Last weekend VH1 did a two-hour show about the making of The Exorcist. I believe it was called The Curse of The Exorcist. In this post I hope to Pit a) VH1, b) Idiots on VH1, and c) Idiots in movie theatres who eventually end up on VH1.
a) It wasn’t enough to do a documentary about the making of this classic film. No, they had to suggest that the film, set, and crew were quite possibly posessed by some demon. That so many things went wrong on the set is surely a sign that Satan’s at play, right? It couldn’t possibly be, oh, say, that Jason Miller’s son was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And that Max von Sydow’s brother was hitting the lutefisk a little too much. And that William Friedkin was a psychotic asshole. Naw, must be the supernatural. Satan just loves making films go over budget. There can be no other explanation. Unless, just possibly, VH1 was pandering to the morons that just can’t get enough woo in their daily lives.
a1) Friedkin, here’s a clue: If you build a crazy contraption and strap a preteen girl into it, and she begs you to stop violently shaking her, that is not your cue to start filming. Sure, seeing a minor getting her spine cracked on film makes for great drama, but next time strap your own sorry ass in. Inflicting a serious back injury is not directing, it’s abuse.
c) This comes before b), and it’s pretty mild. Before 1972 nobody even heard of exorcism, or posession. Seeing a little girl spit up soup is no excuse for you to start believing in demons. IT’S A MOVIE, PEOPLE!
b) This one was just so odd that it’s had me going “Gah?” all week. And it’s not limited to this movie, or movies in general. It’s an attitude that seems to run rampant in religious and woo circles. I can’t remember who it was, but one of the film makers said something like “This was scarier than most horror movies, because for once the premise was about something real.” Real? Sorry, no, even the Catholic Church dismissed posession as woo centuries ago. Just because some author wrote fiction about some half-remembered newspaper article he read a decade before, that does not make it “real.” Just because you paint a minor’s face green, it does not offer proof of Satan.
And I guess that cuts to the heart of this rant. People make up the wildest fantasies, then label them “real”, or “truth.” I often hear people say things like “The ninth level of Heaven is a manifestation of Rover’s love for cosmic dog poop, and that’s REAL! This material world is illusion.” The fuck? No. That which you call “real” is a product of your fevered and impaired imagination. And you need to be hit upside the head with an “illusory” two-by-four.