You are a 19th century mad scientist. Combine two (or more) Dopers’ names to create a new Monster Doper! Examples:
**Creaky + CrankyAsAnOldMan = CreakyAsAnOldMan
TellMeI’mNotCrazy + CrazyCatLady = TellMeI’mNotCrazyCatLady
Boyo Jim + yojimbo+ Lynn Bodoni = Boyojimbodoni
Go! Create more minions! Soon, we will have an army, and take over the WORLD! MUuahahaahahaahaa… I mean, um, what names would you put together?
Jenaroph the Mercotan?
That’s the spirit!
saramamalana + Danalan + Helena = saramamalananalanelena!
Eve + Jarbabyj = Evebabyj
Annie-Xmas + c_carol = Xmas_carol ?
c_carol , admit it. You’ve just been dying to use that one, haven’t you?
scout1222 + Astroboy14 = Astroboyscout
May 13, 2004, 1:41am
Polycarp + Princhester = Polyester
Mnementh and mnemosyne: mnem&mnem
**Skerri + SanguineSpider = SkerriSpider **
I take gteat comfort in knowing that nobody can do anything with my name.
Bosda + owlofcreamcheese = Bosda Di’Chi of cream cheese?
swampbear + Dung Beetle makes for all kinds of creatures.
swampdung, beardung, swampbeetle, bearbeetle, dungbear, beetlebear (comic strip name!). Hell, we’d be a whole series of cheesy monster movies!
Silverfire & Coldfire = Burl Ives singing “Silver & Cold.”
This is my favourite so far (followed very closely by Mnem&mnem).
KneadToKnow + bluecanarie + Askia = KneadToKnow CanIAskia
Siege + Rue DeDay = Siege DeDay.
Bosda + Supernova = “Blame It On The Bosda Nova.”
Feeble & pathetic. <yawn>
No soup for you!
You didn’t say not feeble and pathetic!
What can I say? I’m just a big ol’ hairy ray of sunshine.
Faeriebeth + Avabeth = Oh shoot!
I’m not clever enough to come up with my own, but I’d like to point out a contest based on a similar idea, in the Washington Post’s Style Invitational .
Winners here .