While I’ve yet to see a real full trailer I did see most of one as a part of the “X-Men 2” previews yesterday. Itw as a making of semi documntary, and it looks like they are changing around the Hulk a little bit, while keeping the character himself really the same. Also, while the no one is going to say the Hulk is real, the CGI looks a lot better than I thought from the grainy old half-done trailer.
I’m willing to give it a shot. WHta about you guys? Comments? Notice something?
I’ve seen both the international and the American full trailers and they are quite good. The Hulk looks much better in the more current footage than he did back in the Superbowl footage(they have completed more of the CGI).
I think Ang Lee will do an incredible job dealing with the psychological aspects of the Hulk.
I’m looking forward to this one third most this summer(after Matrix and X2).
Yeap, Max Torque, those are the Hulk Hounds people are commenting about. Gamma mutated doggies.
I’ve got mixed feelings about this movie. It could be pretty cool with the mass destruction and ‘Hulk Smash!’ whatnot, and if they mix it in with a tight storyline and some (not too much) pathos. Mixed feelings about Ang Lee directing it, I have a nasty feeling that he may start wondering off the plot or start getting to soppy. Perhaps X2’s got my standards set too high.
And don’t get me started about a naked Hulk rampaging around the place…
Whn did the Hulk origin change from being caught in a bomb blast to gene manipulation by Dr. Banner’s dad, activated by lab experiment gone awry? Is this canon now?
Dogs are fine. I’ve seen other Hulk dogs, and I’m cool with 'em. What bugs me is that they decided to make one a poodle. Hell, why not make a Hulk pomeranian while you’re at it!
I’m not a comic geek, but I do have a few friends that are. From what I remember them talking about- Bruce banner was borderline Multiple personality disorder caused from an abusive dad. Something Samson (the guy that helped hulk become intelligent hulk) said mentioned that he was a mutant from birth, and that the Gamma burst just accelerated his condition into full blown mutandom. I vaugely remember my friend saying that the Hulk only mutated into the hulk and was not killed because of his latent mutant abilities.
Don’t know anything about his father genetically engineering him though.
IIRC, the comic origin is still a gamma bomb blast. My guess is the Hulk gets his powers in the movie by way of genetic manipulation, because that’s the new generation of science, just as atomic power was in the late 50s/early 60s.
They changed things for the Spider-Man film too. In the original comic, Spidey still gets his powers from an irradiated spider, but in the film (and new Ultimate Spider-Man title) the powers come from a genetically altered spider.
No, its looks like they are going the calssic route. But they may use the “mutant-potential” scenario. There were some scenes I saw that may indicate Banner’s father tried to… improve on nature’s design a bit…