The Compliment Thread

Scylla’s kid stories always, ALWAYS, crack me up.

Other than that, you know who you are.

Yes I do, you big sweetie, you!


I loves me some Hamadryad, even though she sent me a gimp CD. :wink:

OK, just one huh? And it can’t be someone already mentioned? Well then I choose beatle. The guy’s a class act, and he’s always done a great job of pushing us lazy Houston Dopers to actually get off our asses and meet. :smiley:

He’s smart, funny, laid back, and he’s a vet here. The guy’s got some kickass stories, too.


Arden Ranger:

Aww, shucks! Thanks, hon!

FireUnderpantsBoobs has hands-down the coolest screen name I have seen anywhere. Gotta love it!

I gotta give props to thinksnow for coordinating not one, but TWO White Elephant exchanges for Dopers. He’s an all-around class act.

woodstockbirdybird cracks me up from his the top of his user name to the bottom of his .sig.

There are many others who I think are funny, smart, passionate, thoughtful, radiant examples of what fine human beings there are in the world. You all probably don’t know who you are as I tend to fly under the radar but just go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back from me anyway. I am a better and more thoughtful person for participating in this message board and I thank you all for that.

Scotticher has the bluest eyes…you wanna just dive in nekkid and wade around in 'em!

poohpah chalupa is such a sweetheart, always checking in on me to see if I’m doing OK. Thanks for everything, Scott. :slight_smile:

pldennison and I have butted heads in the Pit a couple times, but we’ve always managed to end it on good terms and, at the risk of sounding corny, at the end of our little tiffs, I’ve always come away feeling a little more enlightened about whatever subject we were arguing about.

Dyno Saur can also be pretty cool, and that’s the highest compliment I hand out to Cubs fans. :wink:

Pucette is the kind of friend who doesn’t mind doing wacky stuff at a moment’s notice. Like getting up at 3:15 a.m. to get in line in Central Park for those elusive Seagull tickets. And then going on the swings with me at dawn. Woo!

And now, in violation of the rules of this thread, I’d like send a shout-out to my NYC peeps, in no particular order: delphica, Billdo, Pixellent, honorary NYer Gadarene, OxyMoron, manhattan, DrMatrix, Cajun Man, Biggirl, Houseman, Green Bean, Maeglin, Alphagene, Joe_Cool, Jersey Diamond, Zebra, Ukulele Ike, and SuaSponte.

You guys are the shit.

Shucks… :o

Um. Thanks!

vix: :o And here I was just going to post something about you! You’re always fun to hang out with. You put up with no bullshit, and I admire that, as you know. You rock rock rock.

Props to Gadarene and Billdo for listening to my endless, rambling issues. Gad, I hope to see you soon.

Mad props to Ogre, just Because. With the biggest capital B ever. :slight_smile:

And cheers for TruePisces, who is one sweet lady.

Thanks to everyone else here who’s made me laugh and smile!

I was thinking of starting a “How Cool is Fiver” thread today. Everywhere I look, he’s posting intelligent stuff.

Well, crap, I said I wouldn’t post more than once, but I’d like to add that I’ve been admiring Ellen’s posts for awhile. Even the ones I don’t agree with (which aren’t terribly numerous) seem well-constructed and intelligent.

I like kissing boli. Does that count?

So how YOU doin’, eh? It’s a pleasure to see that they’re so well received - I should have another one up within a month or two.

I’m going to compliment Maeglin on being a medievalist, mostly because it’s such a novel feeling to be able to dodge a question and know that someone will be able to answer it, and answer it better than I ever would.

Why do I even bother opening these threads? Nobody ever lists my name…even the people who like me never tell me…Grr. This is so demoralizing.

My vote goes to Pammipoo. She excites me.

I just recently met Ballybay at AustinBatDopeFest. She’s way cute, and neat. Nifty, even. Did I mention she’s cute? Fun to talk to. And cute.

And SexyWriter? A more fitting screen name has yet to be penned.