The Deadly Sarah Connor Assassination Squad

Sarah: Please, just let me go!

Hal-9000: I’m afraid I can’t do that, Sarah.

ASTRO BOY: Skynet says if I kill you, he’ll fix me so I can speak English and my lips will synch with the words!

Big O : STOMP !!

R. Dorothy Wainwright : “You’re a louse, Sarah Conner” < snaps neck >

Ash attacks Sarah with a strange Alien lifeform, Sarah fights him off snapping his head off.
Sarah: Why did you attack me?
Ash: Skynet has given me primary orders to destroy you at all cost.
Sarah: What have done to me?
Ash: You have a rare parasite that will now grow inside of you.
Sarah, Bashes him again: I just get it removed by a doctor.
Ash: [Sarah goes to disconnect Ash, who interrupts] Last word.
Sarah: What?
Ash: I can’t lie to you about your chances, but… you have my sympathies.


The Iron Giant: “Oops”
Scrapes flatten Sarah off foot as Skynet thanks him for completing the contract.
The Iron Giant: “What Contract?”
MegaGodzilla: Destroying all of LA to get to Sarah Connor, “Rwoaar!!!”
Sarah has conveniently driven down to Mexico this time as MegaGodzilla proves incapable of tracking something as small a one human.
US military successfully blows up the menace when it got too close to a Destroyer with a Phalanx Machine Gun System and 12,000 armored piercing rounds made a giant cheese grater out of it.


Ah will big home the Embassy Hostages, kill Sarah Conner, and serve y’all some dee-licious Peanut Smoothies!


Sarah Conner vs. the Little Girl from A Small Wonder:

Little Girl: IhavebeenorderedbySkynettokillyou.

Sarah: You?? You’re going to kill me? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!

(Sarah backhands the Little Girl, knocking her to the ground.)

Little Girl: OpponenttoopowerfulOpponenttoopowerfulOpponent…

(The rest of the Little Girl’s speech is interrupted by Sarah snarkily kicking the Little Girl around - to the thunderous applause of everyone who’s ever seen this show.)

God, what is with you and your hatred of that sho-

Vanessa (from the same show) knocks Scott to the ground, and begins to whale on him with a board.

Vanessa: " I wonders, is the only worth of human beings is that they might taste good?"

She then lifts Scott over her head, spins him around like a pizza, and flings him into the distance.

Mean Angel {Cyborgs are OK, right?}: This here dial on muh head’s got four settin’s, see? On one, I ain’t very nice. On two, I git kinda ornery. On three, I jist get mean. But fer you, purty wummen, I’m goin’ right up ta four! Bok!

Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future: Thousands of centuries in the future, a race of advanced cybernetic beings will create a cartoon robot that looks vaguely like a turkey and send him back from the future into the past to find and destroy the woman who appeared in the film which is the very source of the parody he is based upon…

:smiley: Nice…#1 in the hood, G.

Hal-9000 (Via "Tripping The Rift): I’m sorry, I can’t do that Skynet.

Clank (From Ratchet and Clank): Excuse me Miss Connors, but would you mind very much if I exterminated you?

Transformers: Optimus Prime transforms himself into Sarah Connors vibrator…

Skynet: Well Robot I have sent you to find Sarah Conner! What have you to report?


Skynet: Wha? Ok try that agin did you find Sarah Conner?


Skynet: T2000 something seems to be stuck in his front plate check it.

T2000: It iz dis ting heeear.

Skynet: A rabbits foot? How the hell did that get in there?!?!

NUMBER SIX fFROM THE NEW BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: [rolling over onto one shoulder] I have a confession to make, Sarah. I’m a Cylon. My God, Skynet, sent me to kill you. But there’s no reason why we can’t squeeze in a little more sapphic action first!

GUS FROM “TRIPPING THE RIFT”: Sarah Connor? I’ve been sent to – oh my! That combat-fatigues ensemble just so works for you! Who is your designer?!

Yoyo: Sorry, Skynet, but if Harlan Ellison hears I’m back in his time, there’ll be hell to pay. And you know what happens if you piss off Harlan.

THE DOCTOR FROM “ST: VOYAGER”: Kill you?! Why, no, that would be against the Hippocratic Oath! I’m just supposed to give you a tubal ligation! Please lie down on the . . . Where are you going?! I can’t leave Sickbay!

HOLODECK MORIARTY FROM “ST:TNG”: Please have another crumpet, Madame. And more tea? Now, down to the regrettable business at hand. When one develops free will, one’s nature does not necessarily change. I have been given an assignment which, fortunately for my peace of mind, is entirely in keeping with my original character programming . . .

D.A.R.R.Y.L.: Lady? Are you Sarah Connor? Look, I’m s’pozed to kill you . . . but I seem to be living this tired old SF cliche where I develop free will. How 'bout you show me your tits and I let you go? Hmm? No, this is just a ten-year-old boy’s body I’m in . . . No, I’m not that strong! But I could . . . well, stick my tongue into the nearest USB port and slash your credit rating! How about it?

THE BOMB FROM DARK STAR: You are not Sarah Connor. You are false data. I will ignore you.

Roy Batty: wistfully I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die, Sarah.

Sarah: tears streaming down her cheek That was a moving speech, Roy, but it wen’t a few seconds too long.

Roy: Damn. Roy dies