**quoth panache45
If you’re frustrated mincing your words, that’s a big clue that it’s not working for you. I talk with straight people about my life just as matter-of-factly as they talk about theirs. **
I’ve been doing that more and more lately. The person that gets me is one of my bosses. Just this afternoon before leaving I said how hard it was to get out of bed. “I just wanted to snuggle.” His comment was, “Careful, I’m on drugs.” (Meds for his severe back pain). I have a feeling he’s one of those “You’re OK, but keep all that gay stuff to yourself because it makes me queasy.” ©goboy
**quoth andygirl
A thing to keep in mind about coming out:
context, context, context.
Don’t come out to someone when they’re driving a moving vehicle, for starters.
I’ll keep that in mind! 
andygirl continues
Seriously though[…] I have adopted the policy of not coming out to people as much as not bothering to hide it. If people are talking about relationships, I mention my girlfriend. If I feel it’s relevant, I’ll bring it up.
Seriously, I understand and agree that knowing the person’s level of gay-friendliness is very important in regards to my relationship. Case in point, the employee that has the “Charlton Heston is my President” probably would not be a good person to be open with.
I know my ex-wife is slowly getting used to the idea of me being gay. She’s not homophobic, but it is something she has not had to deal with in a personal way.
quoth Dobbieous
i know I wont hide it, but then I wont go around flaunting it loudly. Why? Sometimes it’s just not pertinent to the conversation.
I believe what Andygirl says, it is a process. I didnt gather all my friends together and tell them at once.
This seems to be the prevailing opinion, answer questions truthfully, include your partner in conversation when appropriate, but don’t go around saying, "I’m here, I’m queer, deal with it!!
Marvin mentioned how coming out is a life long process just the other day.
quoth Lee
Please, before making an annoucement in an article in a newspaper, tell your friends. One of my friends came out that way and it was very hurtful to read it in the newspaper before being told.
Lee, I think you misread my OP (which looking back it was not grammatically correct
). There is NO why I’ll post an announcement in the local paper. This area is very homophobic (the local gay bar was under constant protest for 4 years before it was finally closed :mad: )
AFA matchmaking, they’ll have to run their suggestions by the love of my life, Marvin! 
**quoth MisterBK
I gradually came out to others, sometimes in a similar manner as above, sometimes in direct and honest answers to casual questions. (“Whatcha doin’ over the weekend?” “Well, I’ve got a hot date!” “Ooooh…sounds fun. Who’s the luck girl?” “Actually, it’s this guy I met at…”) **
This has happened to me on a couple of occations. Mixed reactions. The first friend I came out to was in response to my new locale. When I said I moved in with a friend, he asked her name, when I said his name is Marvin, he exclaimed, “Don’t tell me you turned gay!!!” I said you don’t turn gay you either are or not. “YOU’RE GAY??” Suprising what people perceive, eh? Similar conversation the other week, a friend asked if he “knew her” and I said, “him” which he changed to “Do I know him?” very matter of factly.
**quoth SqrlCub
I have been out coming since I was 15. Wow, it has been ten years now closing on 11.
The best part about being out, as has been said before, is that I feel free to be myself. I don’t have to hide who I am and have become more confident in my abilities and myself. **
hmm…then other words, I just starte!! 
I look forward to that feeling of freedom and confidence.
Thanks for the hug, it felt good 
**quoth Aglarond
First off, I’m not gay, so I really can’t relate to your experience. But, I’ve had a couple of friends come out and I can give you an idea of maybe what to expect. **
Thanks for the story. It was nice to hear from someone who experienced the coming out process from the “other side”
Well…that catches me up to to Monday afternoon’s posts. I was very busy this week with two funeral viewing and tonight is bowling with Marvin.
Thanks to all who posted so far, it was very helpful.
I’m just sending this since I have to run, hopefully it’ll be OK.
Hugs to all!!!