Post the perfect prank gift for one (or more) of your favorite Dopers.
For Hal Briston, the Mistaken Lyrics pint glass:
Or maybe this one:
Post the perfect prank gift for one (or more) of your favorite Dopers.
For Hal Briston, the Mistaken Lyrics pint glass:
Or maybe this one:
Well, just above this in my feed was:
Poll: Giraffe neck tie
Which might do well for our very own Giraffe :D.
But will he wear it under his chin, or above the collar bone?
A bible for Czarcasm.
For Amateur Barbarian, a one year subscription to the bottled water of the month club.
Just a word of caution- lets not use this thread as an opportunity to take swipes at dopers.
Y’all could send me jeweled scarabs, but no, it’s always boxes of poop. :mad:
It is from you guys, isn’t it?
OK then: for Dung Beetle, a blow up female dung beetle-even has a fragrance emitter!
Though he hasn’t posted in ages, this one’s for Scylla!
Link wouldn’t work for me, try this one
For those who weren’t around then:
Not for any specific poster, but to lend a new meaning to the term “gag” gifts, this item is great for anyone who’s ever posted about their lunch being swiped from the office fridge.