The Millionth Post

There were 996,108 posts on the SDMB when I logged in today. Should there be some sort of prize for the millionth poster? If so, what should it be?

OP post #: 1,081,419 Do a search for “millionth post”. There are at least half a dozen recent threads about this and the millionth post was posted quite a while ago.


It is easier to start a thread than to look it up. Why bother when there are people who live on this thing to look it up for me? Pardon my laziness.

So you don’t look like such a stupid shit, starting a thread with the same topic as a thread that was active less than 3 days ago?

No, you ignorant fuck.

You posted a reply I do not wish to quote. Not that I don’t cuss, I am an Honorably Discharged US Sailor. You posted with an almost anger. I guess it is that I pegged you as somebody who lives on this message board.

As of this post you have 2354 posts.

2354 x 7.5 minutes a post. This assumes 7.5 minutes to load the page, read previous posts, gather thoughts, and type.

This comes to 17655 minutes. That is 294.25 HOURS. Given an 8 hour day and a 5 day workweek, you have worked 7.35625 WEEKS at the SDMB. This does not count time that you have lurked.

Honestly. You are a lifer and wouldn’t know how to interact with real people if this thing were to go down.

996352 posts in total is from the SDMB home page (where it lists the forums). Assuming that this number is lower than the post ID numbers because posts were deleted, that means that over the life of the SDMB, the Mods have deleted over 85,000 posts (estimate). Who says they don’t work hard?

Her anger, I believe, was at your laziness, and request that others do intellectual work for you. We don’t appreciate that kind of attitude here. I would recomend that you lose it if you plan on spending any time here.

Plus she’s just plain mean.



In the time that it took you to figure that out, you could have searched for “millionth post”. Probably more than once.

Do you actually have a point here or are you just going on and on about something that you couldn’t possibly know anything about?

Using the search feature that the SDMB has couldn’t be easier. Click, type in a few words, hit enter. Like I said, you probably could have done it more than once.

No I’m not. Usually.

I apologize to the others on this board that feel that my laziness was anything other than just that. My connection to this website is very slow (DSL over a 10/100 network, fresh installs of Win2k, Netscreen appliance as a firewall it should scream). The site response I have been getting is a new page after about a 3 minute wait. Looking it up would have been a hassle.

The tone that Silver Fire used to reply to my post was very rude. It seems that a certain eliteness permeates almost every chat and message board I have ever been to. The SDMB is not immune to this and, in fact, seems to be worse than many others I have been to. I decided to thumb my nose at this by cracking wise.

I look at almost every day while I am at lunch. I was an avid reader until our local paper stopped carrying it many years ago. I never saw the tv show. I spend about 30 minutes at a time on this message board about 2-3 times a week. I enjoy “lurking” and reading what others have to say.

I very rarely post due to the fact that I expect the kind of cold, nasty, aloof response like I got from Silver Fire. Notice that the only really “civil” response to my post was from someone with less that 1000 posts. (C_Goat, thank you for at least explaining why the number I saw and the “real” numbers don’t add up.) When I saw how many times she has posted vs. the time she has been registered, I knew that she was just another elitist with a bag of quick comebacks to try to frighten off “newbies” and attempt to put them into verbal submission (although cursing isn’t a very good verbal trick).

Once again I apologize for any inconvienience I caused anyone that reading my post caused.

Oh come off your cross, we need it for the real Jesus.

If I had asked the same question I would have gotten the same response. Probably with an extra fuck wad or dumb fuck thrown in.

If you really bothered reading this board you’d know that.

A) Elitist? :rolleyes: B) I don’t have a “bag of quick comebacks”, and I don’t personally enjoy trying to “frighten off newbies”. Verbal submission? No, I don’t think so. C) I’m failing to connect your “complaint” with me to my post count or registration date. I’d be equally “rude” if I had registered yesterday and had a post count of seven. I also can’t find a connection between my attitude towards you and the fact that you’re a “newbie”. Like oldscratch pointed out, it’d be the same for him. Once again; searching is good, m’kay?

Silver Fire, who still doesn’t understand how this is easier than searching.

I am not martyring myself, nor do I feel persecuted. Leave religion out of this (and everything else for that matter). I am just stating a fact, a fact that you do not really deny, that the SDMB is in fact elitist. From my readings of this board, the “average” user is an athiest skeptic with very liberal leanings. I am an athiest, skeptic, and am very liberal. I could be considered the poster boy for the SDMB, yet I generally choose not to participate due to this pervasive elitism. Besides, I have a job and 4 kids. I don’t really have time to “really bother reading this board”. I must work on what data I have. This is the first thread I have started, and it has degenerated into name calling.

No you couldn’t. Our poster boy would actually search for a topic before starting a new thread about it.

If you would have just searched for the other threads about the millionth post, it’s been explained. A few times, actually.

Silver Fire does not state that she is not an elitist. She only berates me with this search. This has nothing to do with search now. It has to do with snobbish prigs now. Silver Fire seems to be the type to want to close message boards to be only those on her “buddy list” so as to keep herself insulated against the cold hard wind of there being other people on the planet and them not being in with all the jokes.

The response I expect from her regarding this post:

“If you would have only searched you would have found a thread about me being a priggish snob a long time ago.”

Leading me to infer that if I was a real “doper” I would have already read that thread or had been privy to its existence. I realize that I could have just searched about this and found it and would have never started this thread.

I will continue to post. I will NOT search for anything on what I post. Redundant posts are bound to happen. There are some number over a million posts on this board alone. If you have been around on the boards enough to notice some duplication, get over it or GET A LIFE.

Stop the presses!

Cartooniverse is getting a run for his money in the Squicky awards!

Sure, you could be the poster boy for the SDMB. In BIZZARRO world!

Your last statement:

Is exactly the kind of thing you need to say in order to firstly make everyone hate you more, and secondly get your tail banned for…get this…BEING A JERK.

Read your AUP. And then grow the hell up.

Hi, urlnotfound- this diatribe reminds me of an email I got from a new-ish poster by the name of Scott Urista, who just happens to have the same email address as the poster webmastr. There was an accusation me being an elite bastard, a dung beatle (sic), and much other unpleasantness.

That you Scottie?

If you deny it, it’s ok. You denied being webmastr in your email to me, but confirms it. You don’t get an address of Admin@***.net unless you own the URL.

  1. The above information regarding email addresses and names was gathered from and the poster’s profile.

  2. I think the guy gets off on pissing off people, and I can understand that- he’s very good at it, and managed to hit the right buttons; just as if he/she/other was a lurker/poster on the board for a long time.

  3. Hi Opal!

I’m closing this for obvious reasons. I’d move it to the Pit, but our server is a bit sluggish right now and I ain’t got the ten minutes it’d take. Plus I really don’t wanna watch that stupid little Microsoft World spin 'round-n-'round. It makes me fucking dizzy.

In the meantime, Wonko, can you forward that e-mail to me with the headers attached? I’d appreciate it.

[Edited by UncleBeer on 01-24-2001 at 05:04 PM]

This has everything to do with search. And the fact that you can’t seem to understand that searching before you post is a GOOD THING, especially considering that this VERY SAME OP was posted LESS THAN ONE WEEK AGO.

Me? I’m crushed, really.

'Scuse me? Hey ass fuck, that’s what AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo Messenger are for.

Hmm… Sorry to disappoint you.

Wow, you’re a quick one.


Not within ONE WEEK of each other. This is a strain on the SDMB servers, dumbass. It’s stupid shits like you that are SLOWING THIS MESSAGE BOARD DOWN. You wonder why the site loads so slowly. This is why.

Had you USED THE SEARCH FEATURE you wouldn’t have known how many posts there were BEFORE you started this waste of bandwidth. Shut the fuck up.