The Billion Dollar MMP

Forget that noise. Just buy the hotel. We can then damage it with impunity!

I worked, I came home. I’m making chilie chicken quinoa with corn, and drinking a Duck Rabbit Milk Stout.:slight_smile:

Fish lives

Rockin’, so you’re saying we should have a Keith Moon style party?:smiley:

Bbbobbio, sic 'em!

Maybe you should go into the letter writing business ** BBBobbio**.

Like the guy who started the glitter bomb letters, you could get rich.
So, I love it when it all comes together.
As I had posted before, or maybe not because sometimes I start to post and get distracted…

Sah-son had is orientation for his algebra class last Wednesday.
He had some trouble there because he doesn’t have a personal email, and why the professor wants that instead of the college email??? She says it’s because people check their personal email more often than their class emails. He had trouble logging in to the program the math class uses, and he was the last person out of the class because of the help he needed. The professor suggested to him that he maybe shouldn’t take an online class. I asked him if he told her he had already taken 4 online classes and got A’s in all of them - but he didn’t because he didn’t inherit my mouth.
Anyway, he was upset, because he gets upset over stuff like this and feels like he is stupid or whatever - I don’t know - he needs to chill out.

So Saturday he spent a little time paying with the math software , and Sunday he spent a few hours going through the introduction and practice lessons. He also completed his first assignment but didn’t turn it in yet because it’s a written assignment and he always saves those overnight and proofreads them the next day. It is due on Wednesday for full credit and Friday for partial credit.

Today - which is the first day of class - he gets an email from the professor saying she noticed that he did the practice assignments but he hasn’t done any of his real assignments yet and he needs to get started on them or he will fall behind.

WTF???!!! It’s the first damn* first *day of school, one assignment is due Wednesday, another is due Sunday and two quizzes are due NEXT Tuesday. This got him upset, I told him to chill out.
I told him just get an A in the class and show her she doesn’t know as much as she thinks she does.

However, I’m afraid she has already formed a negative opinion of him - but maybe she does this to all of her students. Its math though, so the grading won’t be too subjective. With math it is either right or wrong, opinions don’t matter.

So anyway, he proofread his assignment ad went to turn it in and it won’t work. He has to upload a picture of himself, and while the text part of the assignment will copy over the picture won’t. So I sit with him and I find the online manual fir the software and what they say to do doesn’t work. We try this and we try that and nothing works. Finally we got it to work and submit the assignment.

So we start looking through what everybody else has turned in. You can’t see anybody else’s work until you turn in your own. This is the introduce yourself assignment and he is required to respond to everybody else in the class. Everybody had to post two lies and one truth about their self and then all the class mates have to guess which one is the truth.

He starts looking through them and nobody has a picture - they all have links. Including the professor’s post.
Now he is really upset, but the instructions say to upload a picture.

He got up and walked away, but I kept on scrolling through the other responses - and one other girl has posted a picture.

The best part - the instructor responded to the girl saying something about how great it was that she got her picture to upload and that even she (the professor) couldn’t figure it out. That she finally gave up and posted a link.

So much for thinking Sah-son isn’t ready to take an online class!
He figured it out.

Got my roughly 4x4" slip of paper that’s all but guaranteed to be worthless in two days. No lines either, despite the images of mobbed bodegas across the land. Apparently, the secret is to buy lottery tickets at the grocery store at 9:30 PM. No throngs at 7-11 either, when I was there for gas.

However, things may be different on Wednesday evening.

Up, caffeinated, off to work. Hockey after work.:slight_smile:

Blurf. Got up way too early, couldn’t get back to sleep, so I RPed a little bit. I am hooked on the band Roxette right now, so I’m listening to their greatest-hits album on YouTube.

I must admit I was not melting down over Bowie’s death either, I was more saddened by Lemmy’s passing although to be fair, he did live a pretty good life. Bowie was kind of there in the background doing quirky stuff, but really not my preferred genre of music so although I might miss his obvious talent etc, his physical presence is not the same.

I am at irk, it is irksome as usual, we have lots of stuff being handed in a the moment, first week of teaching and all, so things are a bit hectic in the office this week. I have an interview for the secondment position on Thursday so I suppose I’d better have a look through the job spec and my expression of interest document as well in preparation for it.

Tonight I will be thoroughly unpopular with the felines, I have to take all their food away when I go to bed because Ophelia has to be at the vets in the morning on an empty stomach so no food for her, and Shadow can’t have anything until Ophie’s safely in her carrier ready to head out. There will be much wailing and gnashing of feline teeth.

**BooFae **- just so they’re not gnashing their teeth on you!! :eek:

As for Lemmy - I’d never heard of him till he died, I guess that’s further proof of my tragic unhipness…

I think I’ll need to start showering at night so I can get out of the house a bit earlier in the morning. I just barely got to the office on time. I don’t want to set the alarm for earlier - pre-bed shower it is!

Altho after tomorrow, it won’t matter. :smiley:

Happy Tuesday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 30 Amurrkin out and clear with an expected high of 58 and sunny for the day. Not too shabby. I shall spend most of the day in the north forty with three new enrollments. Then I shall return to da cave to submit all three enrollments. Makes no sense for me to drive to the orifice when I can do that from here just as well as I can from there.

BBBOBBIO sic 'em!

Sari yay for Sah-Son!

OK, I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence. Since I’m leavin’ to head north from da cave, I can slack a little bit, so there’s that.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

BLURF Tis raining and 65F. Going back to sleep for an hour.

Happy Toosday!

I’m up too early - damn bladder this time. I am going to feel it later today and I am sure to crash.

It’s cold outside.
Last night I was taking to a friend who lives in Hawaii, he was complaining about it being cold, 75 degrees. Made me feel like less of a wuss about the cold.

I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat, but I don’t know how I can be sick when I’m not around anybody long enough to collect germs.

Much on the agenda to do today - but having to go outside isn’t one of them.
I am grateful for that.

I used too many spoons yesterday. It took three tries to get into bed comfortably. I did get about five and a half hours sleep thanks to Vic*, but he always leaves completely groggy the next day. I foresee nappage in my future ,which is basically the long way 'round of saying BLURF!

Good news from the doc though (good being relative) my progressive disease has not progressed very much at all over the last year. Gee. Why doesn’t that make me feel any better? :rolleyes:

*Vicoden. If y’all can have Mel and Ben, I can have Vic

Progress isn’t always a good thing, rosie, especially in this case. That’s sort-of good news, at least.

In news about me, I’ve had an extra cup of coffee this morning and I’m wired as hell and I won’t sleep for a week and I have the potential to get really agitated, but, umm, at least I’m awake? Super-awake. High on caffeine. This is what happens when you mess with drugs, kids.

Mini-break, to refresh my brain…

Jason leaves me pink sticky notes written in red since he comes in late and works late, and I’m in here early. I’ve got 3 on my desk at the moment that I ignored till I finished what I was messing with yesterday afternoon. Now I’m about to attack them.

This is the way I like things to be - plenty to do and my choice to prioritize, altho he’s free to set the priority, since it’s his project and all. :smiley: It’s good to be fully engaged.

Not that any of this will matter after tomorrow night.


I believe I was in a hit & run over night; but when did they install train tracks in my bedroom?

IOW: Blurf.

I’m awake and productive. Being a sleeping slacker was nicer.

Mel, Ben and now Vic?? Bunch of man whores here.:smiley:

**FCD **got reasonably good news, kinda sorta… He is going to have to have back surgery (#6 in the last 10 years) but barring something weird showing up on the MRI, this should be a relatively short procedure that should heal fairly quickly.

HOWEVER, (and there’s always a however) the Doc wants to do it this month, which means my party will be delayed. I’ll pick a date in the spring so we can maybe spill out into the yard. And of course, by they I’ll have settled in with my lottery winnings, so I can have you all picked up by limo. So there’s that. :smiley:

Meanwhile, lunch break. Soup again. It’s yummy and healthy and easy to pack - just dump a few ladle scoops into a plastic container. Done. Alas, no brownies. I want brownies. Maybe I’ll bake a big batch and bring them to work. Because I’m nice, dammit! :smiley:

How 'bout we all win? (While we’re dreaming and all :)) We each have magically picked up lottery tickets with the right numbers. It’s at 1.5 Billion right now and climbing. Plenty to go around I say.

Kids and hubby are off to their respective days. I am at home with a cold/virus. Grrr. I think I picked it up from co-irker last week who came in sick and hugged me. So now I have a fever, chills, sore throat, cough, stuffed up nose. The works. I shall shortly crawl back into bed and have nappage.

I also have just ordered a new toaster. Hubby is way more picky about his toast than I and has been complaining that our toaster oven, although better than any toasting machine we have owned to almost 25 years together, is not quite good enough. So we’ll try a toaster only machine and see if we can achieve toast perfection.

Off to my toast-y bed. :smiley:

You forgot Mr. Arthur Itis.
Mooommm, please consult with me before publishing a date, to make sure I’m available. :stuck_out_tongue:
…& good luck to FCD.