The Black Viper Is Back

I am stunned. I thought it was gone forever.

The Black Viper is back.

There still seems to be some mystery as to exactly what happened. Lets see what he reviles in the coming weeks.

In the two years that he was gone I kinda started figuring out how to customize Windows services on my own. But I sure did miss the sight and I am super glad it is back up.

Interesting site. Hope he does get time to update the info there.

Can you inform those NBVF (Non-Black-Viper-Fans) who he is and what the craze is all about.

You can read a bit about him if you like.

Digg has some interesting comments and insight

And here is another article on his return at Lockergnome

I leaned quite a bit about windows from this guy. Some say his advice was not perfect but when his site went down many people were scrambling trying to get archived pages printouts and copied pages for reference.

I think he went with Cecil to infiltrate the Hansco Foundation.

He must be a doper because he follows our rules about cat photos, at least on his site.

So… who is this guy?

Check out the pic of the kitty perched on the toilet roll. :smiley: