:: jar creeps in with a flash light ::
Did you just hear that?
:: jar creeps in with a flash light ::
Did you just hear that?
Ah, jarbaby, relax. It’s just bobkitty.
Hey! What was that!
:: Pointing::
I think something just ran that way!
runs screaming, with her shirt torn and a too-small bra so that you can just almost, but not quite, see brazen nakedness
I think it’s best if we all split up to look for the killers
Guys, i’m scared. Couldn’t we just head over to the abandoned roller disco and see what’s making all that noise over there?
I’ll take the basement, but I think I’ll need a scantily clad female to go along with me. I shouldn’t need a flashlight, what are the odds of the power going out?
Scooby? Is that you?
Well, while Why A Duck and jarbaby check out the basement, and Glen Livid investigates the roller disco, I’m going to check out the kitchen. Any maybe get the obligitory sex out of the way, if I find someone in there.
hold on…I just found this note…
what’s it say? Read it aloud for exposition purposes
While you’re checking out the basement, I’m going to go out through the garage and check around the yard. I heard a dog barking ferociously, then a quick yelp, a whimper, and a furry wet-sounding thud. Then silence. I’d better run out there barefoot and unarmed to see what’s up.
Hey, the garage light isn’t working! flicks switch a half-dozen more times, shrugs, and heads out
Hey, guys! I think I found the circuit breakers. I’ll have the lights back on in just a sec!
::continues waiting, and watching::
Hmmm whats this lipstick message on the bathroom mirror?
heh…makes no sense to me… <shrug>
DAMMIT!! You ruined a perfectly good sneak-and-pounce! I almost had her!! ::sigh::
Okay… I’ll take the attic, but I’ll need two hormonally driven teenagers to go with me so they can rut like weasels while I’m investigating.
::legs it::
While you guys are checking out the house and the back yard I think I’m gonna go take a shower.
Helllooooo? Anyone home?? My car broke down about a mile from here and I need to borrow your phone. Hellloooo? Anyone??
<creaking floorboards>