The Flash S02E14: Escape from Earth-2

Seeing how the other prisoner looked, and guessing that it is probably some character we’ve seen, I had guessed that it could somehow be Jay before he started spelling out anything. But I will be kinda annoyed if now two seasons in a row the main characters have a trusted mentor who turns out to be a bad guy impersonating a good guy.

And I agree that if it is indeed Jay Garrick behind the mask, it would have been obvious to then point at himself. Barry could have still misinterpreted it and babbled on about how Jay Garrick is on Earth 1 before Zoom comes in, but it would have been something. And I agree with epbrown01, that if Harry’s daughter is indeed so smart, that she would have tried communicating or figuring out some sort of system of communicating before. If nothing else, he could have started tapping out one tap for every letter of the alphabet. It would have been long and tedious, especially if he spelled anything with a W or Y, but it’s not like they have anything else to do.

But she was much more gracious than I would have been to Barry, considering how he gets captured by Zoom and talks about how they’re gonna get her out of there. Iris was also nicer than I would have been, since her father was killed because our Barry was with Iris.

The show is good enough and fun enough for me to not be bothered too much when the characters act stupidly, but it would also be nice if they acted stupid a little bit less.

The man in the iron mask undoubtedly had more to say than just “J-A-Y”, but Barry being Barry immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was asking about Jay Garrick rather trying to explain that he was Jay Garrick. Before mask-guy could tap out anything further, Zoom ran in forestalling any further attempts at communication.

Of course he had more to say after “JAY”, but while Barry was babbling, he could have been shaking his head and pointing to himself if he is Jay. But it is still possible that the man in the mask is someone else, and he was actually starting to spell out “JAY GARRICK IS ZOOM” or something else entirely but just got interrupted by Barry and then by Zoom coming back.

But Harry’s daughter and the man in the mask were trapped there for months before Barry got there. And apparently the man in the mask had been tapping thing pretty constantly although she couldn’t figure out the pattern. It’s just a bit annoying that even though she’s supposed to be smart, they couldn’t figure out any way to communicate over that time, even though they have absolutely nothing else to do. It would have made more sense if the two couldn’t communicate because they couldn’t see each other, or couldn’t hear each other, or they tried communicating a few times and each time Zoom came in and seriously hurt one or both of them.

That’s what I’ve been thinking. Zoom’s costume even has the same wrinkles around the eyes.

I really liked that while Earth-2’s Star Labs has proximity alerts and all, Earth-1’s just continues with its open door policy. Do they even have a lock? (And how did Geomancer figure out where they were, anyway?)

I’m going to guess that the man who’s been posing as Jay Garrick is actually Everyman2, the shape-shifter.

Wells says his daughter is smart. That may just be parental pride talking.

Did we ever see Wells say that, or just Barry saying that Wells said that?
And regarding Barry escaping the cell, why does the solution to this and every other challenge he has faced boil down to “believe in yourself and go faster” ?

Reminds me of a discussion of the work of A. E. Van Vogt, which said something like “each chapter ends with the superpowered hero realizing that he was somewhat more powerful than he had previously believed.”

I always figured that Zoom was actually the alternate-universe Flash. Not Jay, but Barry. He’s actually just the right height presuming he has thicker-soled shoes, and his muscles look more wirey than bulging. That seems to be out of the realm of possibilities now.

When I was watching this episode with my kids, the discussion came up that he has actually figured out how to phase through things as the emergency, last-minute solution the problem several times now. He should maybe practice that.

Maybe mask guy is Jay, and “Jay” is Rival but had some sort of interaction with Zoom leaving him thinking he’s Jay, sort of like what once happened with Thawne in Wally’s Flash series (incidentally that was the story that got me started as a regular Flash reader at the time)

Velocity 9 is even in there as how Rival gets speed, just as we’ve seen with the supposed Jay on the show.

Hunter Zoloman being E1 Jay is just weird, he’s Wally’s Zoom as opposed to Thawne being Barry’s. No connection to Jay (with Rival sort of being the equivalent for him). Pfft adaption writers, whatcha gonna do… I really hope they never tackle Cobalt Blue, he’d probably wind up being Sisko’s 2nd cousin twice removed or something.

For any of these “Jays” being this Zoom, then there’ve got to be some time travel shenanigans going on. Which is not out of bounds for Flash stories, but mixed with the E2 stuff just seems it would overly complicate matters beyond what they’re usually willing to do with TV shows.

Did anyone else wonder why, when Caitlin2/KIller Frost had Zoom frozen, someone didn’t fill him full of bullets?

They’re trying to stop him, not kill him. :rolleyes:

I’m guessing the extreme cold would have shattered the bullets, sending shrapnel all over the place. Seems like if it wouldn’t, Killer Frost would have been telling them to shoot.

Or even take off his mask…

I hope they never deal with Cobalt Blue again, in the comics, on TV or in any other media. Barry’s long-lost twin, kidnapped at birth by con-artists and now intent on doing eeevil because he’s bitter that Barry wasn’t the one kidnapped? It’s like Waid (who’s run on the Flash was otherwise pretty good–despite his hatred of the Rogues) saw a bunch of Gilbert and Sullivan shows while reading Dumas’s “The Corsican Brothers”. Just a bad concept all around.

Now let us never speak Cobalt Blue’s name again. :stuck_out_tongue:

It shall remain forever an unfinished topic.

Cobalt blueballs, as it were.