the april fools mmp

Howdy Y’all! I laundered, ahrned, found pine straw online and ordered it for pickup tomorrow, and made sup which has been et. All in all not a bad day. Still I would have never imagined myself lookin’ at bales of pine straw online, but that I did! I have no idea what enough would be so what I got will have to do. So mote it be!

As for me bein’ [del]church janitor[/del] Junior Warden in perpetuity, that can’t happen. Even if [del]completely lost my mind[/del] were to be JW for the rest of my term on the Vestry, that would end in January 2022. After that it would be two years before I could stand for election to the Vestry again. I think I would like to serve at least one of my remainin’ years as Senior Warden. I think. The ultimate Junior Warden (seriously the man put together a hand over manual) did serve as JW for three years. This is his second year off the Vestry, but he won’t be eligible to run because his wife currently serves and bylaws state no more than one person per household can hold office, thus no husband/wife/spousal/other kinds of related stuff can be on the Vestry at the same time.

Dang Bear! Give a speech! :smiley:

JohnBoy (can’t remember a nickname and right now this strikes my fancy) I like escargot and that sounds good. However, I do know that escargot exists as a reason to eat a whole lot of butter and garlic. The 'shrooms make it even a better reason!

{{{Juliet}}} hope the toof feels better today.


Juliet, keep in mind that any dental procedure can be done with numbing of sedation for most people. I hope that your tooth feels better soonest.

bumba, in my career as a diabetic, I never really had that problem until I got my bg under control with insulin. I’ve decreased the nighttime injection a couple of times and did again last night. I do keep glucose tablets in my insulin kit, glove box and desk drawer at irk, but sometimes it hits me somewhere away from them. I’ve been known to step into a break room at irk for a shot of coffee mate (check out the first two ingredients: high fructose corn syrup and sugar :eek: ).

nut, keeping appendages crossed for a good deal on your car.

Speaking of cars, I should be going to pick mine up tomorrow after irk. Yay!!! I can commence to parking a vehicle as opposed to docking one and get my [del]butt warmers[/del] heated seats badk.

I irked on revising a report to include several hundred new locations broken down into areas for most of the day today and got a request for the new senior operations accountant for a special quarter end report that we’ve never done, but won’t be too difficult and should make a good impression on him. :slight_smile:

Now’s time to kick back in the studio.

Finished soccer practice for the -8 and 9 year olds…they are exhausting, their attention spans can be measured in milliseconds, a couple of them have ADD (not my opinion, their parents) so getting things done is a constant battle. And then one of my players didn’t follow my instructions and ended up practicing with another coach. Give me back my -10/11 year olds, it’s amazing how much more mature those couple of years are.

Red, good news on the vehicle front, and I always loved it when the bosses asked for reports that I could just pull existing data into and have ti fro them in no time. Hope yours works out.

swampy, we just been funnin’ ya, you know. But you are a competent individual, and in my opinion there are a limited number of them, and people know it and will try to retain them,

Moooooomm, When I stop for something after soccer, I usually don’t try to cram my billforl back into the gym shorts but leave it in the drinks holder in the front. That’s where it has rested the last two nights (did remember to bring it in the house today). Lucky I have a clocked garage…

Bumba, Red, looks like you’re not the only one…

And I’ve had occasions where they read the number of dollars or cents wrong, but missing a whole zero? Weird.

LAJohn, congrats on the 12 year anniversary and keep me in mind if they need help again.

Mac-n-Cheese has been consumed and all seems right with the world (so something is going to get messed up…). All y’all take care.

yeah my cousin has made himself indispensable for the place he works for and will never get out of middle management because they think hes perfect where hes at…….

Good Mornin’’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 43 Amurrkin out and clear (well, dark) with a predicted high of 74 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. I shall procure groceries this mornin’ and then pick up and deliver pine straw. Life is a thrill a minute! :smiley: Sup shall be soup ‘n sammiches over to the church house. I foresee some Netflix bingin’ this afternoon, as well.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, bother of bothers, I must purtify and don appropriate goin’ about the public attire. Alas.

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Roxy had a really bad evening and night - much crying, some bordering on tantrums. Either she isn’t feeling well (possible) or it’s the teething (also possible) or she’s PMSing already… :eek: I warned the sitter - hope she calms down today.

Lots of crap still on my desk, so it’ll be a busy day. On the other hand, it beats a sharp stick in the eye! :eek:

Happy Wednesday!!

Happy Hump Day!

Cold, but N.O.S. outside.

Ripple is off to daycare, so after my morning shift, we will be heading outside to irk in the yard.

White tailed cat was in my chair again this morning, and she/he didn’t run when I let Ripple out, but did run when I said hello.

Morning all. No errands to run today, so some house cleaning may be on tap and chillin’ until the -6 year old soccer practice this evening. Do need to make an appointment for my annual physical to find out I’m fat and have high blood pressure. 50F outside getting to 64F, but rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.

We had “training” this morning for a new version of software we’ve been using. It went on for over an hour. All I needed to know was covered in the 2 minutes before the teleconference was connected. The rest of the time, I struggled to maintain consciousness.

But I’ve since lunched and I’m about to dive back into productivity. And I think I’ve decided what to make for supper, so there’s that.

It will, I’m sure. One of the things I’m really good at is time and management.

Which means I have NO hope of advancement at Da Jungle. :wink:

And now that I have that one done -------- changed and shot today and will generally start packing and organizing things (physically) tomorrow. Much sun but much wind as well so I am thinking maybe a car for work.

Howdy Y’all! Groceries got procured and stowed. The pine straw awaits pickup by me a little later this afternoon. I figure I’ll go get it, take it to the church house, and stay there for soup 'n sammich and the Lenten program. Didn’t see the need to make two trips in a day when one will do. Much chillage has ensued this afternoon.

bleh unprintables at my cousin for making me walk to the bank with my aunt to get the rent … Not my fault she wrecked the car ………
was Waiting for workers supervisor to call me so I can tell him ive been waiting almost a month for worker to call neither called …so I get to call district boss who wont call me back either
So Friday I get to talk to state boss who will and raise hell an get things done finally ……. have I done this before ? why yes …yes I have

but after the election in Chicago theres hope for the world yet MSN

I’m getting ready to take some pictures. Not today, but sometime in the not-too-distant future.

I need batteries for my Nikon FM2. I’ll use that one first. Then I’ll exercise the Pentax K1000, and then the Nikon FM3a. Next will be the Olympus OM-1 and OM-4T. I’ll have to find my Canon AE-1 Program. There’s an Argus C4 rangefinder camera too, and I have a light meter handy.

I suppose I should buy some film sometime.


Whoever came up with the rules about buying second hand cars is either a total idiot or a really nasty person. Just sayin’. You have to get the new car taxed, which can be done online or at the post office, before you can drive it home. You also can’t tax it until you have the ownership document off the previous owner.

You used to get a grace period of 5 days, before it was possible to pay online, allowing you to at least get home first, but now you don’t. Given that my phone barely gets internet anywhere round here, this means I can only purchase a car at a time and place where an open post office is within walking distance. Oh, and because of insurance, I basically have to get rid of my current car first (or at least keep it off road, and officially declare it to be so, which is not going to go down well with neighbours if I hog two spaces for more than a few days).
I don’t have enough spare brain to work out the cheapest option…

Nappage complete. Also have a Doctor’s appointment Moanday morning for my annual physical, so I have that to look forward to…

Nut, if you were in Chicago I’d say ‘car fire’, but I think England may not take that well to such responses. Hope something gets worked out.

LA John, I’m lucky if a can run one point-n-shoot at a time, much less an array of cameras (my current on is a Nikon Coolpix L830). Happy snapping.

Shady, hope the walk wasn’t too long. Get after them, let’em know messing with you is going to hurt–them.

Need to get ready for soccer practice here in a little bit. It’s the most fun I have, 6-year olds are a joy (except for the mischievious ones…)

I’ve been neglecting my 35 mm SLRs for years. With the DSLR and the iPhone, and the Nikon CoolPix I gave to my sister a while back, it’s much more convenient to take snapshots digitally. It’s time I get out and take some ‘real’ photos.

The British Empire encompassed what, a third of the world, and it has fallen to jerking around citizens who own cars? :dubious:

Howdy Y’all! Home from soup ‘n sammich and Lenten program over to the church house. I also hauled all three biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig trash cans down to the place they go for pickup tomorrow. Tomorrow I meet with our head cleaner person to discuss issues with cleanin’. I expect an outcome of better service. There exists a checklist to follow and it must be followed. Also, I shall need to have a talk with the president of our Episcopal Church Women (ECW) about gettin’ rid of leftover yahd sale stuff soonest. This is and shall be an issue for the ECW, not the [del]church janitor[/del] Junior Warden to resolve. I got wind tonight that she was goin’ to tell me, tell me, mind you, not ask me, to get rid of stuff. Nope. Don’t mess with a grumpy old gay gray man.

Pork shoulder and fart blossoms for dinner.
Was good.

White tailed cat is getting braver, I put some food out for him/her. WT is so skinny.
I suppose I should give him/her a name.