With apologies to Billy Idol:
*Bar the door
Can’t take no more
I’m safe here
Sunday was wine
Monday was beer
Monday was beer
For the drunk next door
Once more
Drunken roars
From the drunk next door
The buzz of the night
seems so right
right at the time
The buzz of the night
Couldn’t take the pain
And suffering away
For the drunk next door
Liquid error,
Daily terror,
and you’re the drunk next door
Addiction land
The dark is in command
and it’s so sad to know
Don’t feed that craving
Don’t open up that can
Don’t gamble, try
I say
You’ll surely die
And then you’ll be
Not the drunk next door
Then I’ll see
No more drunk next door
You will be
With the dead next door*
Y’know, I’m not even that close to my neighbor, but he’s a really nice guy, even when he’s shitfaced. I just feel bad for him, I guess. I know there is nothing I can do, I’m not even close enough to him to do anything if I was inclined, and there is nothing to do anyway. I know he at least thinks he wants to stop drinking, he goes to meetings, the walls of his place are plastered with slogans and reminders, but I see him drunk all the time. Part of the problem is that his entire family seem to be alcoholics, and they all enable each other, and from what I’ve seen, his brothers have him as a whipping boy, which I know dosen’t help his sense of self at all, and also puts him in an atmosphere of not just peer pressure, but family pressure. I guess it’s just a pity. I’m living next door to a slow motion train wreck, and it’s not fun to watch at times.
You’re lucky. My nextdoor neighbor is a drunk, and dangerous to boot. When he’s loaded, I’ll find him suddenly standing behind my car as I’m backing into a parallel spot on the street. Then a) he tries to blame me, and b) he wants me to go back out again, and “bring him a bottle of whiskey”. I don’t think so. I don’t even know his name. But I still usually take off and park around the corner and come in the back door, because it freaks me out.
So you’re the person who lives on the other side of my next door neighbours Dave. It sucks, doesn’t it. These days, I actually ignore the thrown TVs and the threats of guns and knives unless someone is actually out the front bleeding.
If all else fails and they are really pissing me off, I flick the circuit breakers on their power box…they’re usually to shitfaced to work out why their power isn’t working.
Wait, aren’t you the person in the post about AMP’s family who’s all about respecting people and their beliefs?
You’re suggesting the same sort of vicious thing I used to do at college with people who were in the hallway all night on the phone outside my door. (No Power portable phone no work)
Oh, good call. My concern for a fellow ( albeit ) fucked up human being is exactly the same as you listening to people fuck. Pip, pip cheeryo and all that shit. Let’s hear it for self absorbsion.
I don’t really see how your situation has anything to do with someone being concerned that a person can’t stop drinking. I don’t think the OP is so much about being disturbed by noise as it about being disturbed by a man’s addiction.
May I suggest that you try to get past that nasty breakup? I think you’ve brought it up in three different threads that I’ve read today.
The religious people in this neighbourhood don’t wake myself and my children up at all hours of the day and night. The drunks next door have no hesitation whatsoever in waking us up at 3am because they want something.