Democrats are good, Republicans are evil

Seems like there is a lot of beating around the bush (no pun intended) in this forum. Let’s cut to the chase: Democrats and their supporters are intelligent, good people, while Republicans and their supporters are evil, ignorant subhumans. Am I right?


[Moderator Hat ON]

Have fun in the Pit!

[Moderator Hat OFF]

This seems like a good time to come in with my sig.

"Republicans think Democrats are wrong.

Democrats think Republicans are evil."

No, a lot of Republicans think Democrats are evil. Just ask Jesse Helms.

Wow. Fast moves, Gaudere!

Personally, I think four legs good, two legs bad.

**Marley23:[/vb] you perv.

Yes, I am evil. No, I am E-VIL! Bwahahahahahahahahaha! :wally

I don’t suppose the OP can provide any cites for SDMD Democrats saying that all Republicans are evil.

There’s a lot of anti-Bush stuff but Bush is not "the Republicans.’

Whoever said this doesn’t listen to much talk radio.

Don’t blame me, blame George Orwell.

No. I don’t recall Republicans around here ever being called “subhuman”. :slight_smile:

You do realize, I hope, that all you’re going to get from this thread is ridicule hurled at YOU from both sides of the aisle.

Marley: so we’re introducing the “George Orwell” defense?

D the C: you don’t remember the spate of “Republican Are Selfish” threads? Don’t make me strain the hamsters looking them up, but if you insist, I will.

You know Blackacre, for a noob, you are astoundingly insightful.:smiley:
As strange as it may seem to you, the liberals here at the SDMB actually hit back. This Board is a probably a little different than what you are used to. This isn’t Faux News with Hammity and his useful idiot Colmes-- or Limbaugh & the rest of the hate radio crowd-- or Bush’s loyalty oath Ask-the-President-a-really-easy-question,-or-get-arrested event.


Democratic Convention signs: “We Can’t Govern”

Republican Convention signs: “We’re Just Plain Evil”


'Bout sums it up for me.

I was talkin with Jesus this morning, and HE put it just that way. He said that the guy whispering in Bush’s ear is kinda like him. They used to be friends even, but something changed, and now they don’t even say hi to each other when they pass on the street.

Hehe. =D


And yet, somehow, I can’t remember a single time you defended republicans when someone threw out “pubbies” when someone was torqued about Bush. Hmmm…

No, you wrong. It’s another way around. Nice try.

What’s wrong with “pubbies” as a term? It’s not an adaptation of a pejorative, like Repugs (i.e., Repugnants) or Demorats. Pubbies and Dems strike me alike as inoffensive terms, saving keystrokes and such. Where does the issue with Pubbie come in?

You were about to restrain yourself and start watching your language, but she didn’t give you a chance?

I didn’t know “pubbie” was an insult. I often say “Pubbies” or “Pubs” just because I don’t feel like typing out “Republicans.”

Do you have a better suggestion for an abbreviation?

Do you think “Dems” is an insult?