The Labor Day MMP

{{{Midget}}} you should try to eat something.
Blood sugar levels can mess with your moods.
When I lived in a Baltimore City row house that had no AC, popsicles were my best friend.

Home from the doctor, all my numbers are good.
Ripple was naughty while I was gone and he has been a pest since I got back. He missed me.

I’m irritable today still.

{{{emily}}} Have you considered reaching out to your family in addition to mental health professionals?

sari, the counties in Tennessee that do emissions testing (read: most of them) require it within 90 days prior to getting your tags. I live down the street from emissions testing and the county clerk’s office and the end/first of the month, traffic is backed up and they have to station a police officer to direct it.

ruble, most of the heavy stuff that I order any more is from Chewy. :slight_smile:

:hands a cold one to butters:

As I figured, the old bat of a cow-orker didn’t show up today. At this point, my supe and manager are beginning to believe me about her using up her PTO time before she retires. We had one of our cycle counters walk out two weeks ago, leaving our coordinator to fill in the gap. Last week, our other one broke her foot and will be out for a few weeks, leaving our young reconciler to fill in that gap. What with the near retirement reconciler being hit and miss and covering the young reconciler’s counts, I’m getting a bit of irk in.

I lied. I’m having bacon again on my sammich tonight.

Take care, Emily.

As a stop gap, have you tried St. John’s Wort? You can get it at a drugstore/pharmacy with the vitamins, or as a tea, or at a natural foods store. It works on the brain in much the same way as anti-depression medication, by affecting serotonin.

Air-conditioning suggestions: Is there a large mall where you can go and sit? Library? Movie theater? Back to your dad’s house? Coffee shop? Combination of some or all of these?

Get out of your apartment. It sounds like you cannot handle the heat. There is a condition that is the opposition of SAD (people who get depression in the winter). You may fall into the group of people who don’t do well in heat and brightness. If you have to miss a few activities in order to stay cool, it sounds like that would be a wise short term choice for you.

When my son was having serious depression issues, his counselor suggested this for him: try and find or do one happy thing per day. He would find pictures of puppies, or play a card game with us, or play video games. See if you can find one good thing, big or small.


Midget, what Sunny said. And {{{{hugs}}}}

[[[[[[Midget]]]]]]. Can you go stay with your Dad until the heat wave is over?

I decided not to tie one on. Just gotta suck it up and move on. Gotta keep on keeping on.


I am full of grrr… Today has just sucked all the way around. This morning I had a friend in the classroom throwing books and chairs, etc. and their 97 pound self nearly pushed my 300+ lb person out of the way when trying to get out a door. Then I got home and saw the UPS truck go by and saw a note on the door where he had supposedly knocked. So I had to wait for him to get back to the depot so I could go pick up the Bubster’s pills since he was out as of today.

Let’s hope tomorrow is better.

Thanks Sunny. I have just made plans to go to my dad’s house tomorrow. He and my sister will be out at work, but I can hang out in air conditioning, hopefully.

{{{{Midget}}}} Sounds like it’s a tough road for you about now; know that you have a bunch of people here that care about you and will talk to you and help as much as a bunch of strangers hundreds or thousands of miles away can.

We care about you. Never doubt that. Sunny offers good advice from a “I’ve been there” perspective.

Reading Butters, Red’s, and StickyBuns notes, it’s sounds like it was a good day to forget all around the Hemisphere.

wetone, you can never have too much bacon. If it is in the house, it needs to be consumed.

Soccer practice completed, the boys did well but when I held a ‘special’ goalkeeping session for goalies only after practice, they got a bit rambunctious so I sent them home early. We’ll try again with the goalies on Friday.

Oh, and got a new Medicare Card, just to remind me I’m an old person…

Good! And look into the St. John’s Wort if you can’t reach your doctor… {{{hugs}}}

I apply this rule to ice cream and bacon. :stuck_out_tongue:

a) I doubt you are in the area of Maryland we cover.

b) You raised a son with an appreciation of interesting headgear.

c) You aren’t plant.

So nah ------- I can love you no matter what. :smiley:
Doubling tomorrow but the zzzzz’s just ain’t coming yet. Maybe reading here will put me to sleep.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 76 Amurrkin out and dark, though TWPTB say ‘tis fair, with a predicted high of 92 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. This mornin’ I shall take OYKW’s vehicle in for an oil change and service. Afterwards I shall take it to him and retrieve twuck. Then I shall go lay in provisions. Even though all that will keep me in the streets, it should be enough to keep me out of trouble whilst in the streets. :smiley: No idea as to what we shall sup upon. I shall be inspired while in the Pubic Sto’ hopefully. Other stuff will also be done, I’m sure, but as of now that’s the big plan of the day.

{{{Midget}}} here’s hopin’ things are better today. St. John’s Wort is a good suggestion. At the least it won’t hurt. Just keep hangin’ in there!

StickyBuns yikes! :eek: I trust no one was hurt.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, since I shall be out and about the public I suppose I should purtify and don appropriate goin’ about the public attire. Life can be such a bother at times!

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

I stopped at WaWa on the way in because they have surcharge-free ATMs and I need cash. Their machine was down - the screen said as much. Oh well… But as I was in line paying for my breakfast sammich (with debit, dammit!) I saw a woman standing by the ATM complaining that her card was stuck.

The screen said the machine was down, and this idiot (who, by the way, has reproduced) still stuck her card in. I just don’t understand some people… :rolleyes:

Happy Wednesday - another steamy one here… blech.

Happy Hump Day!

Going to be hot and humid today, high in the 90s with 93% humidity.

I got woke up too early, 4:40, by a old wet nose in the belly. Ripple wanted some attention. Then he curled up next to me and went back to sleep.
The brat.

He was sleeping peacefully until, as though squirrels, mice, and bats aren’t enough, I felt something on my leg and there was a big ass spider crawling up it. I let out a shriek and sent the spider flying across the room.
Then I pulled out the vacuum, but since I don’t know where it landed I don’t think I got it.

I was hoping Ripple would find it and kill it.
Of course the cat is never around when you need him.

So that is my morning.

{{{{Midget}}} Find one good thing each day. It doesn’t necessarily need to be something that will make you “happy” because trying to reach “happy” when you’re this low may be impossible. But find one thing that makes you feel less crappy. A cool shower with nice shampoo. A piece of chocolate. A hug from your sister. It doesn’t need to make you 10/10 happy… but if it lifts you from -10 to -5, that’s an improvement. And maybe in a few days, you’ll be at -9, then -8…

My kids are so freaking crabby this morning. No one slept well last night because it’s so hot and humid in my house. But thankfully a cold front is going through today and it’ll cool off for the next few days. Also, today we’ll find out how much it’ll cost to replace our furnace…

Many years ago, I went thru a rough time personally. It wasn’t depression, but it was still not fun. A friend told me something that has stuck with me for the last 40 years.

Think of your life as a graph of highs and lows moving around a timeline. You’ll have really good days and really bad days along the line which, in the long run will define an average. Would you rather live your life at that average, sacrificing all the highs and lows for a steady emotional line, or are you willing to deal with the lows so you can experience the highs.

OK, he put it better than that, but what he said made sense. I can’t imagine life without the euphoria and I’m willing to deal with the pits in order to experience the peaks, even tho the pits can really suck. You can think of it in musical terms, too - high notes and low notes, slow and fast, loud and soft - all make the symphony. Otherwise, it’s a single, long, endless tone.

Hang in the Midget! Your symphony continues.

Howdy Y’all! I got OYKW’s vehicle serviced, got it back to him, went to the sto’ (two of ‘em even) got provisions, came back to da cave, and have stored said provisions in the places they stay until used. I got some shrimpies steamed Cajun style whilst at the Pubic Sto’. Those along with peas ‘n carrots, a cheesey rice-broccoli thingy from a box (don’t judge!), and rolls shall make for an easy and tasty sup this evenin’. Now chillage ensues cause I don’t wanna adult anymore.

Not much danger of that, given your culinary experience of late. :dubious:

Howdy All. Slept in until 0730 again, it’s becoming a habit I could get used to…

My record for bringing rain after watering the yard is still unblemished; watered the front yard Sunday, the back yard Monday, and for hump day the remains of the storm Butters was getting is climbing North towards me and it’s already damp out. So if you need rain, just have me come by and water your yard; surer than any rain dance.

{{{{Midget}}} New day, new hugs.

Sari, nuke it from orbit; it’s the only way to be sure.

FCM, be nice; we’ve all had times where we are operating on Cruise Control and do silly things. I could tell you what I did at Hoover Dam once…but I won’t

Plumbers want to move the tub around 180 degrees and I concur, and the shelving and wall hangings have been decided, just need to get the tile guys back and finish the bathroom. My remodeler’s son is getting married on the Gulf Shores this weekend, so time may pass before things get moving again. It looked so easy on all those home-flipping shows…