the "Dark Shadows" trivia thread

Okay, so the “Doctor Who” trivia thread I posted a few weeks ago had only a middling response; let’s see if this one flies…

(general note = these questions all refer to the original daytime series, not the short-lived prime time version)

  1. What was the ultimate fate of hapless governess Victoria Winters (hint: it happened off-screen, after the character left the show, and was related by another character.)

  2. Vicky was able to travel back to 1797 originally by switching places in time with another character. Who was it?

  3. Prof. Stokes apparently had two first names (referred to by one first name when the character was first introduced, but later was called by another one.) What were they?

  4. Ned Stuart came to Collinwood to hold what character accountable for what bizarre occurrance?

  5. What was Barnabas actually looking for when he stumbled upon Collinwood’s “Parrallel Time” room?

  6. Barnabas was one of three characters from ‘normal time’ to travel over to “Parrallel Time.” Who were the other two?

What? Nobody’s going to take a shot? :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: Oh well…

I love Dark Shadows. Unfortunately it’s been too long since I watched it to answer any of your questions.
Here’s a piece of Dark Shadows trivia for you:
In the first episode Elizibeth mentions that Collinswood has “Over 40 rooms”

Is it just my imagination, or did they accidently change the year Barnabas encounters Josette from 1794 to 1795?

  1. She makes it back to the past and marries Peter.

  2. Phyllis Wick

  3. I believe the answer to your question is Timothy and Elliot.

He was usually referred to as T. Elliot Stokes.

  1. ???

  2. ???

  3. David and Amy

I never saw the show, but I was named after Angelique :slight_smile: Wasn’t she a hooker nun or something?

Actually 5 was David and Amy:

6 is Barnabas, Julia and I believe our Prof. T. Eliot Stokes

Is 4 the Sister that was left a mute and I believe he blamed Quinten for it.

Been a long time for me – wish I could afford the DVDs.

Okay, well just for the record, the correct answers were -

  1. AFTER going going back in time for good, Vicky runs afoul of the Leviathans in some unseen episodes, was accused of witch-craft again and ended up leaping to her death from the Widow’s Hill cliff. Peter Bradford (who was also accused of witch-craft again) was hanged, and later turned up as a ghost to haunt Jeb Hawkes (the reluctant Leviathan leader) for whom he blamed Vicky’s death.

  2. Phyllis Wicke was Vicky’s “place-holder.”

  3. Yes, Timothy & Elliot are indeed Stokes’s two first name.

  4. Ned’s sister Sabrina was Chris Collins’ (the werewolf) fiancee, who lapsed into a coma, and whose hair turned white after seeing Chris transform during the full moon. Ned was unaware of Chris’ curse, and only knew that his sister had become a catatonic after visiting Chris the night before he abruptly left the town they were in.

  5. Barnabas was searching for the coffin of Megan Todd, one of the shopkeepers at the antique store, who’d become a vampire after Barnabas bit her. He wanted to either let Julia try to cure her (if Megan was willing) or stake her (if she wasn’t.)

  6. The other two characters were Julia (who replaced her evil Parrallel Time double for several episodes), and Lamar Trask from the 1840 storyline. Lamar was escaping Barnabas after shooting Angelique dead. He stumbled into the PT room while suffering from a knife-wound, eluding Barnabas but promptly dropping dead.

Chris, not Quentin – that’s right – I actually remember that fairly well.

In other news, I thought Eliot was shifted to Parallel time for a portion of one episode with Julia prior to her actually going there for keeps(I remember them in Angelique’s room).

I had forgotten that great escape by Trask.
I had tried to forget about the Leviathan people – that was an awful story-line that came out of nowhere. (I believe there was some kind of writer change at the time).

A powerful witch/sorceress with a huge crush on Barnabus.

I wasn’t around for the original run, but I loved to watch the reruns on Sci-Fi, I wish they’d bring them back.

Here’s some trivia: several of “what” are buried here? :wink: