He’s not that different than Trump: pretending to be a “new” kind of pol, using same old tired tactics
He doesn’t know what he’s in for!
He’s not that different than Trump: pretending to be a “new” kind of pol, using same old tired tactics
He doesn’t know what he’s in for!
Wow…you’ve certainly shown us…something…
I don’t think it’s inconsistent to state that the ongoing investigation needs to continue but that there does not need to be nonstop media chatter about it.
Just FTR, here’s what he did say:
How is that consistent with saying the investigation should continue?
The inference was that Sanders thought the emails were a non-issue. I think everybody interpreted his statement that way.
Now he says it’s a valid issue that has raised valid questions.
At the end of the day I don’t think it matters. The damage is done. The investigation of Clinton was her biggest vulnerability and he tossed it in the bin. Hell, more than just casting it aside he used the issue to boost her up. If he reverses course now, it will be seen as desperation due to his slipping numbers.
Bernie has to make this a real campaign or step down. So he’s testing the waters as a real campaigner now. I doubt his poll numbers will move. His ability to make a difference in this cycle is disappearing. That’s no reason for him to give up right away, but clearly he doesn’t have a good issue to distinguish himself on.
No, none whatsoever, other than these (arguably) 17 greatest issues of our time. :rolleyes:
As for the OP, no idea what the point is supposed to be. There’s kind of a little bit of difference between Hillary’s competition blowing up “emailgate” into the greatest scandal in the history of the universe, and an objective investigation to discover whether any laws were broken.
He isn’t very far away from Hillary on those issues. They’d only be arguing about minutia.
Some of the most interesting discussions come from people who are only slightly apart in their views, though.
Yeah. I wonder how much of his base will leave once they realize he isn’t very far left.
He’s claimed to be a Socialist, but in reality he’s more of a Social Democrat, at least as political scientists use the term: He’s fine with private property and for-profit companies and isn’t out to nationalize the steel industry, he just wants an expanded social safety net, a more progressive tax policy, and more regulation on what companies can do.
Well then, I guess all the American socialists aren’t going to vote for Bernie. All 12 of them.
Allow me to misquote Seth MacFarlane[sup]*[/sup]:
DerekMichaels00 combines the excitement of sitting there with the thrill of reading words.
[sup]*the actual quote, about Anthony Jezelnik, was that Jezelnik’s stand-up “combines the excitement of standing there with the thrill of saying words.”[/sup]
That would be great if Bernie was talking to someone else with any depth to her positions.
point is here: if Bernie wants to go rough, the Clintons will too: Bernie’s honeymoon in the Evil Empire, his support for communists Sandinistas, etc.
You think Dem primary voters are all onboard with the Contras support of the time? Will they be shocked that he’s a true Lefty?
I think most prob are indifferent in retrospect (or won’t admit that supporting the Contras was the right way), but most will not wanna nominate a guy who could be destryed, like Bernie. Also, it looks like most of the Dem primary electorate isn’t as far-left as the internet types.
I just doubt the Clinton campaign would bring up a negative talking point that would imply that she thinks the Iran-Contra affair was a good thing.
Here’s a pic of Bernie’s new campaign poster
Why would he associate himself with a bunch of right-wingers?
I don’t think it goes so far as to make Sanders just a typical politician. His record is too long for one advantageous flip-flop to destroy his reputation. Plus he is human, and Clinton attacking him as sexist is probably something he’s never had to deal with before. It probably pissed him off.