I hope that a sabre-toothed one turns up next.
So, I’ve gotta ask: Did they tate like chicken?
I hope that a sabre-toothed one turns up next.
So, I’ve gotta ask: Did they tate like chicken?
Big goddamn chicken! Huge pecker.
Giant penguins could kill you with their massive cuteness.
I’m gonna kill you Tuckerfan if you keep talking about eating penguins. This is your SECOND thread on it.
[Mel Blanc voice] Pen-goo-wins is prac-tic-ally chickens[/Mel Blanc voice]
At the Mountains of Madness… in PERU! I tell you, penguins have creeped (crept?) me out ever since reading that H. P. Lovecraft gem, and now this. Gives me the shivers, it does.
Clever man, he said, “tate” not taste. He’s got an out here.
Damn you for beating me to the first Lovecraft reference.
Luckily, the researchers didn’t find the shoggoth that’s buried nearby.
“Hey, look skeletal remains of a GAAAAHH.”
So, the feature film will be “March of the Penguins” meets “Jurassic Park”?
Curse you, Tuckerfan! Here I was rushing to post about it and I’m scooped.
grumble, grumble, grumble.
At least my source gives a picture of one heck of a penguin skull. Definitely wouldn’t want that to be swimming near that bird!
And I quit reading Swiss Family Robinson when the kids started killing penguins for no reason at all. I mean, they weren’t hungry, and there was plenty of food around, they just started murdering them one after another because they’d never seen humans and didn’t need to run away.
Fucking Limey explorers. :mad:
(I love the Brits, really I do, I just find that attitude of that century APPALLING!)
Are they going to call it Machu Pengu?
Wait a minute – there are penguins in the Galapagos Islands? There are warm climate penguins?
Pineapples don’t grow on trees?
What’s next, flying crocs?
Faerie penduins are tropical. I love penguins. Rent the Life of Birds with David Attenborough. I love David Attenborough.
Are you saying that David Attenborough is a penguin? Or perhaps a faerie?
I need to look these guys up. And add to that other thread.
No just really really hot for an older guy. British accent!
There’s a scene in one of his movies when something - is it a sea lion? - attacks him, and with perfect British aplomb, he says “Now, now!” In the most scolding tone. Love it.
You say that now, but once you taste what my mad culinary skillz can whip up, you’ll be asking for more curried penguin.
I’ve already got a man who can cook like a dream; you’ll have to come up with better than that.
I say. Smashing!
The Swiss Family Robinson were – as the title indicates – Swiss. as was Johann Wyss, who wrote it. (Jules Verne, who wrote two sequels to it, was French.)