Let’s face it. One day George “Dubya” Bush will be an ex-President and even he will get a Presidential Library. This might be a fun thread if we thought of what books should be on those shelves.
He already has one .
Hopefully, your town is not on the list of list of places being considered for his library either.
My Pet Goat, surely?
Just the smile I needed tonight
“Secrets for Passing the ‘DeVry Institute’s’ Admission Test”
“Confessions of an Heiress”
sheesh, that would be Confessions of a Heiress!
This one looks like a good place to start.
This needs to be included, since he reads it to every class he visits, including fifth grade classes who are far more advanced than this level.
Also Middlemarch since it features in an amusing Dubya-related incident. He once quoted from this book to underline his belief that marriage will solve all the world’s problems. Of course he didn’t know that Eliot was a (for her time) radical feminist, and that he was quoting the book’s primary villain.
“Middlemarch” is a great choice.
So Dubya quoted from George Eliot? Well an encyclopedia article says that she “was reared in a strict atmosphere of evangelical Protestantism but eventually rebelled and renounced organized religion totally.
In 1854 she began a long and happy union with G. H. Lewes, which she regarded as marriage, though it could have no legal sanction because Lewes’s estranged wife was living.”
Wow, George Eliot renounced religion and lived in a rather unsanctified union. Still, maybe Dubya thinks he was a great writer !!!
Oops, looks like it was Adam Bede , not Middlemarch. ITR Champion regrets the error. Whether Bush regrets the error remains to be seen.
An airline magazine with half the crossword already done, and a complete set of the Hardy Boys mysteries.
“Weekly Reader” Magazine
“Humpty Dumpty” Magazine
Complete set of the “Where’s Waldo?” books.
The abridged illustrated version.
(I can’t believe nobody’s said this.)
These books are going to be available on tape, right.
The Iraq War: Strategy, Tactics, and Military Lessons
by Anthony H. Cordesman
(Still inside unopened shipping wrapper.)
The entire “Curious George” collection, of course.
But not “I am Curious George, Yellow”, that one was a bit too racy for Dubya’s tastes.
It should probably just contain the Bible.