The Biden Administration: a puppy-hug in the making

Based on how the Constitution was originally written, I imagine it would only be worth $12.

Eh, I’ll chance it.

Now that asshole has been caught giving a flower to his wife! Is there no depth of depravity to which he will not sink?

I’m surprised he didn’t claim the White House is deteriorating from lack of maintenance and lawn care as evidenced by a dandelion growing in the grass.

Because dandelions are hard to find in nature. And if you are going to fake a romantic gesture, a dandelion is the first flower that comes to mind.

DandelionGate is going to be the scandal that brings down this administration, mark my words!!

It’s really so nice having a normal human as president again.

The photo showed a bunch of dandy lions in the grass. The one Joe gave to Jill was a puffy seed head. The NewsMax guy, who couldn’t resist showing off his knowledge of the dandelion life cycle, jumped all over Joe for giving Jill a dandelion that hadn’t even reached its flower stage yet. He also said it would give everyone asthma.

ETA: Cite for the above claims (one of any number you can find):

ETA: Breaking news! Pfizer, Moderna and a few others are already competing to be the first out with a preventive Dandelionitis vaccine! Would you take this jab?

Do the few others include Ortho and Roundup?

It could, I think there is room for more vaccine producers since Trump’s deal with Clorox fell through.

Ha ha so funny how conservative commentators in the US think they still have credibility any more.

What’s really funny is how everybody lets these radicals get away with calling themselves “conservative.”

…and taking their word.

This will be society’s downfall, if I may be so dramatic.

Good point

Then where is the push-back from the “true conservatives”.

IMHO they don’t exist. They where more about the racism and other bigotry than “fiscal conservative” and other bullshit all along.

Joe is doing a great job. Republican here, voted for him. Think he’s doing wonderful! First 100 days are great. But Goddammit! If MY FUCKING dog bit 2 people, it would be hauled off and put down! That is some Old Bullshit unacceptable crap right there! Lock those fuckers back up in Delaware, dammit!

In My Humble Opinion, being the President does not excuse you from being a responsible pet owner. In fact, it should be a disqualifying event (yes, yes, I know where this is gonna go…).

I, uh, agree with you. It seems one of them (the younger one, iirc?) is not dealing well with the transition to the hustle and bustle of the White House. It’s not fair to literally ANYONE to keep him there. Sorry, Joe.

IIRC, neither time was any skin broken. Little harsh to banish forever over that, especially a rescue shelter dog. He was immediately taken away for intensive retraining.

Oh my God, the irony (or whatever). I just got my dog probably killed my a rattlesnake.