The Dragon Prince on Netflix (open spoilers)

From the makers of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Watching the second episode now, but I was not that impressed with the first episode. It was clear they were information dumping on us big time.

I did like the line, “Winter is coming…eventually.” Fun little GoT reference.

Very slow opening three episodes, but it picked up a bit in the fourth one.

I think the show could have started with the trio(uh quatro) taking the Egg to its mother and shown much of the backstory via flashback. The opening episode was very backstory heavy.

The elves’ brogues were kind of jarring at times, but I enjoyed the first few episodes.

It will be interesting to see how the story unspools. My husband pegged Claudia as being the one who will be evil and eventually have a Zuko-like redemption arc, but I’m not sure…

Anyone notice that Callum is played by the same voice actor as Sokka in Avatar?

I didn’t even know this was a thing. My kids and I loved Last Airbender and we’ve seen it all the way through at least twice. My kids also watched Corra up until the last season, which wasn’t available for free on Amazon the last time I checked. I’ll have to check this out with the kiddoes (Is 16 too old to be called a kiddo?)

Of course. I actually find it distracting and while I’m glad he’s working, I would have advised against it. He’s not doing another voice; the character sounds identical to Sokka.

Renewed for Season 2.

Rather quickly, season 2 dropped today. Clearly, they must have known they were coming back in order to produce a show like this so quickly.

Cool! I was going to start Umbrella Academy but I’ll bump it for this.

BTW, I found Season 2 an improvement on Season 1.

Still liking it, but am finding it impossible to muster any positive feelings for Viren, Claudia or Soren, even though I get the feeling the writers intend all 3 to be just a little sympathetic in some way. When Soren was paralyzed all I said was “Good!”

Basically, when it comes to those 3, I think it best to apply Iroh’s logic re: Azula: They’re crazy and they need to go down!

Oh, and wild speculation:

King Harrow’s in that bird Pip now, isn’t he?

Now that the fourth season is running, does anyone have any thoughts? I feel like it’s lost a step. Something’s missing, I just don’t know what it could be since all the same actors and characters are back. But it’s just not as good to me.