The I Have No Idea of The Day, Date, or Month MMP

So the sort ended early so I got sent home early. Guess no one buys things on “Colonial Treason” week. :wink: Also Alex Catt is on The List she tried walking across the dish drainer, and flipped it to the floor, breaking my Drink Wisconsinably :cheese: :cheese: :glass And most days I’m not sure what day it is. But I always know when it’s 5 o’clock. :beers:

Penzey’s make a variety of salt free blends. If you like Tex-Mex, I recomend the Arizona Dreaming

I dunno, it’s hard to keep track of this board now.

TGIF, everyone! Oh, wait…

I went to the grocery store because I was out of diet ginger ale. I love diet ginger ale. I had to pull my babushka cart, but that’s OK. Everyone was wearing masks since the governor issued the order. Yay.

Upon exiting the parking lot, I have to cut through another parking lot to reach the sidewalk. There were three guys in their 40s in work uniforms standing behind a truck, and I heard a loud bang. It didn’t smell like fireworks I stared at them, and they got very quiet until I’d passed, then BANG. Crap. I have a strong startle response. Back to work, boys.

I’m now very tired. I don’t know why.

VOW, “Mrs. Balder-dash” gave me a chuckle.

Supper was good - poke chops, green beans-n-onions, boiled red spuds. Dishwasher is loaded and sink is scrubbed.

Chillage shall ensue.

We’re talking MMPs. It’s chaos all the way down.

Howdy Y’all! Mowage and cave spiffin’ got accomplished today. Go Us! We decided to have N.O.L. as the big meal today. It turned out to be baked poke chops, peas ‘n carrots, rice ‘n gravy (gravy made from the drippin’s (scrapin’s?) from the pan in which the poke chops were baked), and whomp rolls AKA crescent rolls, cause they come in a can and you WHOMP the can to open it up. We make our own entertainment. :grin: I took some ribs outta da freezer to thaw. I envision smokin’ ‘em maybe Firday for Treasonous Colonials Day on Sattidy. JDD and Partner are comin’ over to hang at the cee-mint pond and make socially distant merriment with us. Lookin’ forward to that.

{{{Butters}}} hope all goes well. A Plan B is always a good thing to have. Prayers, good thoughts, and all that for things to go well tomorrow.

There’s a business called “Spice House” that makes some interesting blends based on nationalities. My son send me a half dozen of them, including one called Peri Peri, and one called Oaxacan Ancho Coffee Rub. These are salt-free, and the ones that I’ve tried are quite good.

As for pectin, it’s just a natural starch that aids the gelling. After many failed jars of jam, I finally convinced my wife that if we were going to have consistent results, pectin was required. So in the sense that it helps make jam. . .well. . .jam instead of syrup, I suppose one could say that it at least enhances the morning toast experience. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seconded. I use Arizona Dreaming, with a little extra cumin and chili powder, as taco seasoning. It’s good. :yum:

We arrived safely at the high-faluting hotel. We were a sight for sore eyes. Hubs was wearing his tuxedo cat shirt, shorts and sandals with socks, I was wearing jeans and my new Tee with a chihuahua and the slogan “ never underestimate an old woman with a chihuahua”. This was not planned.

While searching the car for the muzzle I found it and a car key hubs was going crazy trying to find. We used Grub hub for the first time ever and had Red Lobster. It weren’t that good but since hubby can’t have anything after midnight I would have felt bad giving him a PB&J. We also got a call on the way up that the insurance has approved the procedure like we were even worried. Would’ve been weird had they not.

Poor Buddy My neighbor that is cat sitting knows a worker at the Vets office and she sent me a photo and he looked so sad. Now I wish I’d made other arrangements like got a pet friendly place and brought him with me. I know he is fine but he must be terribly scared. I also know once we pick him up he will forget all about it.

VOW We have to be at the hospital at 6 AM so hold tight. I will probably be in touch. And that’s all the news that fit to print.

Evening, friends.
I’m wiped. Got dinner in the microwave. It’s mom’s veggie casserole tonight. I’d sort of been hoarding the last couple of those, but since they’re the oldest, I figured I should eat them. Also, since I’m the one who decides what I make, I can make it again.

A friend took me shoe shopping. When I was still walking, my feet were not very functional/responsive. My left toe dragged or flipped under a lot and the right dragged a bit. So all of my shoes have holes in the toes and going to a shoe store was just not possible alone. Since she drives an SUV and it’s high enough that it’s difficult to get up into, we took my car. Roommate had put some stuff off to the side of the driveway including a piece of metal… which my friend hit and popped the tire. Whoops. Not a big deal- I’ve got the warranty and the road hazard coverage and so forth. Long story short, I now have new shoes and a new tire.

Going to go resume The Avengers. Today is The Incredible Hulk.

That “Arizona Dreaming” sounded so gooood until I got to the cilantro…

I will check out the others!


Butters, thinking good thoughts your and your husband’s way for tomorrow!

I’m trying to get my professional books from my university office on the shelves at home until I can either move to a different practice office or stop working and sell/donate/give away the books I currently teach with/use for reference. This means double-shelving, which I hate, but it gets them off the floor.

Had an early appointment this morning and now have new tires and brakes. Okay, my car does, but you know what I mean.

Their Tuscan Sunset is a nice Italian seasoning with no salt

Sweet basil
Turkish oregano
Red bell pepper
Black pepper
Anise seed

My two Penzey’s go-to spice blends are their Baking Spice ( Ceylon & China cinnamon, anise, allspice, mace and cardamom) and their Chili 9000. Just the smell of the baking spice makes you feel warm and cozy. I add it to pancakes, french toast and many cookies, among other things. If I made apple pies, it would go in there. The Chili 9000 is a blend of both Mexican and Indian type spices ( Ancho chili pepper, cumin, garlic, cilantro, onion, paprika, cayenne pepper, lemon peel, Mexican oregano, black pepper, cocoa powder, citric acid, turmeric, cinnamon, coriander, ginger, natural smoke flavoring, fenugreek, cloves, fennel, nutmeg, white pepper, anise seed, jalapeno pepper, star anise and cardamom.) Very little heat; whole bunches of flavor.

My mother is coming. It’s official, and I’ve been throwing a tantrum all afternoon and all evening over it. Nobody knows that I’ve done so, except my poor cat, and now you guys. But I feel like a colossal baby, and was reduced to texting a couple of friends, asking them to please remind me that I am a grown ass adult, and that this is my home, and that I am allowed to live as I please.

I managed to distract myself by hanging my magnetic screen door flappy-thingies and Nikki promptly let herself out, and I think a minimum of flies let themselves in.

Also, I saw one (1) firefly in my neighbor’s yard tonight. I am clinging to that, because I love fireflies (they’re basically ladybugs with glow-in-the-dark butts!) and also, I have roasted a chicken and am trying to work up some appetite for it. Smells good. Probably will taste amazeballs, if I can get on it while the skin is still crispy.

Butters I am wishing you all the best!

Quarantine and work furlough has temporarily kicked me out of my 9-5 routine, but I am aware of when weekends arrive based on the increased noise in the neighborhood. That’s about it.

me and the aunt are having a different snit against each other this week Well for starters I bought something i didnt have “permission” for way back when i got that 1200 dollar check and it finally came in and only 2 weeks late here’s the thread i made on it Yay I finally got one of these - #2 by Jophiel

Well, my aunt spends most of her time on that book that shall not be named and was spammed by this place selling this weird “military” type of wonder pants and had me order some through the place well 2 months later pants are waiting somewhere in Los Angeles to be taken to the post office … and since she’s in no way patient somehow this is my fault and I can’t use my new toy until those dammed pants come in …

Good evening to all of you beautiful people!

I must say, I am not a big fan of the new board. I know, everyone else is loving it, :pleading_face: but it just isn’t appealing to my sense of style and decorum. No location, post count, when I am done reading one post I am not still in the forum I was in, I just have “unread threads” and other bothersome items. No changing of font size and color . . . whimper I don’t like change.

My daughter, DJ, let’s call her, is quite round and is beginning to waddle a bit. She will be in her 7th month soon, and she is getting ready for Róisín to come out and play! We still need to paint her room and set up the crib . . . oh, I am so excited! Little girl clothes have gotten even cuter than when I was a mom! I bought a sewing machine, a Brothers, to re-learn how to use one. When I had my first baby my mom did the same, and her first efforts were obviously hand made by a newbie. By the time she was done making baby clothes for her grandchildren she had taught herself how to do embroidered smocking and other tricky bits. She left me her Bernina, but I remember that she had to take a class before she could use it, so I want to re-familiarize myself before I mess around with the Bernina. I also have the makings for three crocheted blankies, one for my cousin’s daughter, two for our baby. I would like to build a quilt for her, but it’s sounding more like a Christmas present to me!

The other good thing in my life right now is drum roll I am getting another Pomeranian . . . no! I am getting two more Pomeranians! Sparrow was supposed to come down from Alaska “in the family way” but she had her puppies early. I was a bit bummed, but she had two boys and a girl, and my friend is sending me the girl pup with her, so yay! Sparrow is a daughter of the Pom I got a couple of years ago from the same woman, and an AKC Champion. My friend is working on a couple of specific lines, and while she doesn’t want to lose this line, she needed to make room for a new female, so I get two girls with full AKC registration . . . for the price of the Health Cert. and their flight from Anchorage. I am a fortunate woman, and this is going to be a babyriffic summer, as Mooom would say!

Well, I guess I have been chatty enough for this day. I will try to come back this week; I will read, but comments from me are well-intentioned but rare. I am glad I have the MMP to duck into, even if there are so many new kids in here! I will never get caught up on everyone and their nicknames. All y’all be safe and have a wonderful week!

p.s. Talking about the squid makes me hungry for octopus. Are we still contributing to the Mummper Cookbook?

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work.

Wiki, yay bonus pups!

[color=purple]shoe[/color], I enjoy fireflies. Gordie thinks of them as “Glow in The Dark Sky Raisins”, though.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 76 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 94 with a fifty percent chance of rain this afternoon. We shall see. Today’s agenda includes an eye appointment for me at eight-thirty this mornin’ (put off twice due to Covid-19) and laundry. Live it up I do! Sup shall be tacos 'n fixin’s. (OLÉ!)

flytrap to clear up any confusion, I am both retired * and* a drain on society. I am also workin’ on becomin’ a grumpy old man. Right now I am at grouchy old man level so I need to step up my game.

Butters prayers and good thoughts for hubs this mornin’.

Wiki yay for new puppehs! I think MOOOOOOM has taken over the cookbook. Maybe she can help you out.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas, alack, woe, and bother of bothers, I suppose I must purtify and don appropriate bein’ about the public attire. Life is such a struggle!

Happy Tuesday Y’all!