My Mother-in-law was talking to my husband the other day about his sister.
She, my Mom-in-law, mentioned something about Lost Boys.
I wasn’t really listening too much as I was helping out my father-in-law trim the tree.
Later on that evening, over dinner, the topic was mentioned again.
It seems that my sister-in-law has ‘adopted’ a yong man from the Sudan. He is currently living in the same city as my Sister-in-Law. She and her husband have given this guy a job and have helped him out with day to day life in the US.
I found out that there is a group of people called ‘the lost boys of the Sudan’.
In short, these are boys who have either lost their family or have been removed due to famine and war. I find it devistating that these beautiful innocent children are being treated as such: pawns in a game.
It’s really a long complex political issue, but this website touches on it:
it’s long, but a good read:
My sister-in-law gave her dad a book about them and I just finished reading it.
These are such beautiful people that are enduring horrible conditions. It just makes me sad.
But, on a postive note:
Jacob, my sister-in-law’s adoptee, is a really wonderful person. I hear that at work he is always smiling, always so positive. Things we take for granted: tv, plentiful water, grocery stores, cars, clothes, etc were all new to him! Truly they were.
So in a way, Jacob, though we have never met, has taught me a lot about life.
I just wanted to post because I really felt moved by this story.