If you had a time machine and could swap body and personality with a movie a star,for a day, who would it be? Note: you would still be you, in mind, but would absorb the star’s personality traits that you admire most. For example: You can’t dance for shit. You want to be the best damn dancer ever. You become Fred Astaire and set a few dozen rugs on fire with those feet!
I would want to be Bruce Campbell. He’s damn good looking, and he’s got incredible charm, wit, and is just so freakin’ cool. I bet he is a babe magnet. I’d be hittin’ up those babes with his line, “Gimme some sugar, baby.”
Now for question two: If you could become that actor/actress for a day, what one of their movies would you want to act in?
Of course, I am going to have to go with a draw between Evil Dead Two, or Army of Darkness. AOD is one of my most beloved movies. It’s hilarious, cheap, and cheesy and that’s what makes it so damn much fun! Bigger and better, isn’t always better. Look at bombs like Batman & Robin, ugh!!!
Q1 I don’t know if aspire to be any actor really. Hell I’m already like Russell Crowe. Astaire would be pretty cool though. Breshnikov at his peak perhaps. Alternatively I’d like to try being a female. Maybe Maybe Cameron Diaz, Gabrielle Anwar, Audrey Hepburn or Milla.
Q2 I’d like to be Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride. Or Bruce Willis in the 5th Element (hey he gets to kiss Milla)
I would love to be Christina Ricci for the day! She is so adorable!
I would pick “Sleepy Hollow”. Not only did she have beautiful costumes, but she also got to work with Johnny Depp.
BUT. . . I would love to be Audrey or Katherine Hepburn. Katherine in The Lion in Winter, one of my favorite all-time movies ever. Audrey in almost any of her movies, but maybe Sabrina, because she got to work with Bogie. Or Roman Holiday. Mmmm, Gregory . . . Or Breakfast at Tiffany’s . . . Mmmm, George . . . okay, Audrey in anything!
I would also love to be Josephine Baker. I would say Dorothy Dandridge, but she suffered so much in her life, I don’t know when I would want to be her. Lena Horne is extraordinary.
If I were to pick a guy, I think it would be John Wayne. Or Robert Mitchum. Jimmy Stewart. Okay, I’ll stop now.
I would become Howard Stern - beyond his schtick, he seems like a very complex and interesting individual. His true personality comes out everyonce in a while. I admire his gift of gab.
movie - think of Howard as Neo. THat would be fun.
Bruce Campbell is a grrreat choice. He should have been on my laminated list. ::shucky darns::
I’d like to be Angelina Jolie. She’s an amazing looking woman, so that part would probably be fun, and she’s going to star as Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movie. I’ve always loved the idea of a female version of Indiana Jones, and that would probably be the closest thing I could get to it. I think that whole experience would just be awesome!
Alternately, I think I would like to be Helen Hunt. I think she has character, not to mention I’d like to know what it’s like to walk around in a body like that, even for one day. Also, Hank Azaria is just adorable . . . I would rather be Helen in As Good As It Gets (Greg Kinnear/Jack Nicholson talent sandwich) than be her on Mad About You. Paul Reiser looks about 15 years older than he actually is; I’d rather kiss Jack!