The Expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948

NO. Israelis don’t care for Palestinians. They want to be left alone just like everybody else. If you’ve got a problem you should really take it up with Hamas and Hezbollah.

The OP ignores a few important facts. It was the Arabs not the Israelis who declared war in 1948. Most Palestinians were not evicted from Israeli-controlled territory, they left it voluntarily (in anticipation of returning after Israel was defeated in what they thought would be a short time).

Granted there have been terrorist activities perpetrated by Jews and Muslims are second class citizens in Israel. But one would have to be intentionally wearing blinders to ignore the fact that the vast majority of terrorist activities have been perpetrated by Muslims and Jews are treated far worse in Muslim countries.

Bizzwire already pointed out Azam Pasha’s quote.

I’ll address this ridiculousness that the Egyptian and Jordanian citizens of the time did not leave due to Arab influence, or as your cite put it

Let’s look at this ‘myth’ shall we?

a bunch of quotes are collected here

No, No, ** No!!!**

Didn’t you read the OP?

I took DonMartin88’s advice and went to the website of Robin C Miller in order to fight my own ignorance (I was one of those who actually believed that most of the Arabs left more or less voluntarily). I was most intrigue by the footnote in the above quote. Here it is:

There you have it. Finklestein (all hail!) said it. I believe it.

Not that it looks like the OP will be coming back, but I would have liked to know what the debate was. :slight_smile:


Funny… I could’ve sworn that the Israelis were building a wall around their own population. Moreoever, even this partisan cite says that the wall is built along the Green Line, albeit not close to it.

I think it was more a rant than a debate…

I think that the debate was supposed to be:

Though it seems more like those were merely rhetorical flourishes designed to say “Israel is bad.” rather than debate the ideas. Could be wrong, and I’d welcome the OP to correct me if so.

yeah … I often wonder why this is made such an issue of while none of the other things you mention are (the Sudan, etc). People should look at those links I gave about the treatment of Palestinians in other countries, before jumping on Israel as the only country to treat its Palestinians badly.

People who say it’s because of pure antisemitism are missing the point. If israel was a Christian country the same treatment would be given to it by the media. Part of the reason everyone focuses on Israel is because Israelis are white, and people in the west are very uncomfortable with “westerners” killing anyone else. If the Palestinians were black and the Israelis were arabs, nobody would care. Its a sort of racism that we expect better from our own people (whites) than anyone else. Nobody cares about the Sudan because we (meaning the west as a whole) don’t expect anything more of those people anyway.

But that’s not the whole reason either. There are a lot of influential saudis and arabs who own businesses and our government is very keen to trade with them, with oil and other things. Look at Fahrenheit 9-11. I’m sure the Bush family isn’t the only influential family in the West with those links. We rely on them for our oil. Bin Laden owns a lot of shares in very big Western companies, and those in turn sponsor government campaigns. They’re very successful in banking and finance. Because the muslim population in the West is growing at a very rapid rate, politicians want their votes. And newspapers like the Guardian want to sell more copies. They can do this by covering “muslim issues” like Palestine. Its easy, they only care about money - which they can get from arab sponsors and advertisers - and readers, so that’s why stuff like this is reported at the expense of other things.

Not sure about the race thing, but IMO it’s the fact that Israel is seen as part of the democratic West (even if it’s in the east geographically), rather than some scabby dictatorship/kingdom, that leads people (inside and outside Israel) to call for higher standards.
Also there is a feeling that Israel can change whereas situations like Sudan are seen (rightly or wrongly,) as intractable.

Well, lots to do, you know. Today the SDMB, tomorrow the world.

not according to the jewish historican Benny Morris (from an interview dated 9 January 2004 )

your source are laughable at best :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you need som more background.
The brits had som trouble in this war and feard that Russia would pull out of it because of the russian revolution in 1917. Lloyd George got information that there where many jews on the highest level in the russian communist-party and thought that a promise for a “jewish-homeland” would win their mind and harts and keep them from pulling Russia out of the war. Britain did therefore create the Balfour-decleration i 1917. However, this strategy didn’t work and the communist pulled Russia out of the war.

The jewis immigration into Palestine started in the 1880s, but where very limited. This immigration accelrated in the 1900s and this started naturally to worry the palestinian-arabic population that have lived there for generations. Especially after they understood that the jews had the aspiration to create a jewish state on their land. (almost all of these immigrants came from Europa, end the arabs fealt that they hadde little to do with the Middle-east.)
The immigration increased in the 1920’s 30’s and 40’s and so did the conflict. The arabs turned to violence against the jews and the brits therefore decided to put some limits to the jewish immigration. This did however lead to jewish terror against the brits and they finally decided to pull out of Palestine in 1947.

the background for the war i 1948 is the massive jewish immigration and their aspiration to create a jewish homeland. This made the arabs frustrated and as they saw the increasing jewish immigration after ww1 and that nothing was done to stop this they turned to violence (who can blame them?)
This is the background for the war in 1948.

I’d like to know what that 88 stands for.


I’m a sucker after the 80’s (music, movies etc). 1988 was one of my best years (but that’s on a personel level)

When they start to blow up kids on buses, and attack civilians on purpose, that sympathy dries up quickly.

this is the only means they have to fight back the israely terror-attack. They haven’t all that many choices.

Israel is a very superiour militatry force inn the Middle-East (it’s all payed by the american tax-“prayers”).

Yes they have, but they squandered them.

And so it shall remain until a democratic Arabic state comes around and denounces terrorism.

your answers are immature and you can’t handle the facts. You can’t relate to my origian post

I can’t relate to your spelling, and it is most original. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

And the basic concept that nobody is getting anywhere in the Middle East until the Palestinain terror stops is pretty basic.