The eyes closed thread:recososted.

Well, Im a terrible typist even with my eyes open, s owell see how this goies. PLease ecvuse the gerneral lack of punctuation and such, I dont even know where thoise keys are on a keybparf most days. By which I dont mean that I cant use them with my eyes open, just that thinking about them I couldnt really tell you where they are, much less accurately hit them on a keyboard.

Heh. keybparf. I kinda like it. Hmm, it’s easier when I don’t think about the individual letters, it seems. That’s hard for me, that’s how i understand words in my head. Just…faster than I can type, so if I think about them in sounds, it’s slow enough for my fingers to catch up? I don’t know.

You’re all drunks.

And I typed that without looking at the keyboard too.

I had my eyes dilated this morning and they haven’t returned to normal quite yet. I get otion sick really easily and having my vision all fussy mmakes me feel kinda nauseus. Feeling kinda sick rigfht now. Hate looking at myself in a mirror when my eyes are dilated. Creeps me out. Makes me feel like anything can just fly right in through my giant pupils into my brain. Ooohtra keys in there somewhere.

Apparently typing with my eyes closed also inhibits the ‘full sentences’ part of my brain.

Thos os going to be complete crap, I hyst know ir., I am a gorrible typer, my ginfer nbever do what I rtwell them, and I end yp hitting more than one ket at a time especially when I can’t see the dlippib kwtsa!~ I have to go to bed npow, necause it’s late and I have to go to work tomorrow.
Huh. Well, I started off not so good, then got good, then I have no idea what dlippib kwtsa!~ is, but all in all, not that bad.

Lately I’ve taken to sittting sideways with my geeet up on my bed, so my arms aren’t the same distance from the keyboard. This makes it slightly harder to touchtype because it feels like one of my hands is further away even when they’re both on the “home row.” I wonder how much of an effect it has on this.

Wow. Not as much of an effect as I’d expected!

right noe it id yeo sm and O am jabong a cpfee/.

This has better be damn near perfect, seeing as I do this for a living. Well, the typing bit anyway, not the eyes closed part. I wonder if I can go for some numbers – does using the number pad count? Here we go, I was born on: August 9, 1980.

Dude, not bad.

Whoa. I suck.

That was supposed to be, “Right now it is 2 am and I am having a coffee.”

Although I do like “jabong”.

We did end up spending the night at the river on Sunday in anticipation of Monday evening’s fireworks. The stoopid city, though, didn’t turn off the park’s automatic sprinkler system. We woke up around three thirty on Monday morning to faces full of water. I was concerned about the boys, ages seven and nine, getting too cold, so we packed up and headed for a diner. We got back to the park around five. As soon as the sun came up we set out all of our stuff to dry. Great fun.

(Hey, not too bad. I’m shy about trying the number keys, too. ;))

We should get Anastaseon in this thred. She makes hilarious typos even when she is looking! I’m not even going to try to bold it.

Oh, and I did taek a typing class. Just finished it in June actually. I hated it so, so, so much. But I did get a good skill out of it. And I only ever use the keypad for numbers.

Oh, wow. That turned out pretty well.

Okay, I took off my glasses and losed my eyes, this should be fun. And here is the second vere of my favorite poem:

Hecan live without truth; what is knowledg ebut grieving?
e can live without hope; what is hope but deceiving?
He can live without love; what is passion but pining?
But civilized man cannot live without diing.

E(Edward Lytton)

Okay, I’m just proud of myself for getting the brackets right. And the last word of the poem should be “dining”. I’m also curious how I losed my eyes. Did they run away while I was taking off my glasses?

Well, I also took a typing class in high school, but I soon reverted to my own fingering, which is not the technically correct one – buyt it works fine for me.

See – That worked pretty well. And I even managed to fix some typos with the backspace, with eyes closed.

not judt riyh mt etrg bloftg nut onr hanfef…i’m holfing the bsby in my armd.

not just with my eyes closed but one hand…i’m holding the baby in my arms.

Okay, if we’re doing poems…

Had I the heaven’s embroidered clothes
Enwrought with golden and silver light
the blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams
I have spread my dreams under your feet
Tread softly because you tread on my dream.s

:::opens eyes:::

:::closes again:::

HOt damn! only three typos! And that includes some backspacing, because I could FEEL that I’d gone wrong, and whyen.

:::opens eyes again:::


And I can see I jinxed myself.

How in this world of computers everywhere does he think he’s going to type properly and quickly if he doesn’t learn to keyboard? I would have thought keyboarding was mandatory in schools by now. Give him a kick in the arse and tell him to get into keyboarding class for me.

(That was with my eyes open, but not looking at my fingers, if that counts at all. :smiley: )

closes eyes

I used to work at the REC for the post office for a living and I swear I did most of my work there with my eyes closed! The only danger in trying it now is that I’m not hopped up on caffeine enough to prevent myself from falling asleep with at the keyboard! This is actually quite relaxing, and I wonder if it would help to improve the quality of my written assignments if I typed them all with my eyes shut…

Just to be a show-off, 1812 Overture. I can find numbers - although sometimes I mistake the home row keys for the number keys!

eyes open


Except for the “with at the keyboard” bit. WTF? Apparently, with my eyes closed I can type perfectly, but I lose all sense of grammar … so no, I doubt this would help my written assignments… :frowning:

I’ll give this a shot. I had to take a touch typing class back in elementary school. I remember having a little cardboard box that they put over our fingers to keep us from looking at our fingers. Did it work? I have no idea. I haven’t looked yet. I"ll find out in a second once I hit the submit button… With my eyes lcosed! no no no … although that would be impressive.

The guy who taught computer science in grad school, who had programs published typed with two fingers. :slight_smile:

I am not a touvh typust at akk, /Un facg U fdllu sjck,

Ooh that’s bad. It’s supposed to say, I am not a touch typist at all. In fact, I really suck.

See, I was tought to type in the 7th grade by Mrs. Lowry. Honestly it was the single most important skill I learned in school. I have terrible handwriting, so the ability to type was vital to making it through college.

I am still put to shame by my mother who can do 100+ words perminute without any errors. I still make the occasional typo, and I suck at the numbers, but I can hit about sixty WPM with few errors.