The Big Bang Theory 1/19--The Recombination Hypothesis (100th Episode)

Leonard asks Penny out on an impromptu romantic date.

Why do I keep seeing BBT promos promoting tonights episode as the first of 6 new episodes in a row?

Wasn’t last weeks episode a new one?

Dang it. I thought it was good - until the overused plot device. In spite of my distaste for that particular trick, there were some awesome LOL moments.

Yes, it’s an overused plot device, but one character’s use of the overused plot device led to the other character’s use of the overused plot device which turned out to be an excellent punchline for the episode.

Actaully I thought it was an excellent episode, and thought even the overused plot device was well done.

I agree with this and will even add that it would have been a bad episode without the overused plot device.

I’m also not a body humor guy but…god help me…I laughed every. single. time. at the wood jokes.

Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!

I have sheep and I need wood.

“Now, where were we?”

“You were in the middle of an erection.”

“Oh yes, it’s right in my hand!”

I could swear the bathrobe Penny was wearing was the same one she told Howard to keep after he wore it when the ‘Whore of Omaha’ was visiting.

“Friends don’t get friend’s care bears sweaty.”

Dick jokes and the old, “oh, it was just a dream”?


C’mon BBT, you can do better.

I 'm glad theye featured a better game than Talisman. And the wood for sheep jokes are infamous amoung Catan players.


When they were in the restaurant, what sort of bumper sticker did Leonard say that the Subaru (next to which he parked) had? I couldn’t quite catch it.


I kind of enjoyed the “it was just a daydream” revelation, actually. Mainly because it actually did surprise me for a change. And the final lines made it all worth it: “Have you thought this through?” “Yes, and I think we should do it anyway.”

Although it was kind of odd that Leonard’s daydream included Penny, Amy, and Bernadette discussing double-dates. That didn’t quite seem to fit, in retrospect.

I liked it. I think that it’s funny how he dreamt that Penny tried to get all dressed up for him, said things like, “I don’t want to do anything stupid, like breaking up with you again.” and called him out of sleep to get makeup sex.

Not to mention that Leonard’s daydream apparently included the whole segment of Sheldon, Howard and Raj playing cards.

I was reminded of that Simpsons episode that takes place at an Indian casino, where most of it turns out to be a vision that Lisa had.

Lisa: “Wait a minute. Why did my vision have Dad searching for Lincoln’s gold?”
Shaman: “Uh…maybe the spirits though the main vision was a little thin.”

I generally don’t go for that type of humor, either, but that was pretty funny!

I think it was so funny because Sheldon never caught on as seems to happen with it most of the time.

The Big Bang Theory–Hal Briston edition (oh yeah, like I was the only Doper thinking it).

I enjoyed it greatly. And I so hope Penny and Leonard get back together.