The Hunger Site

I can’t find the thread, and it was getting too long anyway! So here’s the link – please remember to click on it once a day from each computer you use!


Don’t forget- to help fight Breast Cancer!

Lack of charisma can be fatal

Well, while we’re all doing something great for society, go to They donate a percentage of your online purchase dollars to a charity of your choice.

“Fester, fester, fester…rot, rot, rot.”

Did my daily clicking… Thanks Frankie for adding the breast cancer link… a cause near and dear to my heart.

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

To the top. And I add my thanks to Sue’s for the added sites


Hey you are welcome ladies!
I am one of the lucky few who hasn’t known any ladies afflicted with this insidious disease. I just hope we can make it go away before I do!

Lack of charisma can be fatal

er . . . BUMP!



Gonna give this thread a kick back to the top…

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

To the top wi’ ye!


A bumper crop of bumps. :slight_smile:

Eschew Obfuscation


Get back up on top! :wink:


regardless… bump.

what is essential is invisible to the eye -the fox

Is someone trying to assert, after reading everything else posted in this forum, or even just a representative sample, that this thread is an inappropriate posting?

“It is to laugh.”