The last word

A silly little game brought to you by yours truely.

It is about the last word. What you do is try to keep the last word… but anybody could take your beloved last word form you anytime…

at the moment I have it.
It is watching tv in my living room… if you want it you ll have to fight for it.

Umm, WTF? Are there rules to this game, or can I just post a bunch of mumbling, bumbling crap? Or is the real game that it is the word? And do I have to keep it at the end of my post or what? Can I include it in other words, like bit or lit or wit or tit (I like that one). What’s the game again?

Ah shit.


You just had the last word. But now it is gone.
Back into my possessions.
Sure you can tell anything… as long as you keep on telling something you have the last word…

I could tell you about how it pisses me off that my dad, my (ex) boyfriend my best friends boyfriend and my meds have the same name…
But I dont want to be cruel

and her last word

I’ve got it :slight_smile:

Ad Noctum, Keeper of last word until someone steals it.

And herein lies the clue to this game :stuck_out_tongue:

[sup]last word[/sup]

That s what you think :slight_smile:


I have it now.

… grabs the word and eats it…

ha! How are you going to get it back NOW???


sehr schnell, Dodgy!


I just snatched it!




Not for long !!! :::evil cackle:::

Nope. You all lose. I win. Just look at my name. :wink:

::takes a swig of Mtn Dew and sits on the word::

here I sit all broken hearted
came to shit but only farted
later on I took a chance
tried to fart but shit my pants.

Ender politely asks for the word and it is granted. Calmly he places it on the desk of the moderator who is silently weeping and whimpering “I’ve got to patrol this thread?”

we already played this in IMHO Anniz started the “who is the most stubborn” thread, which I of course won :slight_smile: well, until a Mod Scythe decided to close the thread do to the nightmares it caused him.

Now I have the last word!


This looks like a grand way to pad ones post count. How ignoble!

(haha, I have the last word!)



Kinky butt sex?

I don’t have the last word…