The MOST annoying songs ever written that get played every day on the radio!!!

My vote goes unquestionably to:

Love Shack by the B-52’s

They play this piece of shit every day on almost every Top 40 station played around the Metroplex. I’ve always hated this song and it never gets any easier to listen too.

Anything played by Prince…and all the local Top 40 stations play several of his songs a day?!? Prince sucks…his music is shit…he is not a genius, he is irritating…and his music is painful!

What are some of yours?!?


I can’t stand it. It’s like mindrape.

How can you say that about raspberry beret?

And don’t tell me you didn’t memorize all the songs from his movies…

Right now, the new 'N Sync song. The moment it comes on, the station goes bye-bye, baby, bye-bye.

If you believed in yourself, and tore enough holes
in your pants, there was always a mist-filled alley
right around the corner.

I feel I must vent against N*SYNC, Backstreet Boys, and all the other stupid, pointless, and redundant ‘boy bands’ out there that get huge airtime and rediculous (Yes, I spelled it wrong. No, I don’t care.) album sales. They all share a few features, held as a given for all ‘bands’ of their type:
[ul][li]All guys around 20 who would have to have some serious mental problems to actually love the girls (all pre-teen bimbos) they sing love songs to.[/li][li]All very clean-cut white-bread types. Not that I dislike that as a quality, but they all try for some kind of tough-guy image. Hypocritical people should not influence young people.[/li][li]Not one original song among them. All of the songs they sing are artless retreads of themes that have existed since the 1950s, standard love songs with no depth or meaning. I never ask for much from a song, and I don’t expect ‘American Pie’ to be topped by anyone, ever (McLean’s ‘Pie’, not that idiot Madonna’s ‘remake’. Synthesizers just ruin the song, ah, that’s another rant…) but I still want some thought to go into lyrics. I want at least some originality. I want something worthwhile.[/li][li]Finally, they market an image based upon vapid notions of endless buying and no real substance. Consumerism is what this country was founded on, but nothing says it has to be consumerism at the expense of meaning. The bands might fake interest in some cause, but making a trend out of a real issue hardly helps the matter.[/ul][/li]Yes, the rant drug. Yes, I expect some flames. But at least this post didn’t degenerate into a flame itself.

“We can imagine no reason why, with ordinary care, human toes could not be left out of chewing tobacco, and if toes are found . . . it seems to us that somebody has been very careless.” Pillars v. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 78 So. 365, 366.

“What’s wrong with communism?”
Other than it’s oppressive, dehumanizing and has utterly failed everywhere it’s been tried, nothing is ‘wrong’ with communism.

TMR, if you get that upset when 'N Sync comes on, what you really need to do is put some bangles on your arms and start in on some stretches followed by several deep knee bends. Then you’ll be happy like me.

I don’t know the name of this song. It plays on the Top 40 stations where I live. It is a house song. Dance music. The music is from The Jackson’s “Can You Feel It”. The chorus goes:
She’s gonna look like with a chimney on her.
I cannot stand this song.

I’m BLUE ba dab a dee dab a da ba dab a dee ba . . . .

I mean, c’mon. At this particular moment in time, there’s really no contest as to the most annoying song played every day on the radio.


Fiat Justitia

I’m deathly sick of Ricky Martin. Back in Toronto there is a great station that I listened to every day that didn’t play him, or Mariah Carey, or Brittney Spears, or N-Sync, or any of the other pop-tarts.

There’s nothing like that in LA. It’s all either pop or classic rock (which I’m sick of from my uni days).


Only you can prevent solipsism.

I listen to the oldies stations these days but I used to work with folks who insisted on having the radio on all the time. (Actually, I still do, but I turn it off if I have to be close to it.) I cannot imagine anything more annoying than Church of the poisoned mind church of the poisoned mind church of the poisoned mind church of the … or whatever it was.

come again…do tell. what station is that?! a good station? here in toronto?
oooh…and that nsync song…stupid thing…the video gets me everytime…too flashy, with them in that box room jumping around…i’m ashamed. something about the choreography.

“Money,” by Pink Floyd. Hated the song the first time I heard it, and it gets worse with each subsequent listening. And I hear it all the f—ing time.

All Right Now by the band Free makes my ears bleed.

Ironicly, being able to tell the original members of the group and what groups they originally came from won me lunch from a radio contest. Thank you Rolling Stone Record Guide.

Dojo. Casino.

The most annoying song in history would have to be The Who’s You Better You Bet.

Radio stations played-it-to-death in the early 80s; probably 'cause it had been a relatively long time since The Who had had a hit.

Arrrrrrrrrgh, It’s such a bubble-gum, commercial tune - I hate it. HATE IT!! A mockery compared to The Who’s earlier material. They shoulda quit after Keith Moon died, but NO…!!! They hung around and subjected a gullible public to You Better You Bet.

Local classic rock NY radio stations still play this damned song. When the Tommy show was on Broadway, it was (again) daily torture listening to the radio.

And for God’s sake, why was this silly song included in the 1996 CD My Generation:The Very Best Of The Who??

Luckily, over time I’ve honed my recognition skills down to the 1st one or two notes before changing the station or turning off the radio.

All done. (Listening to my Who’s Next CD now).

We actually have several decent radio stations here (Norfolk/Virginia Beach area) so I don’t have to listen to disgusting pop. However there is is this song “Little Black Backpack” that is like nails on a chalkboard to me. “Meet Virginia” is right up there too. I need a little vomiting simley to put here.

Every oldies station I try to listen to plays “Sugar Shack” by Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs all the time. As it happens, this song was #1 when I was born (yes, MysterEcks has left his misspent youth behind for misspent middle age), so maybe it’s a punishment of some sort. If so, I’M SORRY, SO CUT IT THE HELL OUT!

Every song ever recorded by that obnoxious Sugar Ray creep.

Anything by Mariah Carey, or any of the other VH1 ‘Diva’s’. Including Elton John.

When I was working in (eww) telemarketing, their idea of background noise was to tune a radio to a top 40 station and stick it on the wall. I heard La Vida Loca something like 7 times a day. (whimper)

Every day the retro station plays “Amadeus” by Falco. Aside from a very brief history lesson, which could be useful should I ever appear on “Millionaire”, the rest of the song goes something like this. “Amadeus, Amadeus. Amadeus, Amadeus. Amadeus, Amadeus. Amadeus, Amadeus. Amadeus, Amadeus.”

You mean, like, “I Can’t Explain,” or “The Kids Are Alright,” or “Pictures of Lily” or “So Sad About Us” or “Happy Jack”? Those were all pretty commercial if more or less poppy/bubblegummy.

Anyway, I rarely listen to the radio in the car (or elsewhere); I listen to tapes or CDs. When I do, I listen to the classical station or NPR. I long ago became disillusioned at short radio station playlists regardless of genre, so I listen to groups I know I like.