The fucking world is fucking fucked!

Until you run into someone who “is the bat”. :wink:

Wrong sport. :wink:

It’s still a terrible metaphor.

The ball may feel like it’s playing the game. But all it’s really doing is going where the golfer hits it to.

Telling somebody to be the ball is telling them to give up control over their life and just submit to the will of other people.

Little_NemoCharter Member


It’s still a terrible metaphor.

The ball may feel like it’s playing the game. But all it’s really doing is going where the golfer hits it to.

Telling somebody to be the ball is telling them to give up control over their life and just submit to the will of other people.

Maybe it’s terrible to you, because you don’t get it.

It is the number one life lesson in Caddyshack.

“Be the ball! You should not be intimidated by distractions. Believe in yourself, ignore whichever diversions you are currently encountering and achieve your goals.”

Or maybe it’s terrible to me because I do get it.

The ball doesn’t achieve its goals. It achieves the golfer’s goals.

Telling somebody to be the ball is telling them “Do what you’re told. Follow the rules. Don’t let yourself get distracted. Be a good worker. And the reward is that the CEO of the company will be a millionaire.”

Much as I like Caddyshack, I don’t really look to it for the tenets of my personal philosophy.

I mean, say what you like about the tenets of Caddyshack, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.

Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man…

It could be worse. It could be raining.

It sure didn’t turn out to be a great time to be cracking down on oxys.

Damn, here we are in the middle of a drought…

It’s a world in which a relatively small number of people have been living it up on the backs of the rest. Frankly, I’d start giving a shit if the world were NOT fucked because then there would not even be an illusion of moral order in the universe. All is well. And things are only gonna get better, so buckle up.

You guys are still annoyed by that little thing in 1812, aren’t you?

I’m 53. I thought it sucked coming of age when AIDS was still a death sentence. I wouldn’t be 18 right now for love or money.

My 13-year-old doesn’t want children either. I just say “It’s your decision,” and try not to get into a protracted discussion. I support him, but I feel like I’m not supposed to. I have no special desire to have grandchildren. In addition to everything else that is happening, parenting trends in the US are crap, and I don’t see any sharp reversals in the near future.

When I was young, I used to think I wanted to live to be very old, but I don’t anymore. My father died at 67, and if I lived only 14 more years, I wouldn’t be terribly upset, I don’t think. My son would still be pretty young, but he’d be 27. That’s old enough to be educated and settled in a first real job. He might need me emotionally, but he won’t need me like he does now.

Nah. We won that one.

The White House needed redecorating anyway.

The fucking world has always been fucking fucked. Fucking grow a fucking pair and fucking get fucking used to it.

I don’t really worry about it. Nature always prevails, and whether we go along for the ride or not is inconsequential in the history of the universe.

Well, our TV signals are already out there, so it’s not like human civilization was all for naught.

Gilligan’s Island. Those poor people!