Watch Lindsay Lohan Age Before Your Eyes
Watch it full screen for best effect —> Lindsay Lohan's Changing Face - 25 Years in 60 seconds morph - YouTube
Hey, you have a bit over six months to plan your Halloween look!
Watch Lindsay Lohan Age Before Your Eyes
Watch it full screen for best effect —> Lindsay Lohan's Changing Face - 25 Years in 60 seconds morph - YouTube
Hey, you have a bit over six months to plan your Halloween look!
Meh, several times in the video it was clear they jumped from red carpet style photos where she’d been professionally made up to paparazzi style photos with no or self-done makeup and unfussed with hair.
I won’t deny that she’s looked pretty haggard in photos and videos lately, especially when they’re from her various legal entanglements but would you really be at your most photogenic after being told you have to do community service in a morgue?
They also seemed to speed up transitions as they got towards the end, so that you never quite saw the picture without it being distorted.
I noticed that too. It always bugs me when the media says “OMG look at this celebrity she looks awful” and then they show you a picture where some photog just caught her off guard, drunk or without makeup. IMO, everyone is allowed to be caught off guard, everyone is allowed to go out drinking and look a bit tired after a few hours at a club and everyone is going to look a bit worn out when they only way you’ve ever seen them is after they’ve been made over and photoshopped by well paid and highly trained artists.
Yes, we all know LL has had her issues, but even if her skin had looked like crap all her life, we likely wouldn’t have known about it until someone caught her on the streets without makeup on and got a picture.
That music is so scary!
The weird thing about Lindsey is her teeth. Lately, when she is done up her teeth are different than when she is not…That and that thought that anyone in their twenties needs collegen injections in their lips…
The blond hair (still) isn’t doing her any favors. Needs to go back to the red.
Lindsay looks better now. She’s gained back some weight in the past year. She’s not a walking skeleton like she was a couple years ago.
Apparently she made some changes and finally got her life back together. Now that she’s off probation can she stay out of trouble?
I hope she can get focused back on her acting career. Lets hope she learned something in the morgue. That has to make a strong impression on anybody. Whitney Houston went in that morgue while Lindsay worked there. That’s a powerful message for anyone to see.
Stay tuned for Lindsay’s next chapter.
Not a fucking chance.
Bets she doesn’t make it to 30.
I didn’t want to waste a new thread on the abomination in the works, so I’ll just mention it here: Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor will not fly! It may get an audience of people who pull off the road for car wrecks, but that’s it.
That’s absolutely true, but it would be equally true if she weren’t such a hot mess. There’s the obvious fact that she looks nothing like Taylor, but there’s also the problem that she’s famous, regardless of what she’s famous for. By definition, you need a not-famous person to believably play Elizabeth Taylor.
WTF? Why would they go and make the video private? Is Lohan suing or something? Do they really think they can shut down a video that’s went viral?
Here’s another link.
Picture it with a pink background and Benny Hill (or Klezmer) music. She’s in no more of a death spiral than Drew Barrymore was at the same age.
I just read that she showed up late for an acting job on TV show “Glee” this week, presumably cause she was out partying the night before. I think they were stupid to hire her.
and she’s no Elizabeth Taylor.
Picking a nit:
Barrymore was happy and healthy when she was the age Lohan is now. Barrymore’s “death spiral” was age 12 through 14.
The entertainment value of the current ‘hot mess’ is fading fast, in my opinion.
I feel nothing but sorry for the girl, and ceased to be invested in whether she comes out of it or sinks fast a long time ago.
Former starlet/child star now hot mess, circles drain - it’s just too cliche. We’ve seen in all before, this is nothing new, just more of the same. And when this one slips away, there will be another, on her heals ready to assume the spot of ‘celebrity’. Ick.
Quick joke. Why is Lindsay Lohan like an STD?
She’s embarassing.
She’s recurring. She goes away, comes back, and goes away, and comes back.
She responds very well to drugs.
It tells me the video is set to private