The Flash/Arrow Crossover Dec 1-2, 2015 [Open spoilers after airing]

In case you don’t know yet: Neither series has a new episode this week, but next week will be the crossover event. I figure I’ll get the ball rolling now, where we can freely speculate on what’s going to happen, then come back next week to discuss what’s actually happened.

Here’s the trailer: - YouTube

Unlike last season where each episode in each series was pretty much self-contained, this season the two episodes will tell one coherent story - part one on The Flash and part two on Arrow. The episodes are entitled:

The Flash S02E08 - Legends of Today
Arrow S04E08 - Legends of Yesterday

I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to speculate that time travel is going to be involved. Especially since, of course, the crossover will lead up to the new series Legends of Tomorrow.

Just a reminder that The Flash returns tonight, with what’s effectively the first part of a two-part combined The Flash/Arrow crossover story.

Here’s the latest trailer: - YouTube

As someone who doesn’t watch Arrow, I’m guessing I’m going to be completely lost this time.

I am really behind on these two shows but I am really looking forward to this crossover. Already got them set to record on the DVR.

Regrettably, my work scheduled means I can seldom catch the broadcast.

Three cheers for network websites offering on-demand repeats!

Interesting story structure: The Flash episode took place mostly in Star City, while the Arrow episode is going to take place mostly in Central City.

I initially thought the setup for getting Team Flash (half of it, at least) to Star City was a bit weak. How did Barry know that Team Arrow was dealing with magic? But when they got there, both groups seemed surprisingly well-informed about what the other was doing. Team Arrow knew about Zoom and multiple Earths. Team Flash knew not just about the magic business but also about Felicity being CEO of a mega-corporation. Maybe Cisco and Felicity each run a blog about the goings on in their respective cities?

Is it just me, or is the chemistry between Barry and Felicity about 1000% better than either of their chemistries with…well…anyone else? I’m pretty sure I said it before, but I think they should trade Caitlyn for Felicity.

I dunno, Barry and Patty’s chemistry is pretty good. But yeah, the Barry/Felicity chemistry is so strong that as early as The Flash S01E04 “Going Rogue” (a.k.a. “Felicity Visits Barry”), the writers felt the need to have Barry and Felicity talk about how good their chemistry is. And then quash any notion of a Barricity relationship.

I’m pretty sure that you’re not even the first person to bring it up on the Dope, so it’s obviously not just you, but I’m not on that boat with you; I don’t see it.

I’m guessing we never ever ever see that magical “provide more oxygen means go fast” serum again!!

Felicity makes everything better - if she would have shown up in middle earth, sauron would have thrown the ring into mount doom just to get her phone number.

Huh, I would have said exactly the opposite.

Definitely enjoying this so far, just good fun storytelling, with a suitably badass villain.

I liked it. Thea’s reactions to the team-up were fun. “We know the Flash?!”

Poor Cisco–he had a hot chick on the hook and it turns out she’s an amnesiac reincarnated Egyptian winged goddess whose eternal lover has arrived to make her remember who she is. I hate when that happens.

That thing is actually like a big comic book thing. I don’t know the details as I don’t read comics, but I know “velocity 6” and other formula gets used a shit-ton in certain comics. I’m reasonably sure they’ll use it again at least 1 more time this season of Flash.

The last hot chick kidnapped him and forced him to make weapons that were then used to commit a whole bunch of murders. This is an improvement. (the cold and gold guns)

This creates the problem that nobody, audience or in show, would believe that she’s a major geek. Her dialogue seems to reflect that. Felicity is runway model pretty, like 9 or 10 out of 10 in almost anyone’s book. What would motivate someone like that to hit the books for the thousands of hours it takes to develop the kind of elite technical skills she supposedly has? Obviously, everyone wants to party with her and the most elite men in around her are going to be doing everything they can to impress her and/or hit that.

There’s also the problem of outcomes, evolutionary psych stuff, etc. Point is, women who have both those kind of looks and elite technical skills are vanishingly rare for a reason, and it’s probably not just sex discrimination. (who would discriminate against someone that attractive?!)

You can’t be serious. Felicity is one of the main things why Arrow has sucked since season 2.

I thought during The Flash episode that it felt more like an Arrow episode, what with Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Dharahrhrk, the whole Arrow crew, and even the flippin’ Arrow music. But then the Arrow episode doubled-down with the patented Arrow soap opera drama, complete with weepy Felicity, as well as killing off major characters. (Though I don’t think they’ve ever killed everyone before.) Fortunately, Barry erased all that.

Oliver was on-point about not bringing Kendra to S.T.A.R. Labs due to their ‘revolving door’ security. That was probably the best line of the whole two-parter.

Was Arrow ever good?

to each their own -