From recap of the Stern show today:
"Howard brought up the discussion he had yesterday about the ‘‘femininization’’ of America. He was still pushing for more violence on TV. He says that the heads of the TV networks are hard at work cutting out any references to any type of violence in their TV shows. Howard seems to think that’s all wrong because it’s turning our country soft and we may lose sight of the business we need to take care of with these terrorists. Jimmy Kimmel said that his 8 year old son is great at these violent video games so he’s prepared for the future. Jimmy said he has no problem giving his son toy guns either. "
Now obviously the first thing you must do is get past the fact that Howard Stern is in the studio with the hosts of the Man Show saying these things.
That said, is Howard on to something? Is America too “soft” and too PC to do some of the rather uncomfortable things we might have to do to win the war against terrorism?
Consider the following:
-The Pentagon changes it’s name for the campaign from Operation Infinite Justice to “Operation Enduring Freedom”- so that our military, trained to kill people, doesn’t offend Muslims.
-Hollywood and the networks scramble to redo their scripts to write out scenes of terrorism, and references or scenes in or around the WTC.
-Parents being prosecuted or censured for spanking their children.
-Violent video games being targeted.
-Growing movement against toys like toy guns and toy soldiers.
I’m sure there are other, better examples, but I’m trying to open the floor here . . . I think you know what the point is: maybe America has become too sensitive to win a war.
Or are we?
What do you think, Dopeheads?
Is American too “soft” to fight back?