Here is an article about a newly-discovered Triassic duckbilled non-dinosaur, which is interesting for the science value alone, but I’m mainly posting because the top illustration must to be seen to be believed. That has to be one of the most horrible “artistic interpretations” I have ever seen.
Looks like a page out of an adult coloring book.
One must assume that the color patterns are merely speculation.
Really, really, really stupid speculation.
Well, stripes and ripple patterns aren’t unreasonable for an aquatic animal. And the colors could theoretically be appropriate, if the creature fed in shallow water over yellowish sand/clay beds. It’s more the overall bad rendering than specifically stupid color patterns.
Still better than I could do…but then, I wouldn’t be drawing anything for publication.
Well, that… that is certainly a thing. I guess.
You really need to click on the picture and see it at full size to really appreciate it. It’s not just the colors of the animal, either. The top half is blurry, like a low-resolution photo blown up. It’s like someone did a Google search for sunsets and downloaded the first result. The “Sun” (or is it supposed to be the moon? I’m not sure.) looks like it was drawn in MS paint. It’s even jagged where it cuts across the mountain and doesn’t line up properly. The animal itself was poorly cut out from some other source and pasted in. Looks like they used a lasso tool and had the threshold turned way down to keep from getting empty holes cut out in the body. The whole thing appears to have been slapped together in about 5 minutes.
Edit: I found the credited artist and from his Facebook page he seems to be a wood sculptor. Maybe he’s not an illustrator but I would think he could do better than that.
This is the guy I want to do my full-body tattoo.
Of the WTFasaurus no doubt!
No, I’m thinking a Kabuki/Japanese inspired scene. A Geisha bathes in a pond (full of coy and surrounded by lush vegetation, rocks, a stream and maybe a waterfall) while a Classic Demon lurks in the reeds, ready to attack and do his demonic thing. A Samurai (in full armor) approaches, sword drawn, to defend her.
Just think what this guy could do with that!
I imagine it would look something like this: Horrible Tattoos - Bing
I just watched a Nature episode with David Attenborough about an ancient Ichthyosaur.
One of the things they found out about one fossil is that it had two-toned shading. Light on the bottom, dark on the top. Like many sharks, whales, etc. today.
So, yeah, very realistic.
(And David Attenborough still has it.)
Full of coy what? Full of coy what??
Finally getting that life-sized rendering of yourself?
Can these coy koi play koi-koi?
A coy WTFasaurus, damnit!
Wow, that’s paleoart at its most…something. An unlikely contender for the John J. Lanzendorf PaleoArt Prize!
Just as long as it wasn’t a coy andvanceduke. (Shudder.)