The most dangerous jobs

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Kind of interesting. I kind of expected law enforcement to be up there, but it’s not.

I’d always heard oil-rig divers had the worst odds. Taxi drivers, fishermen and lumberjacks are right up there.

I recall reading years ago that it’s the suicide rate that pushes up the death rate for law enforcement. This list is about on-the-job fatalities.

Fishermen jumped way out in front in the most recent list. The one linked in the OP is a couple years old.

It’s interesting that the death rate for pilots is more than three times that for drivers, despite the old adage that flying is safer than driving.

If only 2 people do something and one dies, they jump into the lead. % of those that do something are always misleading when compared to the total population of workers…

Hmmm - no IT consultants on there. Seems pretty dangerous some days… :wink:

Which doper has the most dangerous job? I’ll start with my own. I work with:

  • explosives
  • high pressure, toxic, explosive gas
  • radioactive sources
  • large, hydraulic machines

As the linked article explains, this is due almost entirely to crop-dusters and other “industrial” pilots, not scheduled commerical air service.

Hmmm… I would have thought that Mall Security would have been right at the top.

I’ve got two of the top ten. I’m an aircraft pilot (both fixed wing and balloon… Does that mean I go with aircraft pilot x 2?) and during the winter I drive cars and trucks for a living.

I’d like to see a more detailed breakdown of the aircraft pilot category.

The most dangerous jobs are actually far more mundane.

The more miles you drive, the more likely you are to die.

Here are some UK figures -

I believe that UK roads are among the safest in the world, and that in France and the US the number of deaths per 100k population is greater, in the US this is likely to be because of greater number of miles driven.