The lamest reason you had for breaking up with or not dating someone?

Deep in our heart of hearts we are all despicable, selfish shallow bastards. Come on, admit it. It is what makes us human. This often best shines through in our dealings with SO’s and potential SO’s. And for good reason, you don’t want to make a commitment to someone who can’t put up with all of your crap.

For me, it was I did not like her movie collection. I met her through a firend at work and we went out a few times, had some fun but never quite hit it off. Finally after couple of weeks she invited me back to her place. “Awesome!” thought I, maybe this will turn things around and I will get to find out more about her. Well I did, and what I learned was not pretty. While she went about preparing some drinks I was left alone in the living room and I started looking around. The first thing I went for was the movie and music collection knowing what a great window into the soul your artistic tastes are. I was met with several WWF DVD’s, Bevis and Buthead collections, Gigli, Freddy Got Fingered, Tommy Boy etc. And those are just the ones that I remember years later. The music collection was a mix of Gangsta rap and annoying boy bands. For the rest of the night I had never felt so awkward around a girl and did not see her again after that.

So what was the lousiest reason you had for dumping or not dating another person?

Apart from the rap music collection…he had jeans that were all frayed on the bottom. I didnt like it one bit. And he wore them constantly. I stopped answering my phone after 2 weeks.

How do you remember that years later when it released in theatres in 2003?

Sorry, Muad’Dib but I think dating is about getting to know someone and if you’re looking for an SO, it’s about determining what you can live with. As well as of course what you desire in a partner. If you had only gone out with her a few times and discovered something that bugged you, you should move on.

If over the course of dating for a good while you discover some things you like but something new you don’t like pops up that might be a dealbreaker, well then you weigh good against the bad.
And if you need to leave you leave. You don’t owe anyone the pleasure of your company.

I twice broke up with people over tattoos.

I went out with an attractive med student a couple times… good status, wealthy family… but

  1. She’s an apolitical person from a conservative family; and

  2. I asked her what she likes about San Francisco, hoping she would say scenery, art, culture, history, or something along those lines. Her response was , “They have a nice mall.”


All I’ve seen so far are very good reasons for breaking up with people. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with someone who liked Gigli ?

This reminds me of a classic Onion article about post-one night stand regrets:"legend+of+bagger+vance"+"pushing+tin"+"one+night+stand"&hl=en

A guy I knew once told me of one of his lamest being-dumped stories. As he told it, they had been dating for a while, it was starting to get serious, and one day she says to him, “You know, I like you and all…but we can never go anywhere. I just couldn’t imagine myself named Turnipseed.”

…He later changed his name.

I’ve met a number of nice women who I couldn’t date because they have the same name as someone I regretted getting involved with, or had a bad break-up with, etc.

Maybe I’m shallow or something, but if every time I said or heard their name, I thought about a bad experience or someone I strongly dislike it just wouldn’t last long.

I have two largely inviolate dating rules.

  1. I do not date women with the same name as close female members of my immediate family. So Patricias, Marcias, Elizabeths, Teressas, Anitas, Teshas and Shanas are out, including all reasonable diminuatives, Romantic cognates, nicknames and other variants.

  2. I do not date women of the sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha.

If I am ever unwittingly in violation of rules one or two, kindly inform me immediately.

I had gone out with a girl a couple of times, got invited back to her place - Elvis shrine in one corner. :eek: That’s me out the door as soon as possible.

The rest of the decor was about the same standard, I had to leave before my sense of good taste suffered a massive, unrecoverable collapse.

I broke up with a Brit who was too short for his accent.

im avoiding messaging back this guy i met at a metal concert on the weekend cos i found out he still lives with his mom.

To me, that’s not a lame reason to break up, that’s a fundamental difference in values.

I once dated a woman with the same first name as my mom. Can’t say that’s why we broke up, but it always freaked me out a little to call her by name.

So that rules out my mom. Shame, really–she’s hot for a 75-year-old lady. :wink:

But I’m dying of curiosity, here . . . Why?

I don’t think I ever not-dated anybody… But boy-band CDs… eesh.

I have only broken up with two people. Once was for a very good reason–he proved that his loyalties were somewhat, um, flexible. The other time was because of religion. The guy in question had just decided to get involved with Wicca, and I thought it was ridiculous. Now that wouldn’t even faze me–to each his own. Then, though, it really irritated me for no good reason. It wasn’t that I thought he was going to hell or anything like that–I was just annoyed by the Wicca idea.

Please, Wiccans and assorted pagans, do not be mean to me for this. I was an incredibly stupid, selfish twenty-year-old, and otherwise, this was the sweetest man on the planet.

He had the same name as my sister.

  1. Women who say “yes” on the first date.

  2. Women who say “no” on the 6th date.

  3. Women who don’t know when to stop drinking.

  4. Women who don’t drink at all.

  5. Women who wear running shoes with jeans or to a non-athletic day out.

Hey… you said it had to be lame…

She said Jaws never was her scene and she don’t like Star Wars

Sounds like she might be my type.