I just got the memo; is it too late to pile on?
The OP’s post displays the fallacy of Generalization.
As disproof, I submit that there are intelligent, well-spoken Republicans on this board.
Sorry, your metaphor about the Donkey pulling his fair share of the load unto death is unacceptable.
We can plainly see that modern Dems absolve themselves of any responsibilitiy and refuse to help in any civic duties; only criticizing everything while not forgetting to claim a Lion share of any rewards produced by Honest hard-working Serious people, Real Statesmen and Soldiers.
The only thing we can plainly see is that New Isk’s dosage levels need to be increased. Again.
In his posts, New Iskander works hard at being a good elephant.
I know this is the pit and all, but if you’re gonna make a statement like that, you might wanna back it up with at least an example, if not, you know, a cite. Because I honestly have no clue what you could be talking about. Are there a bunch of draft-dodging, jury duty-evading, non-tax-paying democrats running around?
And for the record, I am neither a donkey nor an elephant. Just an impartial observer.
Oh, and what’s with the capitalization? Are you German or something?
I’ve never noticed any particular reluctance on the part of Republicans on this board to defend their compatriots in debates. Perhaps what New Iskander has noticed is that Republicans are unwilling to defend him, being embarrassed by his idiocy.
New Iskander, what about the non-Americans on the board? Are we, also, like the donkey? Or are we elephants? Can we be hawks of some kind? They’re just cool
I’ll give you this; i’d have to agree there are a lot more dems on this board than reps, so it’s inevitable that pile ons are going to be biased. But for your consideration, i’d like to point out that the dems on the board don’t just pile on reps because they’re reps. They do that against a stupid rep who makes a bad point, or one who is wrong. Equally, they’ll do the same to one of their own. And vice versa - reps will also take the piss out of any dems who don’t know what they’re talking about, and i’m sure a good many of them will also be along here to do the same to you. There are reps on this board who are equally as witty, eloquent, and reasonable as some dems, and some reps who have shit-for-brains like some dems.
Well, he was falling behind in the race for “most stupiderist poster”. Clothahump had him beat by a mile after the CNN thread. This was probably just his way of closing the gap. I don’t think he’s quite there yet, but this is a really good start.
All the good options from the D side of the isle for this contest have been banned. It isn’t fair really, it isn’t like we don’t have them.
Why isn’t there a pit thread on the disgusting practice of donkey smoking?
Unless Clothahump and Updike fess up to eating stupid food for breakfast I think New Iskander is still in the lead!
Ah, another insult to those treacerous democrats from New Iskander, that true defender of, um whatever “traditional value” the repugs are hiding behind this week…

He may have meant the males. They are mostly solitary critters and can be very antisocial. During breeding season (musth?) they often go bat shit crazy and will attack and kill anything that moves. Very dangerous. They are special, bless their hearts.
I came in just to mention that when bull elephants get a hard on they go crazy and destroy everything in their paths. Yeah, I’d say the elephant is a good symbol of this latest Republican administration. You notice that The War Against Terrorism started a few years after Bob Dole started pitching viagra? Couldn’t be a coincidence…

I know this is the pit and all, but if you’re gonna make a statement like that, you might wanna back it up with at least an example, if not, you know, a cite. Because I honestly have no clue what you could be talking about. Are there a bunch of draft-dodging, jury duty-evading, non-tax-paying democrats running around?
With all due respect to individual Democrats serving this Nation in all walks of life, the modern Democratic Party in general is failing us all with its incapacity for any positive action and coherent position on anything.
With all due respect to individual Democrats serving this Nation in all walks of life, the modern Democratic Party in general is failing us all with its incapacity for any positive action and coherent position on anything.
The cohesion showed by the Republicans gave us this stupid war.
As other threads showed, the Republicans did not help the Democrats when the demanded more information on the way to the war. As the Plame affair also showed, the Republicans are putting their party and the interests of their cronies before the nation’s.
The donkeys did ask for help and the Mares did ignore them, so it is the melon farmer.

Herd animals are antelopes, cows, zebras, wildebeest etc, that travel in huge formations and among which family ties are almost undistinguishable. Animals living in family units are not herd animals: wolves form packs, lions-prides, etc. It is true that Elephant family units are commonly called ‘herds’, however they rarely exceed twenty animals in number and usually keep away from other groups.
Likewise, the fact that Donkeys form family units of two, doesn’t make them a ‘herd’. You wouldn’t call a pair of lovers a herd, would you? So honest, hard-working Donkeys not a herd make. On the other hand, their idle close relatives Wild Asses often run around in big groups and behave like a typical herd.
Perhaps, we have too many Wild Asses and too few Donkeys here?
Every time you post now, New Iskander, I think, “dollops of elephant dung”, and smile. Thanks, Muffin.
With all due respect to individual Democrats serving this Nation in all walks of life, the modern Democratic Party in general is failing us all with its incapacity for any positive action and coherent position on anything.
I don’t think anyone in here has argued that the Democrats are perfect.
Fortunately, your OP makes that unnecessary, because its sheer stupidity stands alone and unadorned, and makes no point worthy of intellectual rebuttal.
Herd animals are antelopes, cows, zebras, wildebeest etc, that travel in huge formations and among which family ties are almost undistinguishable. Animals living in family units are not herd animals: wolves form packs, lions-prides, etc. It is true that Elephant family units are commonly called ‘herds’, however they rarely exceed twenty animals in number and usually keep away from other groups.
Likewise, the fact that Donkeys form family units of two, doesn’t make them a ‘herd’. You wouldn’t call a pair of lovers a herd, would you? So honest, hard-working Donkeys not a herd make. On the other hand, their idle close relatives Wild Asses often run around in big groups and behave like a typical herd.
Perhaps, we have too many Wild Asses and too few Donkeys here?
Actually, the term herd can apply to donkeys as well as elephants. A group of elephants can also be called a parade or a memory.
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.