The I Have No Idea of The Day, Date, or Month MMP

Got up this morning to no bag with my clothes. I had a bag for Buddy, a bag of toiletries, a bag of food and a cooler and purse. Clothes still sitting on the bed. I am here in flip flops. I have determined there is a Target 2 miles away. Though I didn’t want to venture out I need shoes and shirts at least. Hubs is getting prepped. I can sit with him once that’s done until they take him away.

I’m a dunce.

I feel ya, Shoe. Even when we were supposed to be in lockdown, only going out for necessities, my mother still managed to get across her opinion that I’m being lazy and Not Doing Things Right on the phone… Telling her anything seems like submitting it for assessment, then she gets angry that I don’t want to talk about what I’m doing. She’s trying to angle for a visit at the moment as she’s picking something up from a place an hour and a half away next week (my parents live an 8+ hour drive away), but the county is still officially discouraging visitors, so I think I’m getting away with it for now.

It’s annoying, as I’d be quite happy to have Dad round, but it’s impossible to invite him without maternal judgement arriving in tandem, with no respect for boundaries. The one time they visited this flat was 3 days after I’d moved in, as they was going to be basically passing right by. I’d said I really wasn’t up for visitors, and Mum’d said ‘Oh, that’s fine, we won’t come in if you’ll still be unpacking, we’ll just take you out for dinner. I’m sure that’d be nice if your kitchen’s still a muddle!’ I’d reluctantly agreed; the day comes, she heads straight in, plonks down on the sofa, tells me to put the kettle on and I had to physically stop her from barging into my bedroom… :roll_eyes:

Butters, just remember than smelling a bit funky can aid in social distancing. But seriously, thinking good thoughts!

Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to get into the cookbook to do anything. GT sent me instructions eons ago and I lost them. I asked her to bring me up to speed, but I guess she’s forgotten too. :frowning:

Today is water-the-new-grass day. Then I’m going to do a closet purge - too many too-large garments in there that will be taken to the thrift store. And when I’m dropping them off, I need to find replacements in smaller sizes. So that’s the rest of today’s plans.

Butters - by now your sweetie is probably being prepped and all - good thoughts aimed Miami way!

kai - new babby and new puppers? You’re either brave or insane… or both… :rofl: :rofl:

Well, better mosey out and drag the hose across the yard.

Happy Tuesday!!

Just waiting for them to take him and they are kicking me totally out of the horsepistol so I shall go to target and back to the hotel until they call me. Nice nurse said they do this procedure all the time. No big deal.

I did a full LOL at “Glow in The Dark Sky Raisins.”

Filbert that was a spot-fucking-on description. Right down to the fact that I’d enjoy hanging with just my dad but they’re a package deal and she is a goddamn unstoppable force.

I, however, am an immovable object. I’ve been watching Game of Throne bits featuring the Queen of Thorns for inspiration. That is what I want to be: utterly in charge and don’t you forget it.

Just gotta convince myself, for starters.

Yay for that wonderful nurse! “We do this procedure all the time” is actually a very comforting thing to hear.

Enjoy your trip to Target! I hope you get distracted with all sorts of nonsense, and then you can head back to the hotel and be comfortable while you wait.

(Hospital waiting room chairs are medieval instruments of torture!)

And I’m holding your hand the entire time!


{{{Butters}}}. Do your shopping at Target, then come back here and browse…sitting in a hotel room waiting for the phone…best be with us Mumpers.

{Purp}. We have the families we have. Can’t trade them in. Just remember that this too shall pass.

Wiki!. Puppies and grandbaby and sewing. Yikes! Life is about to get much more interesting…

To all others, my thoughts, hugs, and sympathy as needed.

Cloudy and a 50% chance of rain today, right now the radar shows the rain either north in Tennessee or south in Mid-Ali-bama, but we’ll see if that lasts. Nothing much on the schedule, we’ll see how much ambition I can manage.

All y’all take care.

Afternoon, mumpers!

(((Butters))), bestest thoughts to you and hubby. Go and do some recreational shopping, then come back and hang around with the cool kids on here. There’s bound to be something to take your mind off the wait.

Shoe, I share the feelings - I’ve had family I love and family I’d much rather be without, but sadly the good and the bad usually come as a package deal. Sometimes you have to grin and bear it, and just hang on to the fact that it’s a visit and they’ll be gone eventually.

Today is results release day for our final year students. My boss and I have worked our socks off getting stuff ready for today, we managed to release everything but of course there have been some issues and now we have a barrage of complaints from students. A bunch of them were emailing bang on 12.00 demanding to know when results were coming out, and now they have, they’re grumbling because they think things are wrong. Maybe some are, but there’s only so much one person can do at a time…I need a stiff cup of tea.

Reminds me of something that happened in the Navy. I was stationed in MA and my boss was an affable young LTJG. One of his jobs was “Housing Officer”, which meant that he dealt with all aspects of military housing and the tenants therein. He told me a story about his early days as an Ensign at the command, when he really didn’t know shit from shinola.

Seems he was getting complaints from some residents about another tenant who had a large number of dogs. This was odd, as the policy was very strict about pets, allowing only two per household.

LT: “So I went out there to check things out, and this guy and his wife had 13 dogs!”
Me: Thirteen?! Isn’t there a limit?
LT: Yeah, well before he transferred here he called and told me he had 13 Pomeranians and asked if that was a problem. I told him ‘no’.
Me: Why did you tell him no?
LT: I thought a Pomeranian was a house plant.


Let me state the obvious: I’ve met some Poms that made house plants look smart!


I have no work to do. Nothing. I wish I had brought my book. A real, hardback book. I can read books on my phone but I don’t like it.

shady you might have to tell us the pants story.

Howdy Y’all! Back from the eye doc. Actually been back for almost an hour and a half. I got there at eight-fifteen, signed in, and was taken to the waitin’ area. No sooner than I sat down, I was taken to an exam room where they do eye stuff, then immediately in to see the doc. Then to pick out new frames (a sturdy pair of spiffy lookin’ black ones). Then back to have pictures of my eyeballs taken. Then back to the doc to look at that. I have a cataract in my right eye but it’s not bad so he said no worries for now. My eyesight has not changed significantly, so that’s a plus. A couple of eyelashes on my bottom right eye were turnin’ inward, so they plucked ‘em after askin’ me if I wanted that. I said why not. Ouchie, but not too bad. They grow back btw. All in all I was in and out in forty-five minutes.

Butters hope all is goin’ well with hubs and that you are now stylishly clothed from the House of Tarjay.

Oh, and I got my pupils dilated which is always a ton o’ fun. Should have the new specs in about a week.

Swampy, you always scare the waddin’ out of me by driving with your eyes dilated! It is a time when I am glad we are on opposite sides of the continent.


Funny story **Cookie. **. I did my shopping. I got enough to get me through. I could not find the shoe dept and the three ppl I asked didn’t speak English and I know no Spanish so they just pointed. Now this is the first time I have had to wear a mask for any length of time and I started to get kinda panicky so I got out of there. My phone brought me back a different and longer way but it was through residential areas. I am in the rich part of town. Very nice homes. Lots of traffic too. I could not live here.

Yay for new pups wiki Gotta see pics. A baby Pom must be so cute. I miss my boy and am worried he thinks I left him there forever. I shall call and check on him in a while. I don’t want to be a pest.

Shoe I feel you on the mom. Mine, thankfully, is not that interested in coming to see me (even though we live in more-or-less the same city). I did talk to her recently and mention that I had to find a ride to PT and she was like “How come you don’t ask me?” Well first of all, mom, helping me is not really your style. And second of all… the idea of having my judgy mom in my disaster of a house makes me want to puke with anxiety. The fact that the mess is not mine and my ability to clean it is limited would make no difference whatsoever. Stand your ground. You’re an adult and she’s there as your guest. You’re the one in charge. Oh, btw, apparently today is your anniversary here, so happy anniversary!

Wiki I’m jealous of babies and baby clothes. And a pommie puppy sounds exciting! Your story reminds me of my last pregnant foster dog, who also had her pups a little ahead of schedule (I was in the car on the way to pick her up when I got the “Uh… something is happening” call). She was a pistol and I adored her and her puppies were delightful. I’ve had others that have, for the most part, put me off the idea of ever wanting a puppy (give me a senior any day) but… if they were all like that mama and pups, I would be all about them.

Butters good luck! Just tell everyone you left your clothes at home so you’d have an excuse to get souvenirs from this trip. Hey, while you’re at Target, pick me up some of that freeze-dried edamame. Yum.

Gosh, this thread is moving faster than I can keep up.

Y’all gonna miss your Mother’s one day. I would give anything to have mine back.

I called and checked on Buddy. They said he is fine and settled and ate some. She said they are always nervous at first. Buddy is a prick. Mean except to me and a Dad. They probably won’t ever board him again.

I’ve been sitting on pins & needles the last couple of days since my daughter started soccer camp. I want to reflexively drag her back into the car every time I drop her off, but the local trends are going in the right direction, the staff are religious about wearing masks and making the kids keep away from each other and wash hands and seeing my daughter decline over the last few months has been heartbreaking.

She was laughing and talking and actually excited for the first time in over a week last night and finally - FINALLY - able to sleep normally for the first time since late April thanks to a pre-pandemic level of activity.

We still keep her home when she’s not at camp and will have her stay home an avoid people outside the home for a couple of weeks after. And she showers the moment she walks in the door. But so far, giving her even a week of sort, kind of normal has made an enormous difference.

This year is going to involve a lot more adult decisions than I ever wanted to make.

He made it!! New valve working. Successful. Still sleeping so I’m gonna wait a bit. Visiting hours are 3-9 but I could go sooner. I’m gonna wait a bit until he’s awake. Now for a good cry.

Butters YES!!! Great news. Have your cry now and see him as soon as you can.

wordy, I’m ready to start coaching soccer again, some of the clubs have restarted but I’m still not sure…sounds like the coaches are taking the proper precautions.

Vow, I do the same (drive after dialtion). Usually wait about 40 minutes post-exam and wear heavy sunglasses, so far no problem…

Cookie, I have friends that have 13 dogs (not poms, all shapes and sizes) and I have no idea how they manage their house.

Rained anyway here, but I don’t care, the good news from Butters made my day.