The Happy Cheap Chocolate Day MMP

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. I’ll be heaving all morning

Thanks! I enjoy being able to taste the 5G now.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 61 Amurrkin out and partly moony, with a predicted high of 73 with rain/tstorms/apocalypse. We shall see. No plans for the day at all. If indeed the weather is as TWPTB say, it will be a good day to stay inside and dry. Sup shall be chili/cheese/onion/slaw dawgs and oven fries. Fartfest to follow.

MG, Flyboy, Metal Mouse, ETAL yay for gettin’ stabbed in the arm! The more arm stabbin’s the better!

MOOOOOOM good for FCD. A local friend had a knee replacement two weeks ago. He had put it off for a long time, and says now that it’s done, he wish he hadn’t been so stubborn and stupid and gotten it done a couple of years ago when he should have.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah,

Happy Sattidy Y’all!

Regarding spousal knees - I’m hoping it’s just a matter of joint replacement. I worry, tho, if it’s related to all the spinal surgery he’s had over the years, since that was often tied to nerve bundles exiting the spine. But no sense in fretting too much till he sees the doc on Moanday. Best case is a pair of new knees. Times like these, spending $600/mo for our health insurance seems like a bargain…

I was also thinking this morning how odd it is that I’m the one whose foot got smooshed and all I’m dealing with is residual bruising. He, on the other hand, hasn’t had any one bad thing happen, but cumulative little things appear to be coming tor roost… HARD! And the selfish side of me is thinking that our cruising days my be over, unless we want to spend and entire cruise on the ship, because as things stand, he’s not up to walking and all the associated touristy stuff. But, again, we’ll have to see.

Another overcast day, but in theory, rain will hold off till tonight. I’m thinking it might be a good day to move some lilies from the front flower bed to the hill, especially with rain coming overnight and tomorrow. It’s also a good time because the lilies haven’t gotten overly huge yet which should make them easier to separate and move. Especially the ones under the azaleas.

And Higgs has a groomer appointment at 9 - I don’t want to get all grubby before I have to take her - not that there’s enough time for that anyway. I’ve got an hour to finish my morning internetting, get showered and dressed, then catch the canine and load her into the car. As soon as she sees her harness and leash, she’ll try to hide.

The excitement never ends! Happy Saturday!

Afternoon all!

Trying not to get all envious of the stabbed ones; this area seems to be going sllloooooowwwwww rolling them out. Friend I met up with yesterday (a real person! Not one made of pixels!) said her Mum only got her first last week- well over a month after my same-aged mother in another county. I think I’ll still be waiting well over a month…

It was very nice seeing a real person- I mean, I see real people in the house and the shops pretty often, but they’re not people I want to see, and that does make a difference.

Anyway, I’m waiting for the washing to finish, then I plan to walk into town, 'cos I need to visit a pharmacy. I suspect things will start going a bit manic there in a few days, as non essential shops (and outdoor areas in pubs) are opening again on Monday, so I’d rather go before that happens.

Morning all. Rain moved in and stayed around late last night, so all soccer activities have been cancelled for the day. Am trying to reschedule a couple of games for this week, we’ll see how it goes.

Not much planned for today, probably lay around and watch the Masters, only golf I try to make an effort to see on an annual basis. Maybe a couple of loads of laundry.

OK, need to instantly Break fast, so all y’all take care.

Gooooood morning everyone. It’s a brisk 38 degrees outside and we have a 70% chance of rain, which, I think, is supposed to fall in the morning hours.

Yesterday morning I picked up some Dasquin Advanced for Polar, went to Office Depot to look for CPU stands, then to Petco for a Serestro collar, then Lowes, and finally I picked up lunch at Wendy’s for the husband I. I then got online at Amazon to order a wheelbarrow/wagon for at home. I didn’t see any wheelbarrows at Lowes, and frankly, it wouldn’t have fit in the back of my Jeep anyway.

While at Lowes I wandered around looking at plants, tools, showerheads, and various other things. By the time I got back out to the nursery, I looked at the line and decided plants will be purchased on another day. Besides, I really want to check out my favorite nursery first.

I wanted to get outside and do some weeding yesterday too, but the wind was bitterly cold. I know this because I walked down the street to my mailbox without a coat and hoo-boy, it was bitter! I don’t like to be hot when weeding, but I’m not going to freeze but off either. If there hadn’t been a wind, I would have gone out.

As it is, I binge-watched Them on Amazon Prime. Wow! That show evoked all kinds of emotions but anger and disgust were the prime emotions. It has a supernatural twist to it, but the main theme was the racism experienced by people of color during the 50s when it came to housing, job opportunities and just the how people treated them. Look, I know many still experience it, but this was SMACK YOU IN THE FACE blatant. The 50s colors that were evident (the pale blues, pinks and yellow) make it look soooo very pleasant on the outside, but on the inside everything is just rotten to the core. Anyway, my husband just couldn’t watch it because it just made him so angry.

I just looked outside, it is raining so there will be no outdoor chores. The knee is still jacked up, so I’m just not going to push the miles. Maybe I’ll try to talk my husband into going to a furniture store north of me to look at sofas.

Higgs is at the groomer’s and I won’t start playing in the mud till I’ve fetched her home. FCD is minimizing his movement, and what he does, he does with his cane, so that’s good. But there’s no need for him to be climbing in and out of the car or trying to handle a dog in a leash and a cane. I figure they’ll call within the hour anyway.

The sun has broken thru and it’s supposed to get pretty warm today - like mid 70s…

And they just now called, so I’m off to fetch a cleaner pup.

Handling a dog with a leash and cane is a challenge (something I had to do after totaling the Toyota). It’s easy to get tangled up.

Up, caffeinating, bed stripped, a load of towels and sheets in the wash, breakfasted and fixing to do KP. It’s a rainy day, so no dog park or gardening time.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!


I went to the corner market to get Mrs. L.A. a gallon of milk… on a single cuppa joe, yet. The market doesn’t open until 08:00. :frowning: I’ll go back in half an hour.

So we were seriously shorthanded, and the noob they put doing bags had sloth like reflexes. Then the 2nd SSLAW was FUBAR, so they put me rescanning, which looked like this. But at least I had hours enough so I don’t have to choose between electricity and beer. 'Cause drinking warm beer in the dark sucks. :wink:

A meatspace person? Ewwwww.

Moo juice has been procured. Pig strips are in a cast iron frying pan in the oven. Tubers have been shredded and rinsed, and are being treated to heat upon a layer butter. Cackleberries are coming to room temperature prior to cooking.

I’d HAD today planned to knock out errands by noonish so that sloth could become the game plan.

Thanks to a nail in a tire, nearly 1.5hr (and counting) has been devoured by waiting around for our turn at the tire shop.

Yup, a real Meat Human.

Made it into town to the pharmacy 'n back without getting more than a few drops of rain (though I’d actually like it to rain- the water here’s really hard and not suitable for my carnivorous plants, so I’ve been collecting rainwater and I’m about out). The non-sweary forecast said it was supposed to be heavy rain most of the afternoon- maybe I should switch to Boofae’s sweary one.

Anyway, I’m inexplicably tired today, so I think I should go make dinner even though it’s early- I don’t want to get stuck behind the oblivious housemates who can easily take over the whole kitchen for 2 hours a night.

Just because I’ve been reminded of it…

Guess who tried to climb the new shower curtain in the guest bathroom at 6:20am this morning? Made quite a racket when the curtain and rod and Tango came crashing down. He’s lucky he’s so cute…

Since I was up, I finished whacking the yard, did some grocery shopping, changed a couple of litter boxes, prepped some bed areas for the new planters, got my weekend machaca & eggs from the place on the corner, watered the plants that are already in and am preparing to go pick up the new planters from Tractor Supply Co. Then my day is going to involve alcohol and sloth. Maybe some sloth and alcohol just for variety.

Have I told you lately how much I like you?

True for animals and children…

flyboy Strangely, I am also cooking meat strips. Mine will be served with eggs and some nummy bakery goods that I scored.

Nettie I’m sorry to hear about the tire. That stuff is maddening.

Our big plans for the day include picking up the living room (if children cooperate) and watching Godzilla v King Kong. I loaded the dishwasher and it’s running. I think I will start cooking most of dinner in the morning. By evening I am usually feeling too ill to cook.

Happy Saturday all.

Afternoon all. Since there was no soccer to be coached or refereed, I drove down to the town we’ll be playing at next week, about 45 miles away. Wanted to be sure I could give my parents good directions. Then meandered back into town, stopping at Barnes and Noble to buy a couple of books (first new ones I’ve gotten in months). Nuked several frozen White Castles and along with a Pepsi that has quelled my appetite for the time being.

quietly, bet Tango doesn’t try that again…has he come out of hiding yet?

Nut, enjoy direct human interaction and don’t kill anybody…

Nettie, it’s always when you have the perfect day planned. Hope they can patch it and you don’t have to replace it.

flyboy, that’s one of the best descriptions of preparing breakfast that I ever read.

Taters, have to look into that. Only Them I know involves Giant Ants…

Ok, meal has been assimilated, onward to…doing nothing much.

Wasn’t necessarily going to be perfect, but more organized and productive than most weekends. Oh well. We did blow off taking back recycling until next week, but it’ll keep. Nailed tires are one of the hazards of having a construction worker (electrician, to be specific) in the family.

Still got some kitchen stuff on the agenda, but that’s going to wait until the pizza is baked and eaten. Dishwasher’s running, so once stuff gets put away, I’ll have more maneuvering room.

Well, that was fun. We went to Red Robin for lunch, and just as we were nearly home, FCD realized he’d left his phone there. He called (from my phone) to verify and he’s now on his way back there. I transplanted a bunch of lilies and they got a good drink of water to help them settle in. I’m thinking of digging up a few more and putting them along the driveway. or not. How motivated am I??

Answer: not very. Maybe I’ll do it tomorrow when the sun comes out.

Well the city came through on the permit, so’s I’m installing on Moanday. However! that means I’ll need to irk tomorrow as well as the 6 hrs I already put in today.

flyboy I had to look up who the non-be-fezzed guy was in that vid. I knew he looked familiar. Some sort of midway between Jon Hamm and John Bernthal. I’d never seen Ben Bailey outside of a cab.