutely crawling up Josh’s butt at dinner.
So – does that explain the discrepancy between the number of candidates we started out with and the number of weeks Donald said the interview would last?
Definitely satisfying, but I feel bad for not-Josh and not-Jennifer. Forgot their names already, poor guys.
Donald doesn’t like it when people make him look bad, does he?
So where exactly does the cabby take these people when they leave? Even in NYC I can’t imagine that there are available flights leaving for all places at all times, and for four folks private planes would be right out. (I’m thinking the “last year’s winners” segment of Running Man.)
Trump v. Martha- hmmm. That’d be a showdown. He’d fight hard, but ultimately she’d kick his lily white butt.