The Matrix is just silly.

Ok. The first Matrix is what it is. No one is arguing that.

The movie demanded at least a Sequel. (Which Frankly, did not need the rave scene at all…ANY part of it) The movie, and I recall it, took on two parts, it firmly expanded the Matrix mythology (Universe) and at the same time, brought SOME clousure to the plot, if not creating more twists, and solving them in the same movie. Its fair that II and III are the same movie. (They made them at the same time, and Blatantly connect the two. “To be Concluded”)

If Memory serves me, Reloaded is where Neo revives Trinity.

Revolutions is a proper ending, and closure, and does enough to keep it all together. The ending needed to be what it was. A Complete package, that needed more than one movie, and did at least a Fair job of not being JUST eye candy. (Yes, the Dialouge is more towards the SAT Vocabulary/ Philosophy end) But you can Disect all parts of the later movies, and see the over all vision.

Frankly. It could be argued that the later movies were smarter than the first one. Then again, You can’t Wow everyone with Bullet time, once they’ve already seen it. Matrix Hit the Special effects hard, and kept them in the later movies, but the needed more, went for more, and for most people, apparently didnt deliver want it intended to do.

And Yes, I own “The Ultimate Matrix Collection” as well as each of the Movies by themselves.

and I would take Matrix Trillogy over LOTR anyday.

The title of this thread is misleading.

Revolutions was garbage and Reloaded was weak but “The Matrix” was pretty damn good.

I would argue that Reloaded and Revolutions aren’t smarter just because they have more big words. :wink: The first movie isn’t as ambitious that way, but in the first movie, they were smart enough to keep the love story and ridiculous French guys to a minimum.

The problem I have with Reloaded is that they stole their own ending (true love saves a life from almost certain death.)

Not that that’s the only problem with it. The sequels are almost Highlander 2-esque in their awfulness.

I’m not slinking.

The Matrix (the original) is in my top 5 of all time, possibly even #1. Visually spectacular, unprecedented action sequences, and as for the theme and story arc, well, I’ll leave it at this: some people connect with it and some don’t.

But I agree that Reloaded and Revolutions were huge letdowns, especially when we, the moviegoing public, were led to believe that the original was made as Part I of a trilogy. What a laugh. Filmmakers, Producers, WB, they all really blew it. That said, I thought both follow-ups had their moments as action flicks. But yeah, dialogue, as well other aspects, were awful. Ridiculously pretentious, utter drivel. And you know things are bad in production when one of your stars (Lawrence Fishburne), who is supposed to be this lean, mean, ass-kickin’ machine, is 40 pounds overweight.

But, umm, didn’t Monica Belucci just knock your socks off in Reloaded (as Persephone)? She heads my pantheon of sexually arousing movie characters.

Oh, and Ethilrist: not latex, but PVC. Also known as Polyvinyl Chloride.