The Billion Dollar MMP

Got a bit of a surprise from the vet’s office yesterday - a sympathy card that was actually personalized. Looks like most of the staff wrote a note, which is nice compared to the “get well” cards from hospitals that just bear the signatures of the nursing staff and look as if they were mass-signed at last month’s staff meeting and stashed away until the unit clerk pulls one out, writes the patient’s name on it and drops it in the mail.

Another kinda neat thing about that vet is they took advantage of an architectural quirk of the strip mall building they’re in. There’s the regular entry, which is a divided double door. Dogs enter on the left, cats on the right, leading to separate waiting areas. That’s just clever and smart. The nice part is they have what I can only describe as the euthanasia room with homey furniture, artwork (and no steel exam table) and a separate exit to the outside, so once you’ve said your last goodbyes, you can just go.

And Vick*, who went to bed with me last night. :stuck_out_tongue:


Howdy Y’all! Home from irk and even got all the paperirk uploaded. Go Me! Now I have to consider what’s for dindin. Bein’ as I am sans adult supervision I’m thinkin’ maybe brekkie. Or ice cream. Or both!

gotti that’s a nice gesture from your Vet. I like the description of the Vet’s office setup, especially the private area for euthanasia.

{{{Sunny}}} feel better soonest.

Don’t forget Ty! :smiley:

Mooooom, Please send your private jet for me. Your limo can pick me up at the airport.

No sweat, rosie. :smiley:

And thus endeth my day. Time to go home and decompress…

And I’m home. We’re having lasagna for supper - I pulled a pack out of the freezer and it’s in a bowl of water defrosting. The bag is vacuum-sealed, so no, I’m not diluting my supper. :stuck_out_tongue:

My week is half done - 2 more days of craziness, then 4 days off. Yay!

Spidey, I’ll have my people call you people! :wink:

Snausage, scrambled aigs, cheese grits, and toast made for a nummy dindin. Ice cream will most likely follow a little later. OYKW is goin’ to Ruth’s Chris steak house in Etlanner with some of the folks at his seminar thingy. He’s never eaten there and neither have I. They decided tonight would be their treat night for dindin. Good for him. Good for them.

We haz snow storm
Snow, wind, thunder and lightening.

I also have an upset stomach, but that is my fault for not eating anything but a pretzel today.

Duly noted that party is postponed. Is cool, who knows what the weather will be anyway?

Swampy you’ll have to let us know what OYKW said about Ruth’ Chris. I’ve never been there either but hear it’s good.

By this time next week I will be on vacation. :slight_smile: I’d be happier about this except I’m worried about Detailed AGM. He beat feet out the door an hour before I left because his father was unresponsive and being rushed to the hospital. :frowning:

Butters I’ve heard everything from way over priced and mediocre steaks to best steak ever and worth every penny re Ruth’s Chris. OYKW is a steak addict so I’m lookin’ forward to hearin’ what he thinks.

BigKitty here’s hopin’ for the best for Detailed AGM’s father.

I am yawnin’ my haid off. Too early for beddy bye however.

I think I’m going to log off and crochet a bit.


Can I get a reboot on this year? So far, it sucks.

{{{Gotti}}} if anyone needs a reboot of 2016 it’s DH and you.

And that bein’ said, I am retirin’ to the boudoir. I shall watch teevee until sleepy time which I feel won’t be long.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

I got a lot accomplished today, including having the fuel injection cleaned on the car. I caught the dealership shuttle to/from irk and don’tthink I’ll do that again. The got me to work late and between the time lost and dinging my bonus, I figure it cost me $30 for a seven mile each way trip. I would have better off calling a cab or Uber. Then the afternoon driver was a wet nosed kid who couldn’t find my workplace, even with the address and instructions on which entrance to pick me up.

I topped it off with a drive thru (don’t judge!) t the red haired girl’s, where they gave me fries with my burger rather than the anticipated chili (it’s cold out here). Time to vegetate and watch NCIS.

Kinda crazy at irk lately, what with a lot of call-outs (nasty bug going around). I’ve spent most of my last two shifts on register. Officially, I’m a back-up cashier. There seems to be a significant shortage of same lately, as well as full-time cashiers being sparse and tending to call out a lot lately. Thankfully, most of the gang in my actual department can run pretty much on automatic without huge amounts of my attention. Did discuss with supervisor the problems I had Saturday with vanishing acts. Good news is the diva is mellowing into a decent co-worker. She’s still not the most punctual, and it would be nice if she’d find a higher gear as far as work speed, but at least it’s been a while since she threw a hissy about how “demeaning” it is to be given instructions by a mere lead.

Still, I’m glad I have tomorrow off. OK, so I’ll probably spend a lot of it finding the surface of my desk and possibly handling other chores, but at least irk is not my problem until 0730 Thursday. I can deal with home and school stuff tomorrow, plus spending quality time with my pillow (possibly with some help from Mel).

Roads going to work sucked in major and interesting ways. I never slipped but I saw at least 20-25 cars either spinning out or already spun into something. The drive home was much less exciting. Dinner was pasta with some heavily doctored DelGrosso’s sauce. Hey – own an amusement park and I’ll be loyal to your sauce! :slight_smile:

Tonight’s Weather Alert: WINDS…WEST 20 TO 30 MPH WITH GUSTS 45 TO 50 MPH. We’re also expecting some snurries.

Twas an interesting end to the run going back into both the wind & snurries.
I was also scolded by my coach & told to cut back some & that I shouldn’t keep trying to hit my ever-increasing daily step counter target. So when it’s 30° out I’m not required to go for a run at lunch? How will I keep busy at irk then?
In other news, it was a net positive laundry night. For some reason, last night, I did both of the loads of laundry that don’t go into the dryer. This exceeded the normal hanging capacity; you remember those beaded doorways from the 70’s(?)? That’s kinda what the bathroom doors looked liked, except with wet clothes instead of beads; had to limbo in & out. All of that has been folded & most of it has been put away & I have even done 1.6 loads (last one’s still in the dryer) of laundry tonight.

I worked, i went to hockey. Canes won. :smiley: I also made my first payment for the hockey Booster Club Convention in Long Island in August.:slight_smile:

gotti, my vet does the personal not thing too. (I guess they get a little attached to their regular patients, too)

Butters, I like the martinis at Ruth Chris’.

rosie, small victories are still victories.