The I Have No Idea of The Day, Date, or Month MMP

YAAAAAAAAAY for ButterMan!!! Now comes the fun part - getting him home and making him behave while he heals. Always great fun (she says snarkily…) Seriously, very happy for both of you.

Today is daughter’s 3rd anniversary. I’m going to wrangle Roxy this afternoon while they go out for a while, culminating with a stop for sushi that they’ll bring home to eat. So I need to figure out what FCD, Roxy and I will dine upon.

My mom called earlier - my baby brother has a brain aneurysm and he’s having a procedure day after tomorrow. If that doesn’t help, they’ll schedule surgery. I think he’s going to the same neurologist who did FCD’s most recent surgery. On the plus side, they don’t think it’s a super-emergency situation - they found it back in March! :astonished: - and my bro is in pretty good shape for being almost 64. On the other hand, WTF?!?!?

And on a less bummer of a note, I scored 2 pairs of jeans at the thrift store at $5 each, plus a Little Tykes table with 2 chairs for $10 that is now in Roxy’s tower. I’ll have to go back there tomorrow, tho - they only take donations on Weds and Sat mornings till they’re full, whatever that means. I’ll be there when they open tomorrow.

And that’s the latest from FairyChatEstates! Film at 11. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yay! So happy for you guys!

[quote=Vow]Swampy, you always scare the waddin’ out of me by driving with your eyes dilated! It is a time when I am glad we are on opposite sides of the continent.[/quote] Vow, Swampy’s in Jawja, everybody down there drives like they’ve just had their eyes dilated. He’ll fit right in.

Butters, Yay!

Mom, I know nothing about brain aneurysms, so I can’t mansplain anything about that. Aren’t you glad?

Wifey came home last night about 9:30.
Whatever I did to fix the shower has reversed itself and it’s back to a dribble. I fear the only thing left for it is to tear out the antiquated diverter/valve thingee and put in a new one. :thinking: :confounded:

Just another day in paradise!

[quote=“dogbutler, post:21, topic:913629, full:true”]
So the sort ended early so I got sent home early. Guess no one buys things on “Colonial Treason” week. :wink: [/quote]

Dogbutler, you’re sounding more like Ruble every day. You sure you want to do that? He’d be so proud of you! :laughing:

Happy Toosday!

I’m very happy for you and hubby {{{Butters}}}

I’m sure Buddy will be okay.

My dog knows I’m unhappy with him - I woke up to find he’d peed by the front door. I let him out as usual and set about cleanup. He came back in and disappeared. Normally he runs to the kitchen for his morning treat. He’s still in his little hideaway.

I wish my back would disappear - right now I’m at a 6 on the old traditional pain scale, or :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee: BEES!! :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee: on the new scale. Have an appointment with a new spine guy next week. Hope he doesn’t start out with “Well, let’s try two months of physical therapy and tylenol to see if that helps” when what I really need is confirmation of whether or not my spinal fusion from a few years ago is intact, or has broken down into a state of confusion.

Being out of the loop I am not sure what’s happening, but I get it’s a hospital thing - not my favorite - and I, too, am with you in spirit. hand squeeze You are both in my thoughts, and I am looking forward to a happy update.

I was gonna drink tonight but I might start this afternoon. That’s how bad things are.

YAY for the whole Butter fam-damily!

::shaking cramp out of hand::

You do some real tight squeezing, Lady. ESPECIALLY at the good news!

Cry in the shower. You can make as much racket as you need to, then you can wash off all the snot and tears, and let the water run over your puffy eyes.

Get out, dry off, take a couple of Tylenol, and go to sleep. You have a headache from all that crying, and you are exhausted!

You’ll have sweet dreams!


LOL! My mom asked me once where Pomeranians (the breed) came from. When I answered “Pomerania” she looked at me as though I had told her they originated in Vulgaria!

Hey, I come from a long line of wingnuts! :crazy_face:

Not sure if I could do a beard like that, but high praise. :smiley:

Yay for Hubby, Butters!

{{{{MG}}}} Just take cae of yourself.

When we arrived at the horsepistol today hubs BP was 83/56. Very low. It is now 130/76. Doing great. A lung Dr came by and said he will feel significantly better, breathe easier and have more stamina. He’s already talking about going back to irk. We still have to have the Mitral valve fixed in a couple months but this one is life saving. And it was all done through an artery. Almost science fictiony and is too a word.

Moooommmm One of my brothers had one of those that was not found early but luckily he was able to find a Dr in Alabama who had just invented a new way to fix it and the Navy sent him there. He is still followed every year by that hospital and Dr. having it found early is better me thinks.

**Midget ** I am going to drink this evening at the hotel bar. Just a few. Celebrate. Please be safe and you can FB message me if you want to chat. I will be alone in that hotel room and I’m there for you. I want to thank alll y’all for the prayers, good wishes and hand holding. There isn’t a finer bunch anywhere.

see what happened is my aunt bought a few bracelets from a charity that helps vets get therapy dogs on Facebook, Well she started getting bombed by ads selling all kinds of "military "stuff and these and one of these were from a dodgy site that was selling some kind of military-style pants and she liked how they looked so she bought a few … and yeah … its been almost 3 months …
Now the last tracking thing i was sent telling me its been in transit in LA for about 2 weeks i sent a letter asking WTF and heres what i got "

Dear customer,

Thanks for your support and concern on our store.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long.

We checked with our local office, the package is still during the transit. The shipment should be delayed because of COVID19 or other factors as we cannot tracking the package once the package departure and on the air, please do understand. Would you kindly wait some more days, we will keep you post once the the tracking status update.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope for your kindly understanding.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Have a nice day.

Best regards!

Suma "

yeah… So the saga continues …

That actually sounds fast. This is for a package coming to me from overseas - 19 days from arrival in the US to being handed over to the post office:
June 29, 2020, 4:34 pm
Arrived at USPS Origin Facility
CARSON, CA 90747
Your item arrived at our CARSON, CA 90747 origin facility on June 29, 2020 at 4:34 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
June 29, 2020, 3:19 pm
Accepted at USPS Regional Origin Facility
June 18, 2020, 9:37 am
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
June 10, 2020, 11:38 am
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
June 10, 2020, 10:51 am
Picked Up by Shipping Partner, USPS Awaiting Item

I got that same poorly translated song-and-dance on a sheet set I ordered through da Jungle. Third party, of course. I finally said, “REFUND!” I got some more bad English saying “but it is very much on the way.”

I got my money back.


Most people I know - including her coaches - are pretty stringent about safety, thank goodness, which gives me a certain level of comfort. My daughter is good about wearing a mask unless she’s running even though it’s optional, but we’ll still take things day by day.

I wish I could hide under my comforter all day. It’s nice and gloomy and stormy, a perfect napping day. Also a perfect day for an espresso. I’m still trying hard to like hot tea, or any tea for that matter, but so far unsuccessfully.

Every once in a while the theme from Rocky plays very loud. We asked and it means another Covid patient is being released. They also play chimes when a baby is born.

Butters - that is very cool! :smiley:

Evening all. Rain has returned to N. Ali-bama, along with the occasional tunder-boomer, but I did manage to get my mail in before it arrived. Also went two days in a row with no nappage, so I guess I’m adjusting to my schedule.

Butters, that’s cool what the hospital is doing. And soounds like the recovery is right on track.

wordy, only hot tea I liked was the very hot, very sweet tea they had in the UAE. Otherwise a Southern Sweet Tea is as far as my tea habits go.

gotti, got the same messages when I was waiting for my face masks from China. Guess customs finally got around to it…

shady, like gotti and I, you’ll have to grin and bear it, the items may actually have been shipped, but customs can be a bear.


wiki, quick fill-in, Butters hubby has been having heart problems for awhile, it looked like it might require an operation that was dangerous, but nearly the last minute another surgeon came along with a technique that was much more successful (we all hope), so yeah, it’s a time to be happy for Butters and her hubby.

FCM, no expert here, but a brain aneurysm sounds mildly concerning to me. Hope the procedure goes well.

OK, need to fix some food to stave off the hunger demons. All y’all take care.