The grossest thing you have ever seen...

In real life. Videos circulating on the net don’t count - everyone and their mother have seen those. :slight_smile:

I think for me it wold be my brother’s ear-wax sculpture. When he was around 9 or 10, he somehow got the idea to collect all his earwax and make a sculpture. He announced his mission to me and seemed to revel in my disgusted reaction. He cleaned his ears out industriously every day and kept his found treasure on a little piece of paper under his bed, lest my mom rightfully toss it out. He must have had the cleanest ears in the world of any kid. In a few months, he had a marble-sized, filthy , greasy lump that he had formed into a blob, and claimed it was a G.I. Joe, which he dubbed “G.I. Stinky”. I did not even want to imagine what it actually smelled like. I seriously retched when he showed it to me. It didn’t help that my brother was an icky kid. He had crooked teeth, weird breath, and fat fingers that seemed to leave greasy, lunchmeat-scented prints on whatever he touched.

Hey - maybe my brother HIMSELF was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen!.. :eek:

…Ah, naw. G.I. Stinky still wins out.

Somebody top me. Please?

Oh, real life? You ruined it.

Anyway, looking at my leg pouring blood despite no pain was kind of freaky.

I work in a hospital. Don’t get me started!

Gotta go with GorillaMan’s lead: watching blood pour out of my body. Only in my case, it was my hand. Watching my nearly-severed fingertip flutter in the breeze wasn’t much fun either.

(Good news: they reattached my fingertip, and I regained pretty much full use of my hand.)

I’ve had to clean some pretty nasty things up in bathrooms before (working for bars, restaurants, etc.)

I would swear one mass I saw in a stall was a miscarriage if it hadn’t been in the mens restroom. (though a woman could have used the mens, I suppose)

Anyways, if you’ve ever seen the movie Dead Alive, it looked like that fleshy blob monster that was sitting in the blender. I swear I was expecting sinewy tentacles* to shoot forth and grab me.

*note: this statement is not intended to imply that all sinewy tentacles fall in the direct ownership of disgusting fleshy beasts. Therefore, no offense to Tentacle Monster.

Week-old fish balls :eek: My friend’s roomates had made some fish balls, and threw what they couldn’t eat in the garbage. But apparently the fish balls fell between the garbage bag and the garbage itself, and so they sat there for a week rotting away. I came over to visit, and was almost knocked over by the smell. Since their sink tends to pile up with old dishes, we figured it was food from dirty dishes. But when the sink was cleared, the smell remained. I offered to take the garbage out, and when I pulled out the bag, there was this…mass…it was what I imagined a tumor might look like :eek: Anyway as soon as I moved the garbage bag I had moved the only thing stopping the full stink from rushing forth, and suddenly everyone’s eyes were watering and noses running and the garbage can was thrown ouside and given a thorough hosing.

Blechhh…the smell! THE SMELL! :mad:

I’ve been relatively lucky. My grossest things include:

-ancient rotten cucumber that burst on contact, and
-cat diarrhea in the bathtub.

Hmm… There are a lot of possibilities here, I’ve been cleaning up after people for a long time now (fireman) and there are a lot of things I suppose I could pick. The two that stand out are…

  1. We assisted the county Sherriff in an eviction. Chap hadn’t paid his rent in several months, didn’t answer the phone or door, had no family (you can see where this is heading) to speak of, and we boot the door, and the smell is right there, BAM! Right there on the living room carpet of an otherwise nice apartment is our boy, been decomposing for about 3 months. He was a gelatinous mess, major skin slough, the crime scene boys had to come and cut the dude from the carpet. ew.

  2. Again on a county assist, we were called with lights and shovels to a graveyard, for help digging a crime scene. Seems the owner of the graveyard was charging full price, and dumping bodies in a potters grave. Problem is, he was doing it too close to the top, and not using caskets, so we were treated to sifting through 2 tons of dirt to decomposing legs with shoes and socks still on 'em, and hands and arms still in suit coats and such. This was only found out because a utility crew was digging through to trench some new service to the area, and came upon the grave(s). The ew factor is ratcheted up by one by the fact that the crew probably dismembered the bodies with the excavation machines.

Right there with you buttonjockey308. :wink:

Mailman reports a mail pileup of an elder who lives alone.

Police show to boot the door along with we squaddies. The first officer steps inside, exits and blows chow off the porch. I called for an engine at reduced speed to get the SCBA.

Think midsummer groundhog on the roadside-plump with limbs in the air. Quite rude.

Other than that-suicide by train. Pink bits scattered for quite a distance. Walk the tracks putting scraps in a bag, shooing off the occasional crow. (Now my sig)

Huh. In descending order:

I saw a guy get killed when a cherry-picker tipped over onto the pavement. Massive head trauma, and before he died his eyes were forced out of his head. Not nice.

Found a dead woman in a hedge. She’d been there overnight, I think. She was grey and covered in drying vomit.

Lots and lots of nasty little worms exiting a cat’s ass en masse in a clear jelly, and then wiggling around in a puddle of it.

I don’t want to go into detail, but watching my mom get sick and die of cancer of the liver was the grossest thing that I have ever seen. Other gross things seem to pale in comparison.

I took horticulture in high school, and our teacher also taught anthropology and biology. He’d actually encourage kids to bring in “specimens” (roadkill) for disections.

Once, we came into class to see steel pans full of squirrels, skinned, with their guts oozing out everywhere.


A delicious bag of dried apricots.
Infested with half inch long larvae.

After I had eaten nearly all the fruit.
(One of the apricots was really “fuzzy” with tiny white dusty dots all over. Later I realized that those dots must have been insect EGGS.)

Making soup by candlelight after the power went off.
Added bread.Tasted.Thought it tasted odd.Never mind.Carried on drinking.Power came back on.Bread was green and blue :frowning:
And don’t start about the neighbors who have left their dog’s remnants to sit outside in the yard for ooh six months next to the five foot high trash pile.When they went to put up the washing line,I expected them to shift them.Nope.They hopped about around them…

I had silverfish at one my apartments. I know, I could stop right there, but I wondered what would happen if I captured two of them can kept them in a glass. You got it, the next morning there was one and one half silverfish in the glass.

I saw a guy scalp himself on the back of a truck in Vietnam. That was pretty horrible, but for me the worst thing ever is as follows:

When I was a kid I found a cocoon in the garden. I put it in a jar to watch it hatch. This was the same jar into which I had put the foot of a blackbird that I’d found, to try to dry it out - don’t ask me why; I was a kid. Alas, my mother tidied the jar away without looking in it, and unfortunately I forgot about it.

A few weeks later she found the jar again. She came running out of the utility room screaming “AAAAARGH!!! Get rid of that… THING!!”.

While the jar had been neglected, a freaking HUGE moth had emerged from the cocoon. It had got bigger and bigger (persumably by gnawing the flesh off the blackbird’s foot), and laid hundreds of little green eggs (no idea how). Then it had died and started to rot. The stench and the combination of rotting bird’s foot, puffy rotting moth, and little bright green rotting eggs, had me dizzy and gagging as I emptied it into the trash.

Euch. It was more than 20 years ago and still I get shivers.

  1. Music. Festival. Toilets :eek: EEEeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeewwwwww!!!
  2. My very badly infected ear FULL of puss and blood. It was SO bad that for four nights, I had to sleep on my “good” side and then very swiftly and carefully the next morning tip all the puss and blood that had collected in my bad ear into fistfulls of tissue. (It was GROSS!! And the SMELL!! EEW!!) I tried to put a piece of cotton wool in my ear to either soak up the fluid or stop it leaking everywhere (i can’t count how many old towels I went thru!), but all that would happen was that the ball of cortton wool would be happily bobbing around in it’s own ear-shaped simming pool the next day…

(This is after the doctor said to a horribly-in-pain-me, “No - you haven’t got an ear infection, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” only to find me back at his desk the next day (after after three hours sleep) when my eardrum finally EXPLODED in the night due to the pressure of the built-up puss and continued to “burst” every 13 seconds, regular as clockwork as more fluid built up! And WHAT did Dr Brainbox say? “You’ve got an ear infection!” No Sh*t Sherlock!!!)
3. My Big Bro’s smashed up leg and ankle held together with scafolding. I WISH he’d warned me before he whipped backed the sheet to show me all the Meccano protruding from his skin!!


I was present right after a paving contractor got backed over by a dump truck. More specifically, it knocked him down and backed over his head.

Not pretty.

We had a big flood here ten years ago. A cemetary close to the river bank was flooded. I took a helicopter ride offered by a man who works for the Army Corps of Engineers and saw caskets whose tops had popped off floating down the river with various body parts all around.

Fifteen years ago, I went with a neighbor to check on anothe neighbor we had not seen for several days and who we knew had been sick. Her front door was open and she was lying in the floor, having been dead for four or five days. There were black flies all over her body and the stench was horrible! I did get some entertainment out of this at her funeral. It was graveside and I got to watch four of her relatives fight over taking home some of the fresh flower arrangements. Oh yeah, a lovely floral centerpiece from the funeral! :eek:

I’m going to have to go with being present at the exhumation of the mass grave, or as my secondary, watching surgeons remove maggots from a below-the knee amputee who’d lost her leg in a landmine accident. There’s just some things a ten-year-old girl shouldn’t have to go through.